058 – Close

Like his father expected, Xiao Yan said, "Dad, someone stole all the demon spirits, elixirs and money from the treasury of the Sacred Family. Right now they really need money. Tonight or tomorrow they are going to try to sell us their businesses and even some of their lands because for them we have a lot of money due to the Purple Haze Grass"

Xiao Yang smiled, "Someone, right?"

The son also smiled, gave him another storage ring and continued, "Inside are the 2.6 Billion DSC I took from them. I want you to buy them everything for our family branch. You can do what you want with the businesses, but I need the lands to be ready to house the people I met outside of Glory City. Some of them would want to come living in the city because they have food shortage. Since we are going to have some Legend Ranks, we also need a lot more manpower, maybe we can make them some kind of external branches of the family"

"I'll talk about it to the Patriarch, but I don't think it will cause a problem"

Xiao Yan felt that his mother just entered the mansion with his two fiancees, so he quickly ended his talk, "I'll see you at dinner, try to cultivate and see the Patriarch before then"


Xiao Ning'er and Ziyun separated with Chen Yin and she was going to her room, so Xiao Yan intercepted her and brought her to his own.

He took her inside of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book, joined her, activated the power of the book-artifact and went to talk to her, "Mom, this is a treasure I found. The flow of time in this space isn't the same as in the outside world. I have a lot of things to do that'll take at least a few months. I want to spend some of that time with you, are you willing?"

She replied without the need to think, "Of course, but how much time will it be for the outside world?"

"Not even one second"

He thought a little, wrote down the longer version of her cultivation technique, gave it to her along with the Wind Crystal and said, "I discovered that the technique I gave you could only let you reach 3-Star Legend Rank. This one works to the peak of 5-Star. This is a Wind Crystal, it has enough soul force of the wind attribute to let you quickly reach the peak of the Legend Rank"

After that, he started to write down cultivations techniques and he was stopped by his mother a few hours later. She was already 5-Star Legend Rank, not at the peak but she already emptied the Wind Crystal of its energy.

Eating together, they took their bath separately and then slept together.

In the following months it was the same routine.

During the day, Chen Yin would cultivate and her son would write cultivation techniques on papers.

At night, during dinner and before sleeping she would tell him about stories of when he was too young to remember.

They were getting increasingly close, and they both liked it.

When he finished writing down the techniques for the Snow Wind Family, Alchemist Association and his own family, he used the ingredients he bought before coming here to refine all the unrefined blood crystals he had from the Abyss Prison Realm.

He then carved blank equipments to complete all of the orders the Inscriptionist Association had concerning enchanted equipments.

Next, he studied the books he took from the Silver Winged Family and the Red Jade Family. He managed to learn a few techniques considered taboo, such as the one to create Elemental Crystals.

It was the same kind of crystal as the "Wind Crystal" he gave his mother.

Now he would be able to make those crystals by himself and he planned to make some from the people of the Sacred Family and the Dark Guild.

As for whether it was an evil technique or not, he didn't care. Since they were going to die, they might as well be useful.

His mother helped him to check the treasures he got from the Ancient Orchid City Ruins and from the Abyss Prison Realm.

Having too many stuff on him, he gave her nearly everything. She would be the one to choose what to give to the Snow Wind Family and what to keep for the family or herself. Among the equipments, he just kept a few dozens Legend Rank swords and the Sparkling Flying Knife Set.

He gave her half of the refined Blood Crystals, all of his Soul Nurturing and Soul Concentrating Pills.

For the Soul Tempering and Scarlet Body Enhancing pills, he may need them in the near future so he kept them for himself. It's not like his family would need it right now anyway. And he already had a plan to earn a few thousands of those in the next few months.

As for the God Level Growth Rate demon spirits, he kept them. Same for the Spiritual Origin Fruits and the Caltrop pills. He was planning to give some of them during his visit to the Snow Wind Family tomorrow.

Wanting to spend more time alone with his mother, he taught her some fighting and sword techniques he compiled from the LoHP.

Then he also gave her his knowledge in inscription patterns and alchemy, she could now be considered a Grandmaster in both.

They spent a few more months like this, this time they were always together, sparring or talking from daybreak to nightfall, sleeping from nightfall to daybreak.

Finally leaving, when they were back to his room she hugged him and whispered, "Thank you Yan'er, these eight months we spent together were exactly what I needed. I hope that we can stay this close even when you get married"

He hugged her back and said, "Relax mom, no matter what, I'll forever be your son and I'll always love you, that will never change"

They stayed like this a little while before she left, not forgetting to remind him that the two of them would go shopping together tomorrow.