080 – A clone's life - 08 - Yu Yang - 02

When Yu Yang and Yu Yan finally stopped enjoying themselves, there was still a few hours before nightfall.

He thought of something and excitedly said, "Yan'er, there's a banquet at the City Lord Mansion tomorrow, I want to go there and dance with you all night, are you willing?"

Thinking of herself dancing with him made a smile appear on her face, she accepted as she also wanted to do it.

They went to eat snacks at some food stalls, not forgetting to feed each other, and he led her around the City.

Yu Yan was getting really emotional.

She spent the last thousands years alone in a cave, thinking that the humans of this world all died.

Now she was in a city booming with activity, together with the the one she loves and who loves her.

Feeling her state of mind, he rent a room in a high-class inn.

He didn't let his lust take over. He laid on the bed next to her, just caressing her hands and whispering love words to her.

She quickly fell asleep with a sweet smile on her face.


In the morning, she was in a much better mood as she asked him to go shopping together to buy some matching clothes.

Seeing her like this, he couldn't bring himself to refuse, not to mention that he also wanted to spend a lot of time with her.

{I guess that even a Goddess who lived for thousands years is still a woman}

Since she didn't have any storage ring on her, they first went to an accessory shop to buy two identical rings.

He still had the six he found in the Black Spring, but he wanted her to use something more special.

The two that she chose at the shop were crimson red.

Back to their inn room, he amazed her by making two inscription scrolls in not even one minute.

Then he positioned himself behind to help her into transforming the rings into storage ones, just like he did with Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun when he was Xiao Yan.

He knew that she must have already made some storage rings in the past, but he didn't say anything.

Yu Yan herself didn't open her mouth as she liked the feeling of being taken care of.

By the time he finished, her cheeks were wine red and she was breathing roughly.

She started to kiss him with passion while her hands were taking off their clothes.

Then, she pushed him on the bed to have what she wanted.


They only had a few hours left before nightfall when they left the inn.

She hugged his arm tightly and they finally went shopping.

Yu Yang didn't look at the price and let Yu Yan buy everything she wanted.

There was 1 Million DSC in the ring Xiao Yan gave him, more than enough for their needs.

Even if he needed more money, he could easily make a few millions by selling some of his demon spirits.

He surprisingly saw Nie Li in one of the shops, so he directly presented himself in his mind, "I'm Yu Yang, Lava Spiritual God".

Then he walked towards him with Yu Yan and said, "Nie Li, this is Yu Yan, the Fire Spiritual Goddess. Yan'er, this is Nie Li, the Life Spiritual God"

Nie Li apparently understood that they were enjoying shopping as a couple so he left them just after the greetings.


They continued their shopping spree until the shops were closing at the beginning of nightfall.

Back to their room to get dressed, they then directly sneaked into the City Lord's banquet.

Two fellow clones who were "born" after him presented themselves in his mind.

They then came to present themselves and their women to him.

As they didn't want them to know about Spiritual Gods yet, Yu Yang first presented them as his sworn brothers and he presented Yu Yan as his soul mate, not the Fire Spiritual Goddess.

The word "soul mate" made her blush as she felt it was true.

Only once they left did he present them again to Yu Yan, telling her that Yun Yang was the Gold Spiritual God and Huyan Yang the Purple Fire one.

She was quite shocked, "Just how many human Spiritual Gods are there in Glory City?"

He thought a little, then replied, "Ten? Twenty? If you want a number you'll have to ask Xiao Yan. But I do know that before one year there will most likely be thirty"

Since he understood what she was going to ask, he continued, "It's actually thanks to Xiao Yan. He has a special soul realm that can't let him become a Spiritual God even if he has the best understanding of a law. He managed to fully understand all the thirty six laws. To strengthen the City, he planed to teach twenty-eight of these Laws to people who he can trust. As for the remaining eight that he didn't want to teach, it's because their Spiritual Gods were still alive and he needed to know if they were with or against the Human race. He confirmed that six were against the demon beasts, even if not openly. The seventh was Zhu Long who is now dead, and the eighth is you"

She nodded her head, understanding, then said, "I would like to meet this Xiao Yan. Also, who are the six other Spiritual Gods? Maybe I know them"

"They are the Nether Spiritual God, the…", he told her about the six laws he felt from the Nether Realm aside from the Death one, when he was Xiao Yan.

Even if she knew their name, they weren't her friends. She could only confirm that they indeed never sided the demon beasts.

When she seemed to finish digesting that information, he continued, "As for Xiao Yan, he is not here yet, I can present him to you later"

Looking at the hall, he exclaimed to her, "We came here for something much more important!"

Yu Yan looked puzzled, then he took her by the hand to the middle of the hall, he said with a serious face, "It's to dance with the one we love the most"

She laughed as they started dancing and continued until the incident.