041 – Engagement

He only had the time to refine a few hundred times before it was time for dinner.

{I'll need at least a few more hours to refine two God Level Growth Rate Demon Spirits for Ning'er and Ziyun}

{Then I'll also need to prepare a demon spirit for uncle Tian, my parents, my two fathers-in-law, their families…}

He sighed, {Thankfully there's Ning'er and Ziyun to lighten my mood, else I would be just like a corporate slave}

In the dining room, he ate with his parents. His girlfriends already told him that they wouldn't come.

{I can't blame them, I wouldn't want to eat with Ye Zong or Xiao Yunfeng everyday either}

Once they finished eating, his mother said with a smile, "Yan'er, you are now formally engaged to your two girlfriends, all the elders of their families and their fathers already gave their approval"

He instantly stood up and asked with excitement, "Really!?"

She laughed and added, "Yes, but you'll have to wait before making it known to everyone. For Ning'er you'll have to wait a few more days, since the Sacred Family only announced Shen Fei's death a few hours ago. As for Ziyun, you'll have to wait a few months until your parents and Xiao Yunfeng become Legend Rank to make it sound like a political engagement, or else people would know that you're the one behind everything that happened since last week. Until then you should prepare the betrothal gift, they said that anything would do but we shouldn't be petty. You already know the financial situation of the family, so we'll have to depend on you for that"

"Hehe, in a few days I'll find some treasures that'll let you reach Legend Rank within just a few hours of cultivation and I'll also prepare some really good stuff for the Snow Wind Family". He then gave a storage ring to his father and continued, "Inside are 500 Million DSC, please take 100 Million for each of you and use the rest to start preparing the betrothal gift. In the future I'll contribute much more money to the family so you can use it all"

{I'll have to go to the Nether Realm to find some Spiritual Origin Fruits and then buy a lot of Blood Crystals in the Abyss Prison Realm}

After they agreed, his father said, "You should properly thank your mother, she was the one who did all the negotiations with both our family and the Snow Wind Family"

Turning his head to his mother, he started, "It must've have been tough, I was so excited that I didn't think about that, sorry mom"

He hugged her and kissed her on the cheeks, "Thank you mom, really thank you, I love you so much!"

She hugged him back as her eyes were starting to get moist.

Xiao Yang watched the duo warmly, he knew just how much his wife loved their son, so he didn't dare interrupt their moment.

When they finally separated, his father said, "The City Lord asked you to think of four rewards for the four cultivation techniques you gave them. In five days they will hold a banquet to celebrate their three breakthroughs to the Legend Rank and you'll meet him at that time"

Xiao Yan didn't think too much about it, as they didn't have anything that really interested him.

{Maybe I should ask him to spend more time with his daughter? Yes, that would make her really happy}

As she watched him leaving the dining room, Chen Yin let out a sigh.

She wanted to keep him with her, but she knew that he was really in love with his two girlfriends, so she helped him for the engagement, even if it meant letting him go.

Xiao Yang understood how she felt, so he went to her, hugged her and said, "Yin'er, look at the bright side, you'll soon have some grand-children to spoil"

"It won't be that soon, I already talked with Ziyun and Ning'er, they won't have children before five or ten years"

Since he couldn't find anything else to say, he just patted her back and waited for her mood to recover.

{Maybe I should explain to Yan'er how she's feeling about his engagement and tell him to spend more time with her?}


Back to his room, Xiao Yan quickly took his bath and waited for the servants to finish their work.

Finally alone, he sat on his bed and then used the Nightmare Demon Pot to continue refining Demon Spirits while waiting for his fiancees.

While he was still busy, his two fiancees entered his room and locked the door, so he put everything back in his storage ring and looked at them.

He wasn't surprised that Xiao Ning'er also became a 3-Star Silver Rank now.

Just to be sure, he used the LoHP on her to check if the shattered soul fully dissipated.

She gave him seven pages and asked him, "Xiao Yan, do you know what are those pages? Why was there one inside of Ziyun and me?"

He put them in his storage ring and looked at her weirdly, "You don't know?"

{Wasn't it her grandfather who sealed it inside of her?}

Since she didn't know, he asked Ye Ziyun but she also didn't know, then he thought of something.

{Now that I think about it, when I got reincarnated, the God told me that Worlds were created based on beliefs of people, and since it became real Worlds, the inconsistencies of the authors would be deleted}

{I remember that in the story, Ning'er told Nie Li that it was her grandfather who sealed the page inside of her before his death, to protect her, but it doesn't make any sense as he was just a Black Gold Rank at most, how could he know about the Temporal Demon Spirit Book? If he had that kind of knowledge, he would've long been a Legend Rank, at the very least}

He decided to tell them the story of the pages, "I'll tell you what I know, but some parts might be wrong"