043 – Date with Xiao Ning'er

Seeing the fear on Xiao Yan's face, the one who was the leader, a 5-Star Silver Rank, was satisfied. He said with a smile, "Little brat, you just need to know that there are people that you shouldn't have offended"

"I didn't offend anyone! Who sent you? I can pay more!"

"Don't worry about us, we'll take your storage ring from your corpse to have more money"

{Directly killing me? Since they don't want to tell me anything I should stop pretending}

He took out a sword and pierced four lackeys through the heart.

The fifth one didn't have the time to understand what happened when he already had a blade under his throat.

Xiao Yan said with a smile, "I already know that you guys are from the Dark Guild and that Shen Hong is your Vice-President. I won't beat around the bush, tell me who sent you, then I'll use a technique to cancel the Soul Shackles on you and save your life"

Sweat started to appear on his forehead, he didn't hesitate to betray his master, he said, "It's young master Shen Yue! Since Shen Fei is now dead, the Patriarch told him about the connections of his family with the Dark Guild. The young master then ordered us to kill you"

{I wanted to let him live since he wasn't guilty for the crimes of his family, but since he wants to kill me, then I won't let him off}

He said to the survivor, "Thank you for your collaboration" and also pierced his heart with his sword.

Not believing that a teenager could be so heartless, he said with disbelief, "You told me that you'd save my life"

Xiao Yan looked at him as if he was an idiot, "I lied. Why would I save someone who wanted to kill me, are you stupid?"

He used the void-form of his Shadow Devil before teleporting to the Sacred Family. There, he quickly found Shen Yue in his room, with so much bandages that he looked like a mummy. Xiao Yan had to use the LoHP on him to be sure that it was the right person.

{Looks like Ziyun didn't restrain herself when she beat him up yesterday morning}

Killing him without any hesitation, he then put his body in his storage ring and dropped it near the five corpses in the alleyway.

{I'm just adapting myself to this harsh world, I'm definitely not a psycho!}

At last, he resumed his walk to school as if nothing happened.

In class, his two fiancees weren't here yet so he had to wait for them.

Shen Xiu arrived just after the two so they didn't have the time to flirt.

When the class was finally over, Ye Ziyun went straight to his home to meet his mother, leaving him alone with his other fiancee.

He took Xiao Ning'er by the hand and they went to an empty street to use a Black Gold Portal Inscription Scroll.

The next moment they were in a little forest on the Heavenly Fate Plateau, he took her to the tribe and they started their date.

He didn't fly like with Ye Ziyun because he knew that she wasn't as interested as the latter in the outside world.

Once they were at the market, he pulled her in his embrace and kissed her passionately.

After finally being satisfied, he took his bashful fiancee to the food stalls as he knew that she was a little hungry because of their night activities.

They fed each other under the warm gaze of the old and the hateful gaze of the young.

With their bellies filled, they continued to flirt while looking at the other stalls of the market and she bought a few accessories.

She then asked him to bring them back to his room and once there she pushed him on his bed.

He understood her state of mind so he took off his clothes while she she was taking off hers, then she jumped on him and they loved each other until nightfall.


They whispered some love words to each other on the bed to enjoy the aftertaste and at one time she said, "Xiao Yan, thank you for taking care of me and Ziyun. I feel like I'm dreaming since you started to cure me in the training grounds"

He looked at her in the eyes and said seriously, "Ning'er, you don't need to thank me. Even if it was really fast, I sincerely love the both of you and I know it's the same for you"

He caressed her cheek and continued, "Ning'er, my princess, like I already said, you will always be the first girl I fell in love with, I'm glad that I had my first kiss with you and that you were also the first woman I slept with. These moments with you will forever be my most cherished memories. Your happiness is my happiness so you don't have to thank me for taking care of you. It should be me thanking you for allowing me to take care of you"

Tears of happiness started to fall from her eyes so he took her in his arms and caressed her back until she calmed down.

She thought, {I'm so lucky that he loves me that much, I want to do something in return but I don't know what. Maybe I should ask his mother tomorrow?}

When she left for her room, uncle Tian told him that his father wanted to see him.

{Weird, can't he wait until dinner?}

Xiao Yang was doing paperworks in his room, when his son came in, he stopped and said, "Yan'er, I wanted to talk to you without your mother around"

{Without mom? Wait, is he going to talk about some "gentleman" stuff with me? I don't want to! It would be too awkward!}

Before he could reject him, his father continued, "We can tell that you truly love Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun, that's why your mother did everything she could to make your engagement with them the soonest possible"

Xiao Yan nodded and said, "I know, she's really the best, I'm really lucky to have such a mom"