040 – Dealing with Ye Han

The newcomer was a man in his early twenties, he was shocked when looking at Xiao Yan because he could tell that he was younger but also much stronger than him.

Xiao Yan used the LoHP on him and was surprised of his identity, {Ye Han!}

{He is the adopted son of Ziyun's father, who wants him to become the next City Lord. But that would never happen even without my nor Nie Li's meddling}

{Since young, he was looked down on by most of the elders of the Snow Wind Family, resulting in his twisted personality}

{He only had two people who were by his side, the City Lord and Elder Ye Ming}

{Two years ago he left Glory City with the elder to train in the wild, at that time he was a 1-Star Gold Rank and now he reached the 3-Star}

{But Elder Ye Ming died during that time, leaving him with only his foster father supporting him}

{He considers the City Lord position and Ye Ziyun as his. To the point that he won't even tell his family of Ye Ming's death when he would come back to the city}

{The worst part is that he would ally himself with the Sacred Family and the Dark Guild to try taking the position of the City Lord, going as far as poisoning his foster father}

{After his failed plan, he wouldn't hesitate to sell Glory City to people as evil as the Dark Guild, just to get a chance to be with Ziyun by force}

{As for Ziyun, she saw him as the one who stole her father because she was always compared to him and he was always getting all of her father's attention}

{Even if he didn't commit any crime yet, hundreds or even thousands of people would die because of him}

{But more importantly, his betrayal would make Ye Zong sad, which in turn would make Ziyun sad!}

Up until now, none of the two said a word, they just looked at each other.

Xiao Yan's eyes were filled with determination as he took a sword from his storage ring.

{I'm not a hero, I'll do anything for Ziyun's happiness, even killing people who didn't do anything wrong yet}

Before his target could even get ready, Xiao Yan teleported one meter behind Ye Han and used his sword to behead him.

He just took his storage ring and left his dead body for the Demon Beasts to eat.

Back to the islet where Ziyun was still cultivating, he noticed that she was now a 1-Star Silver Rank.

He checked Ye Han's storage ring while waiting for her.

There were only money, water, food, herbs, and stuff that would be useful for staying in the wild.

The only thing that earned his attention was a Frozen Jade Bracelet.

{He planned to gift it to Ziyun, but she would've refuse it even if it's useful for her cultivation.

I'll give it to her later}

Since her cultivation was expelling impurities from her body, he decided to prepare a bath for her.

He took a bathtub from Ye Han's ring, filled it with water and used some inscriptions to heat it up.

While waiting for her, he admired her as she was getting more and more beautiful.

A little while later, when she fully assimilated the energy, she was a 3-Star Silver Rank.

When she opened her eyes, she couldn't hide her happiness, then asked him, "Xiao Yan, can you lend me the pages until tonight?"

He didn't need to think, so he instantly agreed.

She took the six pages in her storage ring and added, "It's because I want Ning'er to touch them as well. Even if it's less blatant, I feel the same kind of connection with her, so I think that she may have a page inside of her as well. That way she may also become a 3-Star Silver Rank!"

{And here I was thinking how to dissipate those shattered souls, looks like I don't have to worry about them anymore}

{Since she didn't ask me if I knew what were those pages, I'll wait until tonight to tell her at the same time with Ning'er}

Ye Ziyun smiled when she noticed the bath ready for her, {Hehe, he's so nice…}

She went into the bathtub to clean herself. He joined her, he took her in his arms and after kissing her, this time it was his turn to say, "Ziyun, I can't hold back anymore!"


Back in the direction of Glory City with his girlfriend on his back, he was now flying much faster than this morning, to return home before nightfall.

Once he landed a little away from the city, he took the Frozen Jade Bracelet and gave it to her. {Now she also has something from me, like the Abstruse Gemstone Pendant of Ning'er}

She put on the bracelet then jumped in his arms and hugged him.

After a little while, she said, "Xiao Yan, thank you so much for this wonderful day"

He smiled at her and replied, "I should be the one thanking you, being with you the whole day made me really happy"

They continued to whisper some love words to each other before heading to the city gates.

She only let go off his arm when they reach the Winged Dragon Family Mansion, she would head to the room of Xiao Ning'er and him to his.

While leaving, she kissed him and said, "Tonight, we'll be the ones coming to your room!"

True to himself, uncle Tian already used all of his money to buy him what he needed. He now had tens of thousands of Demon Spirits of the Wind-Lightning and Ice attributes, {It should be more than enough to refine a God Level Growth Rate Demon Spirit for Ning'er and Ziyun}

Since there was still some time before dinner, he started to use the Nightmare Demon Pot.

He put ten Demon Spirits of the same growth rate inside and used the power of the pot to fuse them, giving him a new one with a better growth rate ten seconds later.

There would also be some failures, but for now the success rate was much higher.