044 – Temporal Demon Spirit Book

After he heard his son, Xiao Yang smiled wryly and said, "You must also know that your mother is really reluctant to let you go. She's really sad since your engagement, so I'd like you to spend more time with her"

{That's right, back on Earth, even mothers of adults in their twenties were sad when their sons were going to get married, it should be even worst for mom since I'm only fourteen}

He replied seriously, "Dad, I understand, I'll talk with mom and spend more time with her"

Since there was nothing else, he went to his room to refine some demon spirits until it was time to eat.

During dinner, his mother told him that Shen Yue's body was discovered in an empty alley along with five corpses of Silver Rank Fighters from the Dark Guild. Apparently, people think that the five tried to assassinate him, then he used some treasures to protect himself and attack them but he finally died with them.

{They must be thinking that the Snow Wind Family is aware of their relationship with the Dark Guild. I should raid their Star Restaurant before they try anything against Ziyun's family}

When he finished eating, Xiao Yan was a little excited, on the way to his room he thought, {Tonight is the eighth night since I was reincarnated in this world, meaning it's also the night that Du Ze and Lu Piao would finally take a break from hunting the horned Sheep and sleep for the first time since last week}

{Even if Nie Li isn't sleeping, I'll knock him out. Right now his soul force is just at 5, as a peak 1-Star Legend Rank mine is over 1 Million, along with my pure soul force I should be able to do it without him noticing. I could've tried it when I reached the Legend Rank, but I guess I only had my fiancees on my mind and couldn't think of it until now}

Back to his room, he used the void-form of his Shadow Devil and teleported to the training grounds.

It didn't take him long to notice the three teenagers, they were sleeping on a branch of a big tree.

{Since Shen Xiu didn't come yesterday, they must've been hunting the whole day, so even Nie Li couldn't endure anymore and had to sleep}

He quickly undid his transformation and used his knowledge in acupuncture to put the three in a deep sleep.

Only then did he inject his pure soul force inside of Nie Li.

A golden light enveloped the latter's body, it rapidly separated from him and condensed into a book.

Xiao Yan took the book and injected his soul force inside of it, it then transformed into a streak of light and went inside of his own body.

He could tell that the Temporal Demon Spirit Book had its own intelligence and that it accepted him as its new master.

Before going back to his room, he checked Nie Li's body with his LoHP.

Since the soul of his past life already completely merged with the new one, it didn't dissipate and his soul force was still at 5.

Nothing was wrong with Nie Li's body, so he went back to his room.


While taking his bath, Xiao Yan concentrated on the book inside of his Soul Realm to know all of its abilities.

He learned that the books inside of it were in fact added by all the previous masters and that it didn't have any at the beginning.

The realm inside of it was at least as big as Glory City but he was the only one who could go inside.

Time didn't seem to have an effect on the objects inside.

He could also manipulate the time inside, but right now he could only do it for a little more than seven days.

As he could feel that each passing second was adding another second to that time, he concluded that he needed the same amount of time to charge it.

The book used all of its power to take its previous master back in time.

It was seven days ago, so that was also the limit right now.

Thinking of something, he took out the book from his soul realm and hold it in one hand. His other hand took one of the remnant pages from his storage ring, it directly transformed into a streak of light and went inside of the book. He could feel that it added twenty years to the amount of time.

Without hesitating, he took out the other six pages to let the book assimilate them.

Not only did the time increased up to 140 years, but he would now be able to bring other people inside of its realm.

{It will be useful when I got the "Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting" in the Draconic Ruins Realm later}

{Maybe it will have another ability when I'll let it assimilate the last remnant page?}

He went inside of the book and activated its power. Now, even if he stayed inside for 140 years, not even one second would pass in the outside world.

Starting to record all the books related to cultivation in his LoHP, he was surprised by the quantity as it took him a few weeks to record them all, but at least now he had a cultivation technique that would last until he reached the peak of the Deity Rank.

Back to his bathtub, he started cultivating.

After a few seconds he was at the peak of 5-Star Legend Rank, he could've continued to the Heavenly Fate Realm inside of the book or with the Gold Spiritual Stone Essences that he had, but he chose not to, as he wanted to study the Power of Laws and for that he would need to stay at the Legend Rank.

When he finished to clean himself of the impurities caused by his breakthroughs, he put his clothes on and while he waited for the servants to clean everything, he thought about what he would do next inside of the artifact.