049 – Doubts

{Even with the help of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book I couldn't upgrade the Heavenly God Cultivation Technique. Did he upgrade it himself or did he find the technique like that?}

{With that kind of technique, there should have been a lot of Legend Rank experts for the Demon Beast Horde that would happen in three years}

{Now that I think about it, all of the changes happened since I got reincarnated last week. Everything were exactly like in my past life until then. Even the speeches of Shen Xiu were the same in both of my lives, word for word}

{Was Xiao Yan also reincarnated at that time? If so, it would mean that he was also in the Draconic Ruins Realm in his previous life. The most important thing is that he would've needed an artifact to go back in time, did he also have a Temporal Demon Spirit Book? And how did he know which cultivation technique would suit me? Is he from a time-line in which I was the one who told him about my soul attribute and soul form?}

{Or was it my bet with Shen Xiu that led to all of these changes? Maybe it led him in finding the inheritance of a powerful cultivator?}

He sighed, {It's useless to think about all of this. I must go to the Desert Palace the soonest possible. I'd need a lot of resources for that. I'll use the money I made with De Ze and Lu Piao by hunting Horned Sheep as investment. At first I wanted to buy a lot of Purple Haze Grass and sell it back after I made the price skyrocketed, but someone else already did it}

{Not that it matters, I'll just buy another herb and do the same thing. There are more than twenty herbs with which I can do the same thing}

{The most important thing right now is strength, I'm far too weak. I'll first reach the Bronze Rank before buying the herbs to make money}

{When I reach the Gold Rank I'll go to the Endless Desert}

Nie Li finally consumed two pills, sat cross-legged and cultivated the technique that Xiao Yan gave him.


When he left the library, Xiao Yan went to look for Xue Yin in the Inscriptionist Association.

Once they greeted each other, he directly went down to business. He gave her a storage ring and said, "Big sister, here are all of inscription scrolls and storage rings that were ordered from the Association. I'll come back in a few days to take the money"

Shocked at the content of the ring, she thought, {Just how did he do years of work in just a few days? Is someone helping him?}

{That would make sense, even if he is a peerless genius, without the help of an incredible teacher he wouldn't be so knowledgeable so young}

Even if she wanted to, she didn't ask anything as everyone had their secrets.

Xiao Yan took out an empty storage ring and continued, "I want to take care of all of the current orders of enchanted equipments. Please put all of the blank equipments, the blood and the tools needed to carve all of them inside of this storage ring"

Even if all of Xiao Yan's inscription scrolls were perfect until now, she still had to check all of them one by one. So she put it aside for now and started to prepare what he wanted. She already had all the blank equipments needed, she just needed to transfer them from her ring into his after retrieving what was inside first.

Getting his ring back, now filled with work, he gave a paper and said, "Here is the Silver Rank Inscription Pattern to make Blood Burst Magic Bottles. You just need to throw it at some demon beast, then it will create a powerful explosion and the blood that touched the demon beasts would explode again. But it's only useful on the beasts under the Gold Rank. In the past it was used against Demon Beasts Hordes to significantly reduce their numbers. So I would like big sister to make the arrangements with the City Lord to prepare a lot of these bottles in case Glory City is attacked by a demon beast horde in the future"

He then added, "It can also be used against humans, don't forget to also make the arrangements so that it doesn't fall in the hands of people like the Dark Guild and don't let the public know about it. Even if those explosions are useless against Gold Rank, it would still create a lot of damages as most of the people aren't even Bronze Rank in the City"

She was really surprised that such a thing existed, it would drastically reduce the number of casualties during demon beast hordes.

{Looks like even if the Elders of the family were against his engagement with Ziyun, they simply can't voice it out, his contributions to Glory City are just too huge}

Putting the paper in her storage ring, even if she wanted to make some of these bottles and try them right now, she still waited for him to continue because she could tell that it wasn't over.

Next he took the last pile of papers that he prepared for her and put it on the counter, he said, "Big sister Xue Yin, I spent weeks to prepare this for the Inscriptionist Association, it contains everything needed to be known for someone who wants to reach the peak in the understanding of inscriptions. With it, I think it's just a matter of time for you to become an Inscriptionist Grandmaster. There are also hundreds of inscriptions patterns that I found by translating ancient books.

I first separated them into five parts for the five cultivation ranks, then each part was further divided into thirty seven for the thirty six elements and the neutral ones. I think that it can become the reference for everyone who want to learn about inscriptions. Please check each page and hire some scribes to make a lot of copies. Oh, when you release the news, I don't want to be involved, just say that uncle Ye Mo found a treasure and that the Snow Wind Family is willing to freely share it to the rest of the city"

Seeing that she was really excited and knowing that his business here was done, he simply said goodbye and left her.