065 – Arrangements

The five were all shocked, didn't that mean that they could have more than one hundred Legend Ranks in the next few days? And with the tailor-made cultivation technique, there'll be hundreds or maybe even thousands more in a year or two.

Before they could calm down, Xiao Yan left after telling them to make arrangements with his family so that they could send the betrothal gift in two days.

Lost in thoughts, the five men didn't say anything for a few minutes and it was Ye Yan who broke the silence, "What is the Dark Guild?"

Ye Mo replied, "A group lead by someone who was from Glory City. Most of the crimes in the city are committed by them. The Blackrock City Xiao Yan talked about is one of the fifteen cities in a place called Nether Realm under the St. Ancestral Mountain Range. Not only humans, but a lot of other races live there as well. The leader is the Nether Spiritual God and there are hundreds of Demigods with thousands of Legend Rank. People there fear the outside world because of demon beasts and so far the Dark Guild didn't reveal anything about Glory City to them. They must have a branch in the city but we never managed to locate it"

Ye Yan thought a little and said, "I think Xiao Yan already annihilated that branch. To give me a new body he used those of ten Black Gold Ranks and one Legend Rank, he also told me that they were criminals who betrayed the city and allied themselves with demon beasts"

Ye Zong was surprised and said, "They were at least not from the various families of our city, only the Dark Guild would have so much people of that strength. It must really be like it"

He then stood up and noticed that he was really dirty from the breakthroughs. He gave the storage ring of techniques to his father and left with Ye Xiu and Ye Shuo to quickly take a bath.


After leaving the City Lord Mansion, Xiao Yan returned to the Alchemist Association to find Gu Yan.

The old man was peacefully sitting in the Council Hall drinking some tea and there were two papers on the wall but someone already answered them.

After greeting him, Xiao Yan lent him a crystal of soul force and let him reach the peak of the Legend Rank before taking it back.

He didn't teach him about the laws as he had the same attribute as Yu Yan, the Fire Spiritual Goddess.

As for Yang Xin, it was now Nie Li's job to take care of her cultivation.


In his room, Xiao Yan took his bath, then he gave uncle Tian twelve storage rings and enough money to fill each of them with anything needed to stay in the wild for one year.

Already used to the teenager's weird demands, he didn't ask anything and just accepted his task.

In the dining room, he noticed that his father was in an even better mood than yesterday.

{That's right, for the people of Glory City, Legend Rank represents the peak of cultivation, he must be happy thinking he's one of the strongest of the City}

Weirdly, the Patriarch joined them before the servants brought the food.

After greeting his parents, he said to Xiao Yan, "Nephew Xiao Yan, as a father I want to thank you for taking care of Ning'er, she told me that she is already a 3-Star Silver Rank and it has also been years since I last saw her that happy"

"Uncle Yunfeng, you don't need to thank me for such things, my feelings for her are sincere so it's perfectly normal for me to take care of her"

He nodded and continued, "I also have to thank you as the Patriarch for all the contributions you made to the family. I want you to be the next Patriarch, what do you think?"

Xiao Yan didn't need to think to reply, he instantly said, "I'm not interested, I want to have a carefree life"

Taking out a storage ring, he gave it to him and said, "Uncle Yunfeng, inside are cultivation techniques for the whole family, please give them to everyone"

Thinking that it was just for a dozen people at most, he was really shocked when he saw more than ten thousand papers inside of the ring.

The teenager then sent the three the inscription patterns of their laws in their mind and also gave them the corresponding crystal.

It was Law of Wind for Chen Yin, Law of Blue Fire, which was the fusion of fire and wind, for Xiao Yang and finally Yellow Fire, the fusion of fire and lightning, for Xiao Yunfeng.

He then proceeded to explain them what was Law Energy, Demigods, Spiritual Gods and how to become one.

They were quite shocked that the Legend Rank wasn't the end of cultivation but then they thought that it made sense.

Wouldn't that be too unfair if someone could become the strongest in a few days just because of some treasures?

Xiao Yan didn't forget to tell them to keep the secret about laws being inscription patterns, like he did with Ye Mo and his family.

Xiao Yunfeng then discussed with his parents about the arrangements they had to make before two days to send the betrothal gift.

Xiao Yan reminded them that the Sacred Family would come to sell some of their lands today, so his father would need to stay in the family mansion.

Chen Yin also reminded them that she'll be out with her son the whole day.

The two men could only obey as they didn't want to "negotiate" with her, even more for Xiao Yang who wanted to have a "reward" for being a good husband.


After eating, he went to school together with Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun.

Each of the two was holding one of his hand and the three of them were looking really happy.

When they were near of school, they didn't care about the gazes full of jealousy the other students were shooting at them.