057 – Cunning

Seeing Shen Hong's face, Xiao Yan laughed in his mind, {Haha, I don't regret waiting a little more, just his reaction alone was worth it!}

Shen Xiu then explained, "I went to the treasury to take some elixirs like you told me to, but they are no longer there. Neither the demon spirits nor the money. I don't think that there's anything else missing but I'm not sure"

Shen Hong pounded his fist on the table and cursed, "This is Ye Shuo! Only he has such skills in Glory City, now that he reached the Legend Rank he can come and go in our family without anyone noticing!"

He didn't doubt his sister as he knew she would never joke with such a serious matter.

Xiao Yan thought, {Huh, poor uncle Ye Shuo, he's taking the blame for everything that I did}

{Well, maybe that's for the better. That way they will fear him and the Snow Wind Family even more}

Shen Xiu was perplexed, "Why didn't he take everything else then?"

Shen Hong instantly replied, "Because we might find these things on other people and accuse them of stealing from us. But all the things he took can be find elsewhere"

Turning to someone else, he said, "Shen Ming, in the next few days, sell all of our businesses if you can. We need to have the most money possible and use it to buy elixirs before fifteen days. Contact the Winged Dragon Family first, they must have billions of DSC thanks to the Purple Haze Grass. Squeeze all of their money, then sell the rest to anyone else, we don't care since we will leave for the Abyss Prison Realm after the Demon Beast Horde killed the most of them"

Shen Ming hesitated and said, "Patriarch, wouldn't it be better to just loot the Alchemist Association after the horde?"

He didn't mind his question, he simply said, "We don't know if we'll be able to do it before the Dark Guild, so it's better to be safe and buy as much as possible. It's not like our businesses would worth something after the attack. Not only the Association, we'll also try to loot the other Major, Noble and Aristocratic families"

He paused a little and continued, "If the Winged Dragon Family can buy all of our businesses, try to sell them some of our lands as well. And if they can also buy them, talk to them about all the people who made a breakthrough thanks to the new pills of the association and tempt them into spending all of their remaining money to buy elixirs. That way, when we come back to Glory City, we can just loot them. The Dark Guild doesn't know of the affair of the Purple Haze Grass, so for them that family is still considered as the poorest of the Noble families and they might not even think of looting them"

Everyone in the hall looked at him with admiration and thought, {He truly deserves to be the Patriarch!}

Even Xiao Yan had a hint of respect for him, {If only he didn't have such a dark heart, he would've been able to become one of the most respected people of Glory City. It's no wonder he was able to outsmart the whole city and nobody suspected his betrayal in Nie Li's first life, he's just too cunning}

{Too bad for him that I heard his plans}

Shen Hong looked at the other elders and concluded, "Everyone else, tell all of your branches to spend most of their money to buy elixirs. Demon Spirit Coins are going to be useless for us once everything is over"

After they agreed, everyone went doing their own stuff.


Leaving the Sacred Family, Xian Yan thought, {I should tell dad to buy everything that they are going to sell. I can directly let the villagers of the Abyss Prison Realm live in those lands and ask them if they want to be under our protection}

{As for the Demon Beast Horde, I'll have to meet the City Lord before the banquet in three days. I'll also need to bring him one of the people who were here when Shen Hong talked to Gui Sha. Not Shen Ming since he's going to do some businesses with my family. Maybe one of the Black Gold Rank elders?}

He first bought a lot of ingredients from a shop before heading back home.

True to himself, uncle Tian gave Xiao Yan his storage ring back with one hundred thousand blank papers and one hundred bottles of ink.

Giving him another two storage rings, Xiao Yan said, "Uncle Tian, in the first ring are the corpses of a few dozens Zombie Jiao-dragons of the Black Gold and Legend Rank. I'll need the demon spirits and the blood, so please give my father the other materials. In the second ring there are 5 Billion DSC, I want you to buy me the most demon spirits possible"

Next, he went looking for his father who was doing some paperworks in his office.

Entering the room, his father greeted him, "Yan'er, it's rare for you to come in my office, what can I do for you?"

He gave him a storage ring and said, "Dad, inside are sixty Spiritual Origin Fruits, keep half for yourself and half for the the Patriarch. It'll help you reach the peak of the Legend Rank very rapidly"

When his father took the ring, Xiao Yan took out two papers, quickly wrote something on them, gave them to his father and added, "The cultivation techniques I gave you guys should only allow you to reach 3-Star Legend Rank. These ones are the complete version to reach the peak of 5-Star"

{With this, that's thirteen people left}

After taking the two papers, the father checked the one meant for him and noticed that it indeed was the same as the one he already had, but with a few more lines.

He waited for his son to continue as he knew that he would just have given these at dinner if there wasn't anything else.