083 – A clone's life - 11 - Yun Yang - 03

Even if he could use a Black Portal to instantly appear in Glory City, Yun Yang knew that Yun Ling would prefer to go there by flight.

He took one of her hands in his and they flew towards the city.

A smile was on his face as he observed his woman looking beneath them with curiosity and asking him lot of questions every time she found something new.

He answered her by the best he could.


A few hours later, they arrived at Glory City.

First he took her to eat snacks at some food stall and they fed each other until they were full.

Next, he guided her around the city and bought all of the clothes she wanted.

He didn't forget to tell her to buy two matching rings for themselves and another one for her father.

Once they were done, they rented a room at an inn.

There, he taught her how to transform the rings into storage ones, taking advantage of her at the same time.

She couldn't resist him so she also started to play with her lover.


At nightfall, after a good bath, they went to the City Lord's Mansion in their new clothes.

They were quickly joined by someone who he recognized as one of the twelve bodies of the Red Jade Family.

He first presented himself in his mind as Huyan Yang, then he led the lady with him, presented Yun Yang as one of his sworn brothers and the girl as Huyan Lanruo.

Yun Yang also didn't want to talk about Spiritual Gods for now, so he went with the story of sworn brother and presented Yun Ling to them.

It was then time to do what he came here for.

The main reason he came back to Glory City with Yun Ling was for this.

Presenting one of his hands, he said, "Princess, would you allow a commoner like myself to be the happiest man in the world by dancing with you?"

She blushed but still agreed.

When they started dancing, he could tell that she was really nervous, making her movements a bit clumsy.

{She's really a lot like Ziyun, I remember she was also like this the first time we danced together}

Just like with Ye Ziyun when he was Xiao Yan, he whispered some love words to her ears until she calmed down.

Then they were both finally able to fully enjoy themselves by dancing with the one they loved.


They made a break when he noticed Yu Yang came at the banquet with Yu Yan and then when Nie Li arrived alone.

He presented his two fellow clones as his sworn brothers to Yun Ling, let the girls present themselves and then returned to dance.

The third break they took was due to the incident.

He used it as a chance to present Xiao Yan to Yun Ling, as she wanted to thank him for the bags of rice he exchanged with the Heavenly Fate Plateau.

After she thanked him, Yun Yang told him in his mind that he forgot to give him two swords for Yun Ling and her father.

To that, he directly gave him a storage ring with the said swords.

{He already prepared it before?}

Then Yun Yang talked about Wang Yi, telling Xiao Yan a little about her and her current situation.

Since there was nothing else, he returned to dance with Yun Ling and they continued until the end of the banquet.


They went back to his room in her house with a Black Portal Inscription Scroll.

Once there, she directly pushed him on the bed while kissing him passionately and taking off their clothes.

{Oh? Maybe I told her so much love words that she can't hold herself anymore?}

{Well, I'm not going to complain, it's exciting to discover this side of her}


In the morning, Yun Ling gave his storage ring to her father, happy to tell him that she chose it herself and that she made half of it.

Yun Yang then remembered something and gave each of them one bottle of ten Soul Tempering Pills, another of Scarlet Body Enhancing Pills, two jars of refined Blood Crystals and a sword.

He then explain to them the use of the three resources in their cultivation until they reached the peak of the Legend Rank.

Today and the next three days Wang Yi would replace Yun Ling again, as she would leave with Yun Yang.

He didn't give her any storage ring nor clothes as it would be another one's job.


The young couple happily flew through the Infinite Forest towards the ruins of Clear River Town.

They managed to explore the whole town on the first day but didn't find anything useful for cultivation.

Still, it could earn them a few hundred million DSC if they sold everything in Glory City.

After spending the night in the ruins, the next day they headed to the ruins of Ning You City.

This time they needed two whole days to fully explore the ruins, but they also had a much better loot.

They had about the same amount of treasures found in the Ancient Orchid City Ruins.

There were mountains of gold coins, dozens of Legend Rank equipments and hundreds of Black Gold ones.

In one storage ring they even found nearly two million demon spirits.

Even if they didn't need any of those, it was a nice a feeling to discover a room full of treasure.

The third day after leaving the Plateau, they headed to the Dark Ruins but didn't find anything.

Someone clearly came here before them, but they still continued looking around as their main goal wasn't to find treasures but to explore.


As they returned home on the fourth morning, Yun Che told them that Wang Yi left the Plateau with a certain "Wang Yan".

Since then he already found a new waitress to permanently work at his shop.

Apparently, Wang Yi left without saying anything to her family.

She still left a letter for Yun Ling though.