084 – A clone's life - 12 - Huyan Yang - 01

After Xiao Yan checked his Spiritual Root, which was 9-Grade Heaven, Xiao Yang left for the Black Devil Forest, in the opposite direction of the Infinite Forest from Glory City.

He knew that Yun Yang would most likely kill a lot of demon beasts on his way to the Heavenly Fate Plateau.

They would just get in each other's way if they were hunting in the same place.

He also didn't really care where he would hunt, he just wanted to be able to do it fully without anyone in his way.

Xiao Yang killed the beasts in the most complicated ways possible, so that he would be able to rapidly master his new body.


At daybreak, after breakfast and a bath, he quickly integrated with his demon spirit before heading back to Glory City.

He nodded at the girl who was already waiting at the Winged Dragon Family as he already knew that she was a fellow clone.

She presented herself as Xiao Yin.

Even if she was really beautiful, he didn't have any lustful thoughts as he knew she was in fact the same as himself inside of her head.


After Xiao Yan presented themselves to uncle Tian and the latter showed them their rooms, he directly went for the Inscriptionist Association.

Xue Yin was making Blood Burst Magic Bottles on the counter.

Since his body was that of a teenager, he greeted her as "big sister", telling her that he was Xiao Yan's sworn brother.

Then he pointed at the bottle she was inscribing on and continued, "He asked me to come and help you to make as much of these bombs as possible"

His "big sister" attack must have been really effective as she didn't even suspect him of lying.

She gave him a storage ring and said, "Hehe, so little brother Xiao Yang is here to help me? This ring is full of bottles of silver rank demon beast blood, ready to be inscribed"

He went to the library in the back to start working.

Fully concentrated on the inscriptions he was making, he only stopped when he finished all of the bottles.


Back to the main hall, he recognized a beautiful teenager talking to Xue Yin, she had pink eyes and shoulder-length pink hair.

She was wearing revealing clothes from which her breasts were nearly popping out.

Xue Yin was saying, "I'm sorry miss Lanruo, the Association protects the privacy of its inscriptionists. If you want to buy Legend Rank storage rings, you'll have to order them and wait for someone to complete the order for you"

"Please Miss Xue Yin, I'm going outside of Glory City in a few days for an expedition and I would like the ring before then"

Xiao Yang instantly understood what it was about.

He recalled what he knew about Huyan Lanruo and quickly prepared a plan to seduce her.

Coughing to make him noticed, he then said, "Big sister Xue Yin, I finished with what was inside of the ring, I'll come back tomorrow for the next one"

After giving her the ring, he looked at the other teenager, extended his hand to her for a shake and presented himself, "I'm Xiao Yang, I can promise you to contact someone to make sure that the rings you would order right now would be ready for tomorrow in exchange of a small favor from you"

Hearing the beginning made a light flashed through her eyes.

First asking confirmation from the President, only then did she presented her hand to him as she said, "I'm Huyan Lanruo, what do want?"

{Now I need to make her interested}, "I just arrived at Glory City yesterday, I would like you to show me around for today"

Just as he thought, she immediately took the bait and accepted the deal.

Quickly ordering ten Legend Rank storage rings from Xue Yin, she then lead him outside of the association.

Looking at his back, Xue Yin thought, {So he isn't from Glory City… But he seems kind and sincere, since he's also Xiao Yan's sworn brother, I will act as if I didn't hear anything}


Once outside, Xiao Yang understood that it was nearly midday, {I have half a day to force her to make a move}

Knowing that she was a short tempered spoiled child, he decided to act distant with her.

{Now it's just a matter of time before she gets impatient and uses her demon spirit on me}

At first, Huyan Lanruo thought that she would be able to easily seduce him and then ask him about anything she wanted, from the place where he came from to the name of the Inscriptionist Grandmaster.

But he seemed immunized to her charms, concentrating on the places she presented him instead of herself!

{Humph! I don't believe that you wouldn't fall for me when I'll use my trump card!}

She then brought him to a park well known among the teenagers. The couples would come here to spend some intimate time together as there were a lot of well hidden places available.

After taking him to one of those, she activated the charm ability of her Snow Sakura demon spirit and waited for him to fall for her.

{Here it is!}

It would be impossible for a 2-Star Silver Rank to charm a 9-Fate Heavenly Fate, {Since she's the one who first made a move, now it's considered self-defense, right?}

He kissed her and started to caress her body with the Daoyin Technique.

Before she could understand what was happening, she was already feeling the peak of pleasure and her body was trembling in his hands.

Once she was able to move her body again, she looked at him with her eyes full of lust.

Right now, she didn't care about anything else than satisfying the urge inside of her.

Wrapping her hands around him, this time she was the one who initiated the kiss.

And then, like countless teenage couples before them, they started to undress themselves in this place.