078 – A clone's life - 06 - Nie Li - 05

Nie Li made some Black Portal Inscription Scrolls, then used one to take a bath at the small islet he found when he was hunting demon beasts.

He put on some clean clothes and came back to the refining room in the same way.

Exiting the room, he saw Yang Xin coming to the office from the door in front of him.

Her skin was a little rosy and her hair slightly moist, clearly she just took a hot bath.

{So she has one room reserved for Alchemy and another one for baths next to her office, since she doesn't have any family, she must be spending all of her time in the Association}

While walking towards him, she said with a smile, "Little brother Nie Li, you finally decided to stop working"

He replied, "I just finished using all of your ingredients, here are all the Berserk Potions that I made".

At that, he put a storage ring in her hand and thought, {According to the story, right now she sees me as a kid. I must let her see me glance at her bosom and act shy, then I'll have a chance!}

Taking the storage ring, she noticed him looking at her twin perks and then shifted his gaze away.

{Hehe, he's even premature in adult things? I want to tease him a little!}

Looking inside the ring, she was shocked to see that he didn't fail any of the his refinement, none of the ingredients were wasted.

Not to mention the time, he was even faster than the President Gu Yan!

Calming herself, she thought, {Well, he's a friend of Xiao Yan and he's also a genius, maybe he's even better than him in practical knowledge}

"Nie Li, thank you, you've made a huge contribution to Glory City. Now we'll have much less casualties if a Demon Beast Horde comes to attack us"

"I'm also a citizen of Glory City, so it's perfectly normal. You don't have to thank me", as he said that, he glanced to her perks once again.

She kept the storage ring inside of her own and giggled, "Hehe, you want to touch them?"

He averted her gaze and said, "Big sister Yang Xin, you shouldn't play this kind of joke with me"

Yang Xin replied, "I'm not joking, if it's the little genius of the Association, I wouldn't mind"

She opened her clothes a little, took his hands and put both of them on her chest.

Looking at Nie Li, she said with a playful smile, "How does it feel?"

He didn't reply her. Instead, he used the Daoyin Technique on her with both of his hands, causing her body to instantly tremble and to let out a moan of pleasure.

Catching her trembling body that was going to fall, he then activated a Black Portal and took her to the islet of the Infinite Forest.

Once there, he laid the rough breathing Yang Xin whose body was still trembling on the ground and continued to use the same technique on her until she wasn't able to endure it anymore.

She directly kissed him with her tongue and was the one who took off their clothes to take it to the next level.

They lost themselves in lust until they fell asleep.


Waking up in the morning, Nie Li saw a pouting Yang Xin.

When she woke up a few minutes earlier, she was blushing as she remembered what she did with him last night.

She was even more embarrassed as she really enjoyed it.

{I can't believe I had my first kiss and my first time with someone more than ten years younger than me!}

{Xiao Yan is already having regular physical intimacy with his two fiancees, Nie Li is around the same age and they are friends, so of course he already knew of such matters!}

{Why didn't I think of it before teasing him!?}

She put on her clothes and waited for him to wake up.

When her eyes met his, she blushed and turned them away, not daring to look at him.

As he saw her like this, he wanted to tease her.

He said, "Big sister Yang Xin, you'll have to take responsibility"

"Ah?", Not expecting something like this, she could only stare at him with wide eyes.

"Yesterday you seduced me, then you took my first kiss and even took my virginity. So, you'll have to take responsibility", he explained.

She thought about this, {Well, I did put his hands on me. Indeed, I was the one who kissed him and the one to…}

{It seems like I really seduced him}

But then she noticed his smile and understood that he was teasing her.

It was the first time that she was the one being teased, so she was at a loss at what to do.

She was still thinking about what to say when he kissed her.

His hands also used the Daoyin Technique, making her drown in pleasure as he started to undress her.


One hour later, she was lying naked in his arms, listening to his love words.

"Xin'er, even if you are the most beautiful, that's not the reason why I love you"

Hearing the beginning of his sentence made her really happy.

Noticing her own heartbeats accelerate, she thought, {Ah, who am I trying to fool? Even if he's a lot younger than me, I already fell for him. A lot of people told me that I was beautiful, but I never felt like this when hearing their praises}

He continued, "I know that you are an orphan, you didn't rely on your beauty but instead used your own skills in alchemy and worked hard by yourself to become the director of the Alchemist Association. I really admire you for that"

Tears started to fall from her eyes. It was the first time someone sincerely praised her for her hard work.

She took his hands in hers and said, "Thank you"

Yang Xin then kissed him with passion to convey her feelings and then asked, "Do you really not mind having an old woman like me as your wife?".