042 – Act

Xiao Yan carefully put his thoughts in order before starting, "Millions years ago, in a place called the Draconic Ruins Realm, six human experts were fighting the leader of the Demon Beasts. During the fight, a severely injured supreme expert on the verge of death fell near them.

He had a powerful artifact with him, in the form of a mysterious book. He attacked the seven experts to steal their soul essences to heal himself. The seven had to ally themselves if they wanted to have a chance to survive, so they started to fight together and they finally managed to defeat him. However, before he died, he tore his book, most of the pages streaked across the sky and disappeared. Only eight pages remained in the hands of the seven experts.

A few days ago I found four of the pages in the Ancient Orchid City Ruins, I exchanged the fifth with someone who didn't know what it was, the sixth was sealed inside of Ziyun, the seventh inside of you and if what I read is true then the eighth should be in a place called Void Illusionary Divine Palace inside of the Draconic Ruins Realm"

{Since I'm going to compensate the Heavenly Marks Family by giving them a few cultivation techniques, it's considered as an exchange, right?}

{As for stuff about the Sage Emperor, I won't tell them for now, they don't need to fear the future}

He continued, "I thought that it was someone from your family who sealed them inside of your bodies. Can I keep your pages or do you want it back?"

They didn't really care about the pages so they let him have them, then Ye Ziyun hesitantly asked, "So, is the one who has the eighth page going to be your third wife?"

He laughed and replied, "No, it's the remnant intent of an old man who is keeping that last page"

Then he hugged them both and said, "I'm already lucky enough to have the two most amazing women of the world by my side, I don't need any other woman"

They hugged him back and after a while Ye Ziyun said, "I don't know how the pages were sealed inside of us, but I'm glad that it was thanks to you that they went out"

Xiao Ning'er happily added, "Hehe, yes, it's like the three of us are fated to be together!"

He then remembered what he learned from his parents and excitedly said, "I have some good news, during dinner my mother told me that the three of us are now formally engaged. Even if for now we can't let the public know, all the elders of our families and both your fathers already gave their approvals"

After explaining why they had to wait, he said, "Ziyun, in two days, I'll find some treasures to let my parents rapidly become Legend Ranks. Then a few days later we three will be officially engaged in front of Glory City, we won't have to wait for months"

His two fiancees were as excited as him. When they calmed down a little he said, "It's thanks to my mother that it was that fast, apparently she was the one who did all of the negotiations. Can you help me find a way to properly thank her when you have the time?"

When they associated his mother and the word "negotiation", their lips twitched, but they didn't dare to tell him about her methods since that might lead her to "negotiate" with them.

They also wanted to thank her so they agreed to help him.

Xiao Ning'er couldn't control her excitement anymore, she passionately kiss him and said, "Dear fiance, I think it's time for you to show how much you love us"


Since the three of them were really excited about their engagement, they continued to have fun until daybreak.

Thanks to his cultivation technique that gave him a lot of stamina, he managed to love them the whole night.

As for the two fiancees, since he used the Daoyin technique on them the whole time, they didn't feel any pain.

They took a bath together and they left him for the room of Xiao Ning'er.

There was still a little time before breakfast, so he decided to visit Xiao Kuang and Xiao Yang, the two guests from the Heavenly Fate Plateau.

He was surprised to see that they were both already 4-Star Gold Rank Demon Spiritualists.

{Their soul force wasn't even 1-Star bronze rank three days ago and they already progressed that much without any elixirs?}

He understood when he asked them. Apparently, with the cultivation techniques that the LoHP compiled, if the body of someone is stronger than his soul force, then he would only need a few hours of cultivation to have his soul force at the same level as his body.

They told him that they wanted to stay in Glory City until they reached the Black Gold Rank.

It would only take a few weeks, so he didn't give them any Caltrop Pill.

Last time he gave them only one hundred thousand DSC each because he didn't have that much money, so this time he gave them five million DSC each, to help them buy what they need for their tribe.


Nothing unexpected happened during breakfast but on his way to school he was soon followed by five Silver Rank Fighters.

Suspecting that they were sent by the Sacred Family, he led them to a dead-end of an empty alleyway to make them think that he was trapped.

If possible, he would like to know who exactly from their family sent them and what were their orders.

Xiao Yan acted as if he just noticed the five blocking his way when he turned around.

Using the LoHP on them to confirm their origins, he learned that they were from the Dark Guild and not the Sacred Family.

{If it's the Dark Guild, they are definitely not here just to beat me up, but to capture me or even to kill me}

He continued the act as he put his back against the wall and asked with a trembling voice, "wh-o-who are you gu-guys?"