064 – Light Spiritual God

If it was anyone else who said this, Ye Zong wouldn't believe him. He asked doubtfully, "Is he really Ancestor Ye Yan?"

Ye Yan directly said, "Brat Ye Zong, I'm Ancestral Founder Ye Yan, all that Xiao Yan said is true"

Releasing his aura, the four knew that he could kill them within seconds if he wanted to, there was no need to lie to them.

Even more for Ye Mo, as someone who had already seen Demigods, he knew that the one in front of him was much more powerful, a Spiritual God.

They also recognized his voice and his way of talking, it really was the Ancestor!

Ye Mo was the first to react, he bowed and respectfully said, "Descendant Ye Mo, pays respects to Lord Ancestral Founder"

The other three also imitated him, all four received Ye Yan's guidance in the past. They wouldn't be at their current level without him.

One could also say that it was thanks to him that Glory City was still standing.

Noticing their reactions, Ye Yan felt satisfied. It was a little depressing to have someone as young as Xiao Yan to be more knowledgeable than him.

Finally there were some people who respected him for his knowledge.

Ye Yan said, "Good. From now on, if Xiao Yan needs anything, just help him"

They could only agree to their Ancestor, not to mention that even before Ye Yan came they were already indebted to him.

Ye Yan then looked at the teenager and said, "Xiao Yan, if these little brats don't listen to you, come tell me and I'll teach them a lesson"

Xiao Yan looked at Ye Yan with wide eyes.

{I knew that he considered Ye Zong and Ye Xiu as brats, but to think that even Ye Mo is the same for him...}

Ye Yan then thought of something, he asks, "Heavenly Star?"

Xiao Yan didn't hide anything, he told them about the ranks above Legend Rank, the fact that normally only Heavenly Energy would allow someone to reach these ranks. That Law Energy only existed in this world, allowing them to become Demigods and Spiritual Gods.

Since there was an awkward silence, he gave four papers to Ye Zong and said, "Father-in-law, the techniques I gave big sister Yang Xin last time could only allow you to reach 3-Star Legend Rank, here are the complete versions to reach the peak of that realm"

Hearing how Xiao Yan called him made his lips twitched, but then he thought, {Maybe he's doing it to help me? If the Ancestor knows about that relationship, he may be a little less harsh on me}

While Ye Zong was observing the papers, Xiao Yan turned to Ye Mo, gave him the Light Crystal, sent him an inscription pattern in his mind and said, "Grandpa Ye Mo, this is a concentrated crystal of Law of Light. Laws are in fact inscription patterns, the one I just sent you is for your Law of Light. First feel it, and when you can, integrate it like you would with soul force. You should then at least become a Demigod"

What he just learned made Ye Mo understand something, he was too excited to think about anything else so he directly sat down and start comprehending his law.

He instantly became a Demigod and the Law of Light from the crystal continued to enter his body faster and faster.

Ye Mo was already trying to comprehend the laws for several years, the tips from Xiao Yan made him understand everything needed and the crystal dissipated after only a few minutes.

The Light Spiritual God was now Ye Mo and he was a 5-Star Heavenly Star expert.

His body also rejuvenated to that of a youth in his twenties and it rejected the impurities of his body as if he cultivated one of Xiao Yan's techniques.

Tears started to fall from his eyes while he thought, {Finally Glory City is going to be safe!}

Turning to Xiao Yan, he said, "Xiao Yan, thank you!"

There was no need to say anything else, it was what he sincerely thought.

Xiao Yan then said, "Ziyun's family is my family, you don't have to thank me"

Then he thought of something and said, "Right now you are much stronger than the Demon Lord, but please stay in Glory City and don't attack the Headquarters of the Dark Guild in Blackrock City, I'll do it myself in two weeks"

Without him he wouldn't be at his level, so Ye Mo decided to listen to him.

Xiao Yan took out three crystals of soul force, lent them to Ye Zong, Ye Xiu and Ye Shuo then said, "Cultivate the new technique I gave you while holding these crystals"

They trusted him and sat cross-legged after Ye Zong gave them their techniques.

A dozen minutes later, the three were at the peak of the Legend Rank. He sent them the inscription pattern of the Law of their attribute, Law of Ice for Ye Zong, Law of Earth for Ye Xiu and Law of Darkness for Ye Shuo.

He took back his three crystals and gave them another three, saying, "These are concentrated crystals of your laws, don't try it right now. Grandpa Ye Mo was trying to comprehend the laws for years, that's why it was so fast for him"

Xiao Yan continued, this time to the five, "You shouldn't tell anyone that laws are in fact inscription patterns, if you do then someone might have a better understanding of your law and then you wouldn't be a Spiritual God anymore"

After the five understood, he threw a storage ring to Ye Zong, "Inside are tailor-made cultivation techniques for every members of the Snow Wind Family, all as powerful as the one I gave you"

Adding another ring, he continued, "I'm also giving you four hundred Spiritual Origin Fruits, the most efficient way to use it is to give it only to Black Gold Ranks. A 1-Star would need three fruits to become a Legend Rank, a 4-Star two and someone at the peak would only need one"