063 – Meeting the City Lord

Yang Xin smiled wryly and said, "Xiao Yan, are you sure about the price? You would ask for dozens of times more and I would still be willing to do the exchange"

Even if at first sight that price seems really high, if you divide it by the two thousand people, each of them would only have to pay 100 Soul Concentrating pills, 10 Soul Tempering pills and 10 Scarlet Body Enhancing pills. So in fact it was really cheap for a technique that would help them reaching the peak of the Legend Rank in just a few years. He was even willing to wait one year to be fully paid.

Xiao Yan was the most important partner of the Association, so she decided to stay honest and didn't try to take advantage of him.

He replied to her, "Even if you give me more I wouldn't know what to do with it. Don't worry, it's far enough for my needs. But you can make them pay you much more if you want, that way you would be able to strengthen the Alchemist Association.

You should do it fast if that's your plan, yesterday I gave a lot of powerful cultivation techniques to the Holy Orchid Institute, they are not as powerful as these tailor-made ones but they are still much better than the ones Glory City is currently using. Also, in the following weeks there are going to be dozens of people reaching the Legend Rank, so the worth of those techniques are going to be less and less"

Her eyes brightened when he heard this, she laughed a little and said, "Hehe, thanks for the information. Now I guess I'll have to make all of them sign a contract the soonest possible. Is there something else?"

"No, I'll let you go back to work"

Leaving the Association, he tried looking for Xue Yin but she wasn't in the Inscriptionist Association yet.

As for Ye Yan, half of his soul realm was now of the Law of Sacred Fire and he couldn't absorb anymore.

Thinking of something, Xiao Yan teleported to the Nether Realm in his void-form et quickly find some demigods to observe them.

He noticed that they all had half of their soul realm filled with law and the other half was still soul force.

{BSo that means to cross that barrier, one's comprehension of that law must be the best of the world, and then that person will become a spiritual god after his whole soul realm is filled with law energy}

Back in the Heavenly Sacred Border, Xiao Yan observed Ye Yan.

{That means he is already a Demigod and just needs more understanding in the Law of Sacred Fire to become its Spiritual God}

{Maybe I can help him by saturating that law around him? That way it'll be easier for him to feel that law}

Xiao Yan extended his hand and assembled all of the Law of Sacred Fire of the Heavenly Sacred Border around Ye Yan.

Such a dense law energy allowed him to be enlightened on the Law of Sacred Fire and he finally shattered the barrier of his soul realm.

Becoming a Spiritual God, Ye Yan then breakthrough the Heavenly Fate Realm and only stopped after reaching 7-Star Heavenly Star.

{That's to be expected, that sword was used during millions of years. Nie Li only reached 9-Fate Heavenly Fate because Life attributed demon beasts are much rarer than Sacred Fire attributed ones}

Ye Yan looked at the teenager with eyes full of gratitude. Not only he made a new body for him, he even helped him to reach a level he didn't even know of.

Understanding him, Xiao Yan said, "Don't mind it, you can be considered the Ancestor of my fiancee, it was my duty to help you"

Xiao Yan concentrated and assembled all of the Law Energies of the realm into thirty four crystals.

They were like the Nether Crystal he found in the treasury of the Heavenly Marks Family, Law Energy concentrated in balls.

Most of them would allow a Spiritual God to reach 9-Fate Heavenly Fate and didn't contain enough energy to reach the Heavenly Star Realm.

Only four were in this case, the Light, Ice, Earth and Darkness Law Crystals.

{So Ye Mo, Ye Zong, Ye Xiu and Ye Shuo will be the strongest of the City with Ye Yan before I go to the Draconic Ruins Realm}

{Well, they are in charge of Glory City, I guess that's how it should be}

Then, he managed to do the same thing with the soul force inside of the array, this time making thirty six crystals of soul force, one for each element.

He could tell that each of them had enough energy to allow at least nine cultivators to reach the peak of the Legend Rank.


The two directly flew to the City Lord Mansion without the guards noticing, the teenager already knew that the top four of the Snow Wind Family were in Ye Zong's office, so they headed there.

{I must be respectful but not too much either}

Inside the office, Xiao Yan greeted the four men and they were surprised that he named them without any mistake.

Ye Zong asked him, "I thought that you would come only in two days, did something happen? And who is this young man behind you?"

Before Ye Yan could reply, Xiao Yan said, "Yesterday I sneaked into the Heavenly Sacred Border. Uncle Ye Yan was helping the new generations there but his real mission was to look over a powerful sword that couldn't be kept in Glory City. I managed to free his soul from the sword and used a forbidden technique to give him back his body but it wasn't even at the Bronze Rank. After subduing the sword, I laid an array to keep the energy leaking from it and after a whole night of training, uncle is now the Sacred Fire Spiritual God with the strength of a 7-Star Heavenly Star cultivator".