066 – Lin Feng

In the library, Nie Li and the other six were already here.

Xiao Yan presented the two girls as his fiancees, making them blush and act all bashful.

They didn't know why, but they felt even more embarrassed than when they are naked in his arms.

Still, they managed to greet everyone and they could even joke with Lu Piao by saying to Xiao Xue, "You must be Xiao Xue, right? Lu Piao always talks about you!"

She replied shyly, "Really?", but only Lu Piao, Nie Li and Xiao Yan knew that it was an act. Once he would be alone with her, she would give him a good beating.

Once again, Lu Piao could only accept his fate as nobody would believe him if he said that they lied.

Xiao Yan noticed that Du Ze and Lu Piao didn't try to comfort Nie Li, {He surely told them that he's no longer in love with Ziyun}

First taking Nie Li apart, he gave him the Lightning Law Crystal for Yang Xin and said, "Concentrated Law of Lightning, for Yang Xin once she reached the Legend Rank"

He then gave him one hundred bottles of Legend Rank blood and didn't need to say anything. He would be able to recognize it as he was also an Inscriptionist Grandmaster.

They went back to the others and Nie Li left after saying that he needed to go back to his family for a few days.

Xiao Yan also told them he needed to go, but he didn't dare say to the others that he was going to do shopping with his mother.

Only Xiao Ning'er and Ziyun knew the truth, so they sent him off after giving him a passionate kiss each.


He headed to the Inscriptionist Association and after greeting Xue Yin he directly gave her the complete version of her cultivation technique.

{That was the last one. Now all the techniques that I gave can be cultivated up to the peak of the Legend Rank}

She gave him a storage ring and said, "Little brother Xiao Yan, I already checked all of the inscription scrolls and the storage rings you gave me yesterday. All of them were correct and here is the money, a little more than 2.8 Billion DSC"

Taking the ring, he gave her another one, "Thanks. Here are all of the orders of enchanted equipments from the Association"

Even if there were much less orders of enchanted equipments than inscription scrolls, they were also much more expensive as they were harder to make.

Xiao Yan would make around 4 Billion DSC from this batch.

She wanted to ask him how he made years of work in just one day, but she supposed that it was a secret.

{Little brother Xiao Yan is someone honest and made huge contributions to Glory City, that's all I need to know}

Xiao Yan then bought twelve thousand Blank Inscription Scrolls along with twelve sets of brushes and carving tools.

As usual, Xue Yin gift him everything, the association was getting hundreds million DSC of profits from him anyways.

He gave her three Spiritual Origin Fruits and went back home.


His mother was waiting for him in the main hall, he told her to wait a little more and went in the direction of his father's office.

Once there, he gave him the ring he just got from Xue Yin and said, "Dad, there's 2.8 Billion DSC inside, add it to the money I gave you yesterday to buy the most lands possible from the Sacred Family"

{That should be enough to buy all of their lands}

Back to the main hall, he finally went out with his mother to spend the day together.

During the next few hours, Xiao Yan felt like he was a doll as his mother made him try dozens of different clothes.

She was in such a good mood that he didn't dare to tell her that he only wanted his clothes to be clean and that he didn't care about anything else.

He could only blame himself for asking her to go shopping with him.

When they finally finished looking at most of the shops selling male clothes, they went to eat a few snacks at some food stalls.

Xiao Yan then led her to the Ten Millennium Spatial Array behind the City Lord Mansion and took her to the Abyss Prison Realm.

She wanted him to tell her in detail his last visits here.

Even if he already told it to her before, he told it again but this time by showing her the places.

He started to talk about how he earned fighting experience with the Scarlet Ghosts, the rescue of Duan Jian's family and the great battle to annihilate Sikong Yi's Family.

Since they were flying, they didn't need to fight the demon beasts that were on the ground.

Landing near the Trading Town, he felt a bit awkward because there were much less people than before, and the few who were still here weren't looking for food.

Xiao Yan understood what happened and told her, "It must've been Duan Jian. Yesterday, I told him to buy everything possible with the food I got from the Silver Winged Family"

He still showed her the shops where he exchanged the blood crystals and then the one belonging to the Divine Flames Family.

On they streets, they were stopped by a man who was in his late twenties. His cultivation was at the peak of the Silver Rank.

Kneeling to the ground in front of Xiao Yan, he said, "Young master, I'm Lin Feng, one of the slaves you freed yesterday, thank you for giving us the opportunity to fight for our lives"

He would never forget Xiao Yan. Even if he looked like a harmless handsome teenager, he saw him on the battlefield, he transformed into a war god and killed thousands of people without batting an eye.

Xiao Yan didn't like people kneeling in front of him, he said, "I don't like people kneeling in front of me. Besides, you don't have to thank me because I had a grudge against Sikong Yi"

Lin Feng listened to him and stood up, he thought that Xiao Yan was just being shy. {Hehe, if what you said is right, then you would've left after killing him, you wouldn't have killed the inscriptionists to undo the blood imprints on us}