048 – Xiao Xue

Xiao Yan smiled while looking at them.

In these papers he also explained the growth rate of demon spirits. As for the cultivation techniques, there was one for each kind of soul attribute and soul form but he only wrote them to the peak of the Legend Rank, not at any higher level.

The two continued to read until Lu Ye came back with the students. They were a little surprised when they heard that they didn't need to go to school anymore before the test in two months and that Xiao Yan was now their new teacher, but they didn't dare say anything. They thought that it had something to do with Shen Xiu so they decided to wait after being without the Principal to ask him.

Xiao Yan told the seven to wait outside of the room, Lu Ye also went out as he understood he wasn't needed.

He used the LoHP on the Principal, waved his hand towards him and sent him a surge of soul force. It contained his suitable cultivation technique until the peak of the Legend Rank. He knew that he would just need a few hours at most to reach the Black Gold Rank.

Normally he would need to touch the person with his finger, but he used the LoHP to upgrade this technique he found inside of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book.

Ye Sheng instantly thanked him and wanted to pay him back, he simply replied, "Relax, soon all of the members of your family will have cultivation techniques that are as powerful, you're just having it earlier"

He knew that they wanted to continue their read, so he said, "Uncle Ye Shuo, I don't want the public to know that this is from me, just tell them that the Snow Wind Family found it in some ruins and that they are going to freely share it with the rest of Glory City"

After making sure that the elder understood, he went out of the office and said to the seven who were still waiting, "I'll explain everything once we're at the library"

As they went there, he used the LoHP on them. They were Nie Li, Lu Piao, Du Ze, Wei Nan, Zhu Xiangjun, Zhang Ming and Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xue was here because he wanted Lu Piao to cultivate seriously. His tigress would prevent him from being too lazy.


In the library, they found a place where there was nobody around, he quickly put some soundproof inscriptions around and said, "Nobody can hear us now. Like the Principal already told you, I'll be in charge of your cultivation until the test. Here are your new cultivation techniques"

With a wave of his hand, he sent seven surges of soul force to them.

After a few seconds they all became shocked, even Nie Li. That technique was even more powerful than those he found in the Draconic Ruins Realm in his past life!

Du Ze instantly swear allegiance to him, same as the others even if they were less ceremonious.

Nie Li asked with a little doubt, "Why did you give something so precious to us? There are a lot of more talented students in school"

"Yes, you guys are not the most talented students, but I know that you wouldn't betray Glory City so I don't mind helping you. In return I just want you guys to protect the city"

Even if he found the excuse a little far-fetched, he didn't say anything. They just met, they would need time to fully trust each other.

Then Xiao Xue asked, "I understand for these six, but why me? I don't think we have ever met before"

He smiled and replied, "Oh, it's because of Lu Piao. He told us that you two are in love with each other since childhood. Since he's too lazy I'd like you to look after him and make sure that he is cultivating properly"

She shyly looked at Lu Piao, "Is that so? Well, I'll make sure that he's working hard from now on. I won't let him slack off"

Lu Piao felt fear as he saw her face, she was acting shy but her eyes definitely weren't, he knew that she would beat him up once they were alone.

He wanted to deny Xiao Yan's words, but nobody would believe him. He could only accept his fate.

Xiao Xue continued, "Am I going to be the only girl of the group then?"

She didn't mind taking care of Lu Piao, but it would be weird to be the only girl with a group of seven boys.

"No, there'll also be Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun, you'll meet them tomorrow"

He took out seven rings and gave one to each of them, Lu Piao's and Xiao Xue's were of course matching ones.

Then he said, "These are Legend Rank Storage Rings, they are yours now. Inside of each of them are two bottles of elixirs, one containing ten Soul Tempering Pills and the other one ten Scarlet Body Enhancing Pills. It will help you guys cultivate faster. Your first goal is to reach Silver Rank, then I'll take you out of Glory City to earn experience by fighting demon beasts. You should stay in the library to cultivate, and don't tell anyone that I gave you something, keep it to yourselves"

When Xiao Yan left, they were still in a daze about everything he gave them. Nie Li took the pills out to check them, only to find out that they had nothing wrong and were genuine ones.

The other six consumed two pills each and sat cross-legged to start cultivating.

Nie Li didn't dare using the technique that Xiao Yan gave him to cultivate, he took out an unused soul crystal from the six he bought this morning to check his soul form and soul attribute.

He found that the most suitable technique for him would be the Heavenly God Cultivation Technique.

Only once he recalled the chants of that technique did he find the similarities with the one he received from Xiao Yan.

With his experience, he could tell that Xiao Yan's was much stronger than the original one.

{How did he come across such a powerful cultivation technique?}