077 – Man talk

Accepting the 'request' of Xiao Yin, Xiao Yan also gave her 100 Million DSC to do whatever she wants and then went to have breakfast with his parents after taking a good bath.

They recalled him that today they would send the betrothal gift and that tonight would also be the Ye Family banquet.

He told them that he would go there by himself.


He then went out with Xiao Ning'er holding his arm.

Xiao Xue and Xiao Yin were also holding each other's arm like best friends.

Duan Jian was alone a few meters from them.

Greeting the boys at the library, Xiao Yan took Lu Piao apart to have a 'man talk'.

With a surge of soul force, he taught him the Daoyin Technique and then he also taught him how to take advantage of it to please a woman.

When they were back to the group, Xiao Ning'er hesitated before asking him if they could talk alone.

She said, "Xiao Yan, today the whole city is going to know of our engagement, I'm so excited that I won't be able to cultivate or fight, since Ziyun can't leave her family until tonight, can we spend the day together, just the two of us?"

Xiao Yan accepted.

{Why would I refuse to spend the day with my lovely Ning'er? She needs to have more confidence in herself, but I also like the way she is right now}

Back to the group, he told them that Xiao Ning'er and him would be busy in their family, so they'd report the hunt in the Abyss Prison Realm to tomorrow.

Xiao Yin gladly proposed herself to take them there in his stead, so he asked Duan Jian to stay with them as well.

Since she was a 9-Fate Heavenly Fate, and with Duan Jian at 1-Star Legend Rank, Xiao Yan didn't fear for their security, so he lent her a few dozen storage rings and twenty-three Stones of Light before leaving them.

It was still early in the morning and for now there weren't anyone else near the library.

When the two were alone, he hugged Xiao Ning'er and whispered to her ears, "Today I'll do whatever my princess wants. How can I serve you?"

She hugged him back and said in a low voice, "Bring me to the training grounds, where you treated me for the first time"

The public didn't know that she was already a Silver Rank, so the guards didn't stop them even if only Bronze Ranks were allowed there.

They quickly found the place and she continued, "Can you lay some inscriptions so that nobody would be able to notice us here?"

He put some soundproof inscriptions and also some illusion type ones, so that nobody would be able to find this place.

Returning to her side, he said, "All done, your highness. What are your orders now?"

She took a bed from her storage ring, smiled to him and said with her eyes full of lust, "Now, I want you to show me just how much you love me until nightfall"

And so he did.


After enjoying themselves for hours, they were now whispering love words to each other while lying naked on the bed.

They reluctantly put on their clothes, she took back her bed, he erased the inscriptions and both went home together.

Separating, he told her that he would need to go alone because the City Lord wanted to see him before the banquet.

He then quickly took a bath and put the clothes that his mother already prepared for him, making him more dazzling than usual.

As he wanted to fully enjoy dancing with his two fiancees, he merged with his Shadow Devil, activated his void-form and directly teleported in front of the City Lord's Office.

This time, there was only Ye Zong and Ye Xiu there.

After he greeted them, Ye Zong said, "Xiao Yan, Ye Xiu will take you to our treasury, take everything you want. Your contributions to the City are worth much more than that, so you can even take the whole treasury if you want"

Thanking him for his intentions, he didn't want to tell him that there may not even be a single treasure that would catch his eye.

Ye Xiu led him to their treasury and Xiao Yan was indeed disappointed as nothing interested him.

He only took the Inscription Scrolls that couldn't be activated anymore and the few Divine Guardian Rocks.

These two things only needed him to use some Clearance Potion on them to work again.

The Divine Guardian Rocks worked a little like defensive inscription scrolls.

Once activated, it would create a sort of bubble around the user to protect him.

The ones in his hands could each resist a few attacks from Black Gold Ranks.

They were useless to him and he planned to give them to his family.

{Weird, I didn't find the Temporal Chicken Egg that Nie Li found in the story}

{Maybe he felt that he would be useless to me, so he traveled into another space?}

{Or it simply never existed here?}

{It's not like it matters. I already checked everything so let's just leave}

Back in the City Lord's Office, Ye Zong was a little awkward when he learned that Xiao Yan took nearly nothing from their treasury, he said, "Xiao Yan, can you find something so that we can return you the favor, at least a little?"

{So they are feeling guilty that they can't do anything for me?}

He thought a little and said, "There's indeed two things that I may need your help for"

Then he proceed to tell him about his trip to the Abyss Prison Realm, that they had thirteen families, about his fight with two of them.

His request was for Ye Zong to make arrangements so that these eleven families would be able to rapidly move in Glory City.

As Glory City never had too much manpower, Ye Zong easily agreed to this.

Then he said, "My second request is for you to spend more time with Ziyun"

Xiao Yan told him about how Ye Ziyun felt about her father, the fact that she always wanted to share his burdens but never could, that he was the man that she respected the most and so on.

Ye Zong accepted with moist eyes, so Xiao Yan left the office for the main hall.