059 – Ye Yan

When his mother left, Xiao Yan went looking for a 1-Star Black Gold Rank Elder of the Sacred Family who had a White-Fire attributed soul realm.

Entering his room in secret, he knocked him and brought him inside of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book.

There, he put all the needed inscriptions and activated the technique.

The elder died and a fist sized red crystal formed, it was a White-Fire Crystal.

Just when he died, Xiao Yan used his Soul Mirror to capture his soul.

{When the time comes Ye Shuo can use the Soul Refining Technique on this soul to check if I'm telling the truth about the Sacred Family, that should be enough as proof}

Leaving the dead body in his room, he then went to the Heavenly Sacred Border in his void-form.

At first he wanted to come here with Xiao Ning'er to cancel her engagement with Shen Fei, but now he was already dead so Xiao Yan didn't need to wait for her.

Once there, he went back to his human form and made his cultivation visible.

Like he expected, he was soon joined by a soul, he said, "Hello, Ancestor Ye Yan"

The latter was quite shocked to see a teenager at the peak of the Legend Rank, after hearing him he replied, "You know me?"

Xiao Yan thought, {He's the Ancestor of Ziyun, I must stay polite to him}

Then he said, "Of course, you're Ye Yan of the Thunder Family, one of the five founders of Glory City. When you died your soul was tied to the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword and left here in this Realm to help the geniuses of the next generations. You would help them in cultivating a suitable cultivation technique and the atmosphere rich in energy would let them make a huge leap in their cultivation before they left. I know that the last two who came here were Ye Zong and Ye Xiu, thanks to you they are both Legend Ranks now"

Ye Yan was surprised to hear of the sword from him, he asked, "Who are you and why are you here?"

He couldn't help him with his cultivation, {He didn't come here for that sword, right?}

Xiao Yan honestly replied, "I'm Xiao Yan, from the Winged Dragon Family, I guess I am the number one genius of Glory City right now? I came here to subdue the sword of cause, but relax, I also prepared a technique to let you have a new body, your soul won't dissipate after I take it"

Saying that, he flew in the direction the center area of the realm and started to lay down some inscription patterns.

Even if he wanted to stop Xiao Yan, Ye Yan couldn't do anything as he was just a soul.

As for whether he would be able to give him a new body, he preferred to wait and see.

He was getting increasingly shocked as he was looking at the inscriptions the teenager was laying down.

These inscriptions were so complicated that he couldn't even understand their purposes.

Xiao Yan activated the inscriptions and a sphere shaped array with a radius of a few dozens meters materialized all around the sword.

Then he slowly walked towards the sword and used his pure soul force to dissipate the souls of the demon beasts who tried to attack him.

When he finally touched the handle, he concentrated because he didn't want to dissipate Ye Yan's soul, and continued to pour his soul force inside of it. The energy from the millions of souls couldn't pass through the barrier and the inside of it was getting increasingly concentrated in soul force.

Feeling his soul force, the sword immediately accepted him as its master. There was still a seal inside of it but he chose not to undo it. He knew that inside were the Sword Technique left by Kong Ming and also a lot of energy, enough for him to at least reach the Dao Of Dragon cultivation stage.

He didn't want to start cultivating Heavenly Energy before entering the Draconic Ruins Realm.

After putting the sword inside of his soul realm, he took out eleven corpses. Seven belonged to the Dark Guild while the last four were from the Silver Winged Family. He quickly laid down another inscription pattern and said while pointing the center of it, "Ancestor Ye Yan, please come here"

Ye Yan was still in a daze after he saw that the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword submitted to him after just a few minutes.

When he heard him, he saw the corpses and asked in disbelief, "Who were those people?"

Xiao Yan simply replied, "Don't worry, they were enemies of Glory City. People who betrayed human race and even allied themselves with demon beasts. They were useless in life, let's make them useful in death"

When he heard the answer he relaxed a little, even if he wanted to live again, he didn't want to sacrifice innocent people for that.

Once Ye Yan went to the said spot, Xiao Yan activated the new inscriptions and the corpses started to dematerialize.

At the same time, a new body started to materialize. It gradually took the shape of an old man who looked exactly like the soul of Ye Yan.

Opening his eyes, Ye Yan felt like he was dreaming, he really had a new body!

With tears in his eyes, he said, "Xiao Yan, thank you!"

Even if he was satisfied to stay in this Heavenly Sacred Border to watch over the sword and help the young geniuses of Glory City, it was also quite hard.

He spent hundreds of years alone in this realm. When someone came here for the test, it was at most for a few weeks and he would have to wait many years before someone else took the test again.

Now he would finally be able to break free from this loneliness, see his descendants and see by himself the changes in Glory City since hundreds of years ago.