045 – Introduction

Back to the stationary space-time of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book, Xiao Yan made thousands of Inscription Scrolls and hundreds of Storage Rings to complete all of the orders of the Inscriptionist Association.

He used the Nightmare Demon Pot to finish refining a demon spirit for each of his two fiancees, then he refined the demon spirits he got from the Heavenly Fate Plateau and he managed to get 131 of the God Level Growth Rate.

Only then did he record all of the remaining books inside of his LoHP, which took him a few weeks.

Before he learned each technique, he first compiled them as he knew they had a lot of flaws and he also didn't want to spend dozens of years reading books in this realm, at least not at the moment.

{Maybe when I got the painting, with Ziyun and Ning'er, but not now}

He wanted to help Glory City by translating all of its books, but it would take too much time and he didn't even know if 140 years would be enough.

So he wrote three big pile of papers. One on cultivation, explaining everything up to the peak of Legend Rank. One on alchemy, explaining how to become an Alchemy Grandmaster, and a last one on inscriptions, explaining everything on inscription patterns to become an Inscriptionist Grandmaster.

He planned to give these papers to the Holy Orchid Institute, Yang Xin and Xue Yin, they would then hire some scribes to make copies for the rest of Glory City.

Learning that there were twenty seven more herbs which were currently really cheap that could become expensive, he again wrote down their uses, this time separately, as he wanted Nie Li to do some hard work if he wanted to earn money. This way the Alchemist Association wouldn't have to read all of the papers to learn the uses.

He also wrote down a lot of things that could help Glory City or make things harder for Nie Li.

All of that took him nearly seven months, he really missed his two fiancees so he went out of the book and waited for them in his room.

Even if he spent that much time inside of the book artifact, he didn't look any older.

He supposed that it was another one of the book's effects.

Once they went in, he excitedly ran at them, took one in each arm, ran back to his bed and threw them on it.

Taking off his clothes, he jumped at them.

Before they could understand what was happening, they were already naked and he was using the Daoyin technique to please both of them at the same time.


At daybreak, he finally started to calm down. The two girls were covered in sweat and breathing roughly on his chest.

Caressing their cheeks, he said, "I'm so happy that we are engaged"

He thought of something, then took two demon spirits from his storage ring, he gave them one each while saying, "These are God Level Growth Rate demon spirits, a Snow Queen for my Ziyun and a Heavenly Lightning Sparrow for my Ning'er. I was going to gift it to you yesterday night, but when I saw you I couldn't control myself"

They thanked him and started to integrate with their demon spirits.

Just when they finished, they heard someone knock on the door. Xiao Ning'er was getting really embarrassed, {Didn't Xiao Yan put on some soundproof inscription around the room? Don't tell me they no longer work? So the whole mansion heard us last night?}

As if she could read her mind, Ye Ziyun said to her, "Those inscriptions only prevent the sound inside to go outside, not the other way. Nobody heard us, don't worry"

The three put on their clothes and Xiao Yan went to open the door, it was uncle Tian who told him that Yang Xin wanted to meet him.

He naturally agreed, then he went back to the two and said, "Don't go to school today, I'll meet the Principal to tell him that Shen Xiu's lessons are useless for us and I'll be the one who teach you. In two days I'll start to take you out of Glory City to have some fighting experience"

The only reason they still went to school was to spend some time with him, it would be even better if they could be with him without the other classmates, so they just listened to their lover.

Yang Xin greeted him when she came in, he greeted her back, took one girl in each hand and said, "Big sister Yang Xin, this is Ye Ziyun and this is Xiao Ning'er, they are my fiancees. This is big sister Yang Xin, she's the one in charge of my partnership with the Alchemist Association"

They blushed heavily, it was the first time that they were introduced as his fiancees, they felt really embarrassed.

However, they still managed to greet Yang Xin. When the latter noticed how shy they were, she found it funny and decided to tease them a little.

She said with a smile, "Did Xiao Yan take good care of you two last night?"

Without thinking, they both nodded and replied, "Yes, it was amazing"

After a few seconds, they understood what they just said, they looked at each other and only then did they finally noticed their appearances.

They were still sweating and their hair were messy, anyone could tell that they just had an intense physical activity. Adding to the fact that they were in the room of their fiance and the state of the bed, it wasn't hard to deduce what they just did.

They couldn't endure it anymore and directly ran out of his room without finding any excuses, leaving a laughing Yang Xin behind.

Xiao Yan looked at their leaving backs with a smile, he found them really cute reacting like this.

He said to Yang Xin, "Keep my engagement a secret for a few days, my parents need to reach the Legend Rank before we reveal it to the public"