081 – A clone's life - 09 - Yun Yang - 01

Leaving Xiao Yan, Yun Yang quickly went to the Inscriptionist Association.

He wanted to buy a lot of rings before it was closed at nightfall.

Buying two hundreds rings from Xue Yin, he then left for a clothing shop while thinking, {Weird, she didn't pay for me, maybe she's now immune to the big sister attack because we used it too much on her?}

He just bought a few dozen bolts of clothes from the shop before leaving Glory City.

Finding a quiet place, he did some light exercises to get used to his new body, integrated with his demon spirit and then made a dozen Legend Rank storage rings.

Only after that did he start his hunt, spreading his senses to kill a lot of the beasts on his way to the Heavenly Fate Plateau.

Yun Yang didn't make any complex movement, instead he killed the demon beasts in the simplest and fastest way possible.

He only took out their demon spirits before putting everything in his new storage rings.


The next day, one or two hours after daybreak, he finally arrived near the Plateau and took a bath at the same place Xiao Yan used the first of the twelve bodies yesterday before resuming his journey.

Once there, he directly went to the so called Congee Shop to taste their popular porridge made of powdered wood from Muyang Trees.

The one who served him was a beautiful waitress of around sixteen years old, with clear blue eyes, long blond hair and a firm generous bosom. Her old amended clothes only accentuated her beauty.

He already knew who she was. {Yun Ling, daughter of the owner of the shop. On top of being beautiful, she also had a really kind heart}

{Her personality is a lot like Ziyun's, sincere and curious about the outside world}

She instantly recognized him as someone who wasn't from their Tribe.

After serving him his bowl of wood powder congee, she asked, "Brother, are you the one who exchanged the bags of rices for Purple Smoke Rocks and Demon Spirits a few days ago?"

He didn't mind replying her, "No, the one who came was one of my sworn brothers, Xiao Yan. I'm Yun Yang, nice to meet you", at that, he extended his hand with a friendly smile.

She shook his hand and said, "I'm Yun Ling", then she quickly added, "Where are you from, and why did you come here?"

He knew that she wasn't interrogating him but rather she felt really curious about everything outside of the Heavenly Fate Plateau, so he replied, "I'm from Glory City. I was training in the wild and decided to come take a look when I was near here"

"Where is Glory City? I heard that the beasts outside of the Plateau are really strong, are you a Black Gold Rank?"

Yun Yang smiled, the more he answered and the more she would ask.

Nevertheless, he still continued, "It's about 400 miles from here. As for the cultivation, I'm a Legend Rank"

{Well, I'll explain the Heavenly Fate Realm to her another time}

Right before she was going to speak again, a customer called for her.

She then said, "How long are you planning to stay here?"

"A few days I guess? Maybe a little more?"

Her eyes brightened as she said, "Then, how about you stay with us? We have a free room anyway. In exchange can you tell me about the outside world?"

{And here I was thinking how to become close to her. She was much more interested by the distance from Glory City than my cultivation…}

He smiled to her and replied, "Deal"

She then went to serve the other customers in a really good mood and he started to eat.


Yun Yang wasn't as disappointed as he thought he would be about the congee. Sure, it wasn't that good, but it wasn't that bad either. It could even be considered pretty good if you add in the fact that they were having food insufficiency.

Yun Ling came back asking questions whenever she had some free time.

He answered all of them and continued until the shop was closed.

While she was cleaning the tables and washing the dishes, her father came, "Young man, I'm Yun Ling's father, Yun Che, I accepted to let you live in our guest room for a few days. If you want to stay more you'll have to make yourself useful"

"Don't worry, I can easily hunt demon beasts to help you guys"

At the mention of demons beasts, Yun Che's lips twitched, he said, "Also, if you want to court my daughter, you'll first have to find a way to make sure she would continue to live well even if you die. I don't want her to become a widow and live miserably for the rest of her life"

{So he's thinking I'm a hunter and I may get killed by the demon beasts, living her alone on her own if we were together}

Thinking of something he said, "Is making the both of you Black Gold Ranks sufficient?"

{We just met, I'll make him a Legend Rank after Yun Ling and me are together}

As he said yes, Yun Yang gave him his cultivation technique and his elemental crystal, then tell him to cultivate.

He quickly became a Gold Rank, and continued to the Black Gold Rank as the youngster gave him a Caltrop pill.

Thanking him, he then added that he wouldn't force his daughter and that Yun Yang would have to convince her himself.

When he left to take a bath, he patted his daughter's back and said, "Ling'er, you have my blessings, you two can be together if you want"

"Father!", she angrily shouted at him while blushing.


Once she finished cleaning, Yun Ling led him to his room in their house.

She then asked, "What did you say to my father earlier?"

{Let's be honest to see her reaction}, "He told me that if I wanted to court you, I would first have to ensure your livings without me in case we're together and that I die. I proposed to make the both of you Black Gold Ranks and after he became one he gave me his blessings"