047 – Ye Sheng

Xiao Yang knew that Yang Xin just visited his son so he didn't find it weird for him to have so much money, he just accepted the storage ring and they continued to eat.

When they finished eating, Xiao Yan said to his mother, "Mom, I need to talk to you, can you come to my room please?"

Even if she didn't know what did he want to talk about, she followed him to his room without asking anything.

Once there, they sat on his bed and he started, "Mom, I'm sorry. I was really acting like an idiot these past few days. I was so concentrated in my relationship with Ning'er and Ziyun that I didn't see that I was hurting you. Yesterday dad explained to me how you felt about my engagement"

He paused a little and continued, "Thank you for always doing your best for my happiness, you truly are the best mother a child could dream of. I'm so lucky to be your son"

It wasn't some empty words, it was really how he felt and she knew it. Tears started to fall from her eyes and she hugged him.

She tried to ease his worry for her, "Yan'er, I just want you to be happy, don't worry about me"

Looking at her eyes, he said, "Mom, even after I get married, I'll still be your son and I'll always love you"

Then he continued, "I promise you that in the future I'll find the time to be with you more often. Tomorrow will just be one of the many days that I'll spend with my mother that I love"

She started to cry again so he hugged her until she calmed down. She was in a much better mood when she left his room.

He took his bath while thinking about all the things he had to do today. He sighed, it was going to be a very long day.


Arriving at school, he didn't go for his class but instead went for the Principal's Office. As the teachers were busy preparing their classes, he managed to go there without any obstruction.

The Principal, Ye Sheng, was a 5-Star Gold Rank. Ye Shuo was also in his office.

{He was a Vice Principal in the original story, as for Ye Shuo, today was supposed to be the day that he would observe Shen Xiu's class and witness Nie Li's ability to translate ancient books by exposing the affair of the Inscription Patterns of the Sacred Family}

Xiao Yan first greeted them and said, "Uncle Ye Shuo, it's good that you're here, I think that the Principal would need your help"

Ye Sheng was surprised at how he addressed Lord Ye Shuo. {Even if I'm also a member of the Snow Wind Family, I'm not from the main branch. As for Lord Ye Shuo, he is the fourth strongest of the whole family! Just what is the relationship of these two?}

Putting a big pile of hundreds of papers on the desk, Xiao Yan started, "It took me a few weeks to write this. Principal, these papers contain everything someone needs to know from the start of his cultivation until he reaches the peak of the Legend Rank. The knowledge from nearly all of the people of Glory City are wrong. For example, the color of the soul realm isn't the representation of one's talent, what is the most important is the soul attribute and the soul form"

Before explaining any further, he said, "Anyway, I explained everything in these papers. There are also a lot of cultivation techniques, all of them would allow someone to reach the peak of the Legend Rank and they are also much more powerful than the techniques the school currently has. I would like you to check them with uncle Ye Shuo, then hire some scribes to make copies for at least every teachers of the school and also some for the library. Finally I would like the teachers to teach their students with the help of their new knowledge"

He let the two check the papers with excitement, they were now in their own world.

While Xiao Yan was still observing the excited old men, someone knocked on the door, pulling them back to reality.

The one who entered was a teacher, Ye Sheng directly said to him, "The observation is canceled, wait outside for now"

{That's Lu Ye, the third person who was going to observe Shen Xiu's class with Ye Sheng and Ye Shuo}

Xiao Yan quickly took out a paper, wrote something on it before giving it to Ye Sheng while saying, "These are the names of seven students, six from Shen Xiu's class and the last one from the Demon Spiritualist Class, I'm going to take care of their cultivation. I would like them to officially stay in their current classes at least until the test in less than two months. They might not believe me, so please tell them about it"

The last week, he was still going to school in case that he would need Nie Li's help to learn new cultivation techniques, but now that he had the Temporal Demon Spirit Book, he wouldn't need to waste his time in Shen Xiu's class anymore. He wanted to keep an eye on Nie Li so that he wouldn't do anything too stupid, so he chose to take him along with his friends.

Ye Sheng didn't hesitate, he called Lu Ye back, gave him the paper and told him to bring the seven students here.

When he closed the door, Xiao Yan added, "There's also Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun, I already told them that they wouldn't need to come to school before the test"

Since even Ye Shuo was polite to Xiao Yan, the Principal didn't mind the teenager taking decisions.

The two elders resumed their read, unable to restrain themselves anymore. They wanted to know all the things that were wrong in their past knowledge.