079 – A clone's life - 07 - Nie Li - 06

Hearing Yang Xin's question, Nie Li gave her a light kiss and said, "First, you are not old".

He then kissed her again, this time adding his tongue, "Second, I love you".

Starting again, he continued, "Third, hehe, I'm going to show you just how much I want you as my wife".

As he said that, he once again used his cheat technique and she could only surrender to his magic hands.


A few hours later, Yang Xin was out of breath with her head on his shoulder, both naked and the lower half of their bodies in the lake.

They stopped making out a while earlier, so he gave her the last God Level Growth Rate Demon Spirit that he had.

Once she integrated with it, he gave her three Spiritual Origin Fruits to reach the Legend Rank.

When she became a 1-Star Legend Rank, her body released a lot of impurities so she had to take a bath.

Seeing her naked body who became even more beautiful thanks to her breakthrough, Nie Li couldn't restrain himself and they went for another round.

{I'm totally addicted to her}

He still wanted to do it more, but he knew she had to work so he controlled himself.

Putting on their clothes, he gave her his last jar of refined Blood Crystals and used a Black Portal Inscription Scroll to take her back to her office.

He didn't explain the laws to her now because he wanted her to first become a 5-Star Legend Rank.

After another passionate kiss, they promised to meet up at the banquet tonight.


While leaving the Association, he heard some people talking about the new cultivation techniques now available in Glory City.

Nie Li was even more interested about the hundreds new Black Gold Ranks, {Oh? Seems like I'll have to make a trip to the Sacred Family}

He went to buy some high-class clothes for tonight's banquet and he was surprised to see someone with one of the twelve bodies from the Red Jade Family.

The latter sent him a message in his mind, presenting him as Yu Yang and the Lava Spiritual God.

Then, he introduced the woman who was glued to his arm as Yu Yan.

Nie Li quickly left the couple as he understood how Yu Yang was feeling, {Now I also want to do some shopping with my Xin'er}

As he didn't want to alert Shen Hong before the banquet, he decided to report his trip there for tomorrow and went for an inn.

In his room, he started making Legend Rank storage rings.


It was already nightfall.

He managed to finish using all of the five hundred rings he bought from Xue Yin two days ago and planed to give most of them to his family.

After a quick bath, he put on his new clothes and left the inn for the City Lord Mansion.

Nie Li wasn't invited, but he easily sneaked in unnoticed with his cultivation.

He was surprised to see that not only Yu Yan, but also Yun Ling and Huyan Lanruo already fell for his fellow clones, then he thought that it was normal.

{I'm just that awesome!}

Both of the two who haven't met him before presented themselves in his mind.

He learned that the one with Yun Ling was called Yun Yang and was the Gold Spiritual God.

As for the one with Huyan Lanruo, at first he was called Xiao Yang but his father-in-law asked him to take the name "Huyan" when he engaged with his daughter. He was now Huyan Yang and was the Purple Fire Spiritual God.

Nie Li then saw a table where Gu Yan, Yang Xin and some Elders of the Alchemist Association were sitting, so he went straight for there.

Nobody was on the chair next to his woman so he seated there.

Nodding to the old man, he said, "Uncle Gu Yan, good evening"

The latter smiled as he replied, "Nie Li, good evening", then he thought of something, "Thank you for refining the Berserk Potions, Director Yang told me that you already made all of them and didn't fail even once"

He then looked at the other Elders as if he wanted to say something and hesitated.

Nie Li understood what this was about and said, "You can tell them the truth, I'm strong enough to protect myself from the Dark Guild and my family now has seven Legend Ranks. The other families can't take advantage of us"

Gu Yan then proceed to present him as a Senior Alchemy Master.

The others were quite shocked as they heard of his status inside of their Association. At first they thought that he was a young master from a powerful family, but now they understood that he was much more important than that. Even the Snow Wind Family would have to be respectful to him!

When they recalled all of the recent changes in the Alchemist Association, they started to connect the dots and thought he was the one who made all these.

He looked at Yang Xin who was silent until now and thought, {I think I know what's on her mind}

Presenting his hand, he said, "Big sister Yang Xin, can I dance with you?"

She looked relieved and agreed.

A little while after they started to dance, he said, "Xin'er, don't worry, I understand your situation and I know how hard it would be for you. I don't mind waiting before our relationship becomes official, I'll also work on my reputation so that we can officially be together faster".

{If the people knew of our relationship now, the pressure on her would be really big, they would insult her for seducing someone half her age and so on}

{Even if she doesn't care, due to this she might lose her position of director in the Association, and I don't think she is ready to leave them}

She muttered, "Thank you", then with a blushed face, she added, "Li'er, I love you"

They just danced a few more songs and went back to their table to not arise any suspicions.