076 – Training

Xiao Yan then led everyone to the Ten Millennium Spatial Array behind the City Lord Mansion.

Lu Piao warned him that when he was a kid he tried to destroy the array and nearly killed another kid who finally peed in his pants. This earned him a hard look from Xiao Xue and the laugh of the others.

He was shocked when Xiao Yan told him that he would need more than twenty Legend Ranks experts if he wanted to break it by force.

Xiao Yan showed them how to activate the array and they all went to the Abyss Prison Realm.

It didn't take long for him to locate a group of several hundreds Scarlet Ghosts.

Giving the ten a Legend Rank Storage Ring each, he told them to keep the bodies of the demon beasts they would kill.

Xiao Ning'er, Ye Ziyun, Xiao Xue, Du Ze, Lu Piao, Wei Nan, Zhu Xiangjun and Zhang Ming fought the demon beasts.

Duan Jian would step in if they were going to have a serious injury.

As for Xiao Yan and Xiao Yin, they would constantly give everyone precious advices to make huge progress in their way of fighting.

The fact that he needed to use the LoHP to remember the name of the last three is a secret.


The group of teenagers continued to fight until it was nightfall in Glory City.

They were dead tired but they were also quite excited at their progress. Thanks to Xiao Yan, they felt that today's experience was that of months or even years.

The storage rings were filled with corpses of Scarlet Ghosts, nearly fifty thousand.

Xiao Yan had to give them new storage rings as the ones he gave them in the morning were completely filled.

He even had to do it a third time for Xiao Ning'er, Ye Ziyun and Du Ze.

There was also a dozen of another kind of demon beast corpse in the rings of Xiao Yin and Duan Jian, it was the enormous Gold Rank Netherlamp Behemoths.

Giving the rings back to Xiao Yan, they went back to Glory City in a happy mood.

All the girls went back to the Winged Dragon Family with Xiao Yan and Duan Jian, the other five boys went back to the school dormitory.

Xiao Yan found uncle Tian and gave him his dozens of storage rings. Like the last time, he told him that he only wanted the demon beast blood and the demon spirits.


During dinner, his mother told him that today the Snow Wind Family sent a book containing powerful cultivation techniques and also new concepts to every Aristocratic, Noble, Major Families or any other powerful group.

{Ye Sheng and Ye Shuo finally made the copies huh}

Thanks to that, hundreds of people at the peak of the Gold Rank already made a breakthrough to the Black Gold Rank and five more people are now at the Legend Rank.

Two were Elders from the Divine Family while the other three were none other than the Patriarch of the Sacred Family and two of his elders. These two families now had three Legend Rank Demon Spiritualists each.

{Great, the stronger the Sacred Family is, the better it is for my future Elemental Crystals}

{For now I should stop killing their members and let them fatten like pigs}

For those at the Bronze or Silver Rank who made a breakthrough, they were far too much to have a number.

They also talked about the dozens of new pills the Alchemist Association was going to sell from tomorrow, they were not as powerful as the Soul Tempering or the Scarlet Body Enhancing pills, but their sheer number was really shocking.

Xiao Yang and Chen Yin were really proud as they knew all of this was thanks to their son.


As Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun were really tired from their day, he let them sleep after doing it just once.

Few hours before daybreak, when the two girls woke up full of energy, they wanted to do it again and again.


In the morning, they were going for yet another round when someone knocked on the door.

It was of course uncle Tian but Xiao Yan was surprised when the latter said that Xue Yin wanted to see him.

When she came, Xiao Yan wanted to tease his two fiancees, so he said, "Big sister Xue Yin, here are my two fiancees, Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun"

He smiled when he saw them getting wine red and bashfully greeting her, {Hehe, they're so cute, I'll never get tired of this}

Xue Yin also wanted to tease them, so she said, "Xiao Yan must be taking good care of you"

They nodded, then remembered what Yang Xin said three days ago.

Looking at each other, they noticed that they were just like that time, messy hair and full of sweat.

The two were so embarrassed that they decided to run out of the room.

She laughed a little and turned to Xiao Yan to give him a storage ring, "Little brother Xiao Yan, here is the money for the Enchanted Equipments, 4.1 Billion DSC"

He took it and she continued, "I'm sorry but I'll have to take Miss Ziyun for the day, you'll have to wait for tonight's banquet to see her again. Also, the City Lord told you to come to his treasury to take everything you want"


After that, it was Xiao Yin who wanted to see him, she directly said, "Teach the Daoyin Technique to Lu Piao so that he can do some massages to Xiao Xue, and tell him to be bolder. She thinks that even through he is a little perverted, he is also very shy. Maybe you can tell him to take advantage of her when he'll do the massages? That's exactly what she wants"

{Oh, so she became a real good friend to Xiao Xue, I thought that she would take her from him}

{But why didn't she do it herse… Right, she doesn't have my pure soul force, so if she tried to directly inject a technique into him, he would feel a hell of pain}