046 – Contribution

Even if she was a little surprised that his parents who were 5-Star Silver Rank a week ago would be Legend Rank in just a few days, Yang Xin didn't ask anything as she knew that he must've found some treasures.

She went straight to her business here and said, "Here is 1 Billion DSC for your recent benefits, keep the storage ring"

He took it and said, "Thanks, you no longer need to deliver me the money, I'll come to the Alchemist Association when I need more, just keep a ring with my part ready at anytime"

{The money that I'll get from the Inscriptionist Association is more than enough for now}

Seeing that she was a little conflicted, he knew that it was because she wanted the Association to keep a good relationship with him, thus she wanted to meet him a lot of time.

Before she could say something, he said, "Relax, that's because from now on you'll have much more work to do".

He went to his desk, took out a big pile of one or two thousand papers from his ring and continued, "First, I took a few months to prepare this. If I had to teach Alchemy to someone, I would only need these papers until he becomes an Alchemy Grandmaster. It contains every ingredients, their uses, how they interact with each other and stuff like that. I think you should hire some scribes to make copies for each of the apprentices of the Association, with it they would need much less time to become real Alchemists. Even the Alchemy Masters might find it useful. Anyway, you have to check it with uncle Gu Yan first"

She wouldn't have the time to check them here, so she just put the papers in her ring, waiting for the next surprise.

This time he took out twenty seven papers, "These are twenty seven herbs that are currently cheap and would become expensive, just like the Purple Haze Grass. The uses are already in the papers you took just before, but now you can already start to take control of the stock before you release the informations. I just want one fifth of the benefits, you don't have to give me more"

He knew that if he didn't say anything, they would give him much more money, that's why he clearly told his share.

If he gave it for free, they wouldn't feel comfortable, that's why he made it a trade.

She smiled as she understood him, then took the papers in her ring.

Next was just one paper, "This the recipe of the "Berserk Potion", when a creature inhale it, it would no longer be able to differentiate friends and foes, becoming extremely aggressive and attacking everything in its way. It's normally used by putting it inside some bamboo spears, then they are thrown from the walls by normal soldiers against the Demon Beasts of the other side. It's useless against Black Gold Rank or higher. It can be used against humans, so you have to teach it only to the most trustful members, and give a copy to the City Lord in case something happens to the Association"

She said with shock, "Such a thing existed? Doesn't that mean that the casualties from the Demon Beast Hordes would dramatically decrease?"

He just replied, "If the Association can make enough of it to last during the whole attack, yes"

Finally taking a little more than one hundred papers, he said with a smile, "These are one hundred fourteen recipes which were lost in time, it should be all of the pills mentioned in the books of Glory City that the Association doesn't have yet"

She started to look through them with trembling hands, most of the pills were related to cultivation but not only, some were for curing diseases and there were also things like beautifying lotion, hair growth medicine, contraceptive pills and vitality pills. There were even medicines for headache, stomach ache, backache, stiff shoulders and so on.

{The Alchemist Association is going to make another huge uproar with these recipes!}

Seeing her that excited, he knew that she wanted to leave right now, so he told her that there was nothing else and she left in a happy mood.

He gave a God Level Growth Rate demon spirit to uncle Tian and explained him just how rare and powerful it was.

Then he gave him a storage ring with enough money to buy one hundred thousand blank papers and one hundred bottles of ink.


After greeting his parents in the dining room, he asked his mother, "Mom, can you do some shopping with me tomorrow? I feel that my clothes are getting a little small"

She happily agreed, she wanted to spend some time with her son and she also liked doing shopping, so she couldn't refuse.

His father smiled at how his son easily and naturally asked his mother to spend time with him.

Xiao Yan then explained to his parents that he told Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun to not go to school today, that he would talk to the Principal to let him take care of their studies as Shen Xiu was really a failure as a teacher.

Chen Yin smiled as she knew the biggest reason was that he wanted to spend more time with the two girls, but she didn't mind. Today she would have more time to spend with the two who would spend the most time with his son in the future.

Noticing that he was going to forget about their demon spirits, he gave them a demon spirit each, explaining that it was the most suitable demon spirit for each of them, what was a God Level Growth Rate, and so on.

When they finally understood, he gave them the one for Xiao Yunfeng.

He finally gave a storage ring to his father, "Dad, inside are 1 Billion DSC and 200 Legend Rank Storage Rings that I contribute to the family. Half to our branch and the rest for the others, like usual"