056 – Stealing

Finishing to take everything from the seventh floor, Xiao Yan went to the sixth floor and started again.

As Li Heng was with him, the other shopkeepers didn't dare to say anything.

When he finished and was going to leave the store, Li Heng said, "Young master, my name is Li Heng, may I know how to call you?"

{Since he could take out such treasures without fear, he's definitely a supreme expert or at least have someone very powerful behind him, I can only be polite with him}

He simply replied, "Xiao Yan"

"May I invite young master Xiao Yan to my Divine Flames Family?", {I must also help the family to build a good relationship with him}

"I still have other matters to attend to, I'll come back in a few weeks or a few months"

{I'll first transfer the villages to Glory City, their turn will be just after}

Hearing the beginning made Li Heng disappointed, but the last part excited him, "If the young master needs anything from my family, you can come here and get anyone to find me"

After bidding farewell, Li Heng left to find his father the Patriarch.

Xiao Yan found an empty alleyway and merged with his Shadow Devil after making sure that nobody could see him.

Activating his void-form, he teleported back to Glory City, stayed in the air and looked at the City Lord Mansion.

{There's still a few hours left before dinner time, and I'm sure uncle Tian already bought the hundred thousand blank papers I asked him to buy, so I'll be able to start writing down a cultivation technique for each member of the Snow Wind Family}

He used the LoHP to create a book on tens of thousand of people, using his power to teleport to make it even faster. He could compile a dozen of books in just one second.

When he finished, there was still some time left, so he did the same thing for his family and then for the Alchemist Association.

Only by doing so did he remember that the techniques he gave the people at the beginning could only be used to reach 3-Star Legend Rank.

{According to the books I have on them, all the techniques I wrote before recording the books of Ziyun's Family don't have the version to reach the peak of the Legend Rank}

Looking for them through the city, he updated the books that the LoHP had on them.

{That's fifteen people, I hope I didn't miss anyone}

Wanting to check something, he infiltrated the treasury of the Sacred Family.

{I can't take most of the things as it might bring trouble if they see someone with them}

He smiled as he looked at the part of the treasury reserved for demon spirits, another one for Elixirs and a last one for money.

There was tens of thousand of demon spirits, 9 500 Soul Nurturing Pills, 2 600 Soul Concentrating Pills, 320 Soul Tempering Pills, 320 Scarlet Body Enhancing Pills and around 2.6 Billion DSC.

Taking everything in his storage ring, he thought, {But they won't be able to find any clue if I only take these! They have much less money than what the Dark Guild had at the Star Restaurant, it must be because they already bought a lot of elixirs}

{Now they'll have to either sell some of their treasury or their businesses in the city, they'll feel what other families felt when they oppressed them}

When he was going to leave, he felt that someone was coming in the direction of the treasury.

Waiting to see who it was in his void-form, he recognized Shen Xiu.

{Why is it her and not Shen Ming? He should be the one in charge}

Spreading his senses, he noticed that there was nine Black Gold Rank experts in the main hall, so he went there to spy on them.

He heard Shen Hong's angry voice before arriving, "The Snow Wind Family knows of our relationship with you guys, not only did they kill my two children but they also killed one hundred of our Gold Rank experts!"

Arriving in the hall and using the LoHP on everyone present, Xiao Yan learned that nearly everyone here was an elder of the Sacred Family.

The only exception was an eighteen years old youth. Even if he was the youngest of the people present in the current meeting, he was also the strongest of them. He was Gui Sha, number three of the Dark Guild. He was also much older than what he looked, as the Demon Lord taught him the Spiritual Constellation Technique.

He said to Shen Hong, "Exterminating a branch of my Dark Guild, killing the seven Black Gold Ranks who were there, abducting one hundred people of your Sacred Family, killing them and even taking their bodies in the Star Restaurant to make it look like they died defending against us, it seems like the Snow Wind Family is much harder to deal with than what we imagined"

Shen Hong continued, "Since we didn't notice anything, it must be Ye Shuo who led the attack. They clearly know of our relationship, but since they didn't openly attack us, it means they don't have any proof. Waiting will only make them more powerful with more Legend Rank experts, I think we need to launch the Demon Beast Horde the soonest possible. Even if the strongest experts won't die, they also won't be able to protect the rest of Glory City"

Gui Sha nodded, "The horde will be here in fifteen days. Your family is in charge of the west wall, you know what you have to do when the time comes. Until then, don't try to contact us and don't try anything against Ye Zong's family"

After saying that, he made some seals with his hands and a black vortex appeared next to him. He stepped into it and vanished. A few seconds later the vortex also vanished.

Only then did Shen Xiu ran into the main hall with a panicked face, "Brother! Someone stole our Treasure Vault!"

Shen Hong stood up from his seat and yelled, "What!?"