085 – A clone's life - 13 - Huyan Yang - 02

They only stopped when it was getting dark.

Xiao Yang acted as if he was under the charm of her demon spirit.

After taking both her hands and putting a kiss on them, he lovingly said, "Ruo'er, let's meet again tomorrow okay?"

He pretended to not see the guilty look on her face and left after giving her a passionate kiss.

Huyan Lanruo stayed motionless a few minutes before determination flashed through her eyes as she decided on what to do the next time they would meet.


There was still a little time before Xue Yin closed the Association, so he quickly made the 10 Legend Rank storage rings before going back to the Winged Dragon Family.

After eating and bathing, he stayed on the bed of his room.

He couldn't stop recalling his passionate afternoon with Huyan Lanruo, wanting to do it again with her.

A few minutes later, he knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, so he left his room and headed for the Huyan Family.

His cultivation of 9-Fate Heavenly Fate easily let him unnoticed by their guards.

The one he was looking for was on her balcony, staring at the stars with a sad face.

She was only wearing her nightgown and her hair was still wet from her bath.

He silently approached her, hugged her from behind and said, "What is troubling you my princess?"

Apparently too focused on the stars, she didn't have the time to panic before she recognized his voice.

She slowly whispered, "Yang'er… Why did you come here?"

Turning her to face him, he replied with a smile, "I can't stop thinking about you. It's the first time I fell in love"

Her eyes became moist and she started crying, "No… Yang'er, I need to tell you the truth. What you are feeling right now isn't real. I integrated with a Snow Sakura demon spirit, back in the park I used it's charm technique to seduce you"

Pausing a little, she continued, "I'm really sorry. I understand if you are going to hate me, but I will still forever remember our time together, even if it wasn't your true-self. It's the first time I felt like this, and that's why I now understand that I should have never used such techniques on anyone. Emotions shouldn't be played with"

{Well, it seems like she understood. I don't need to make her feel guilty anymore}

Not hearing anything from Xiao Yang, she thought that he was too angry to speak to her so she decided to leave.

But before she could go away, he hold her waist with one hand and caress her cheek with the other.

He said, "I already knew, and your technique didn't work on me. I'm the one who took advantage of you back then"

She thought that he was just lying to make her feel better, "But then, why were you so distant when I was showing you around the city?"

Smiling a little, he replied, "It was the 'hard to get' technique, and it worked very well apparently"

Hearing this, she thought, {It's true that when I used the Snow Sakura before, something like this never happened…}

Understanding that she was indeed the one who was taken advantage of, she started to get angry, {And I was feeling guilty for him!?}

She tried to push him away but she couldn't, he said, "Regardless of how it happened, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side, what about you?"

"I…", she was going to agree but then she thought, {I can't let him get away that easily! But I also don't want him to leave me…}

"I can give you a chance", {That should be enough for now!}

Xiao Yang seemed to understand what she was thinking about, {So she loves me but she's too embarrassed to admit it? Well, as long as we're together…}

They started to kiss each other while entering her room, then continued their business of the afternoon.


Due to their cultivation, they could continue for the whole night and only stopped when it was time for breakfast.

Kissing her lover passionately, she said, "I love you, I also want to spend the rest of my life by your side"

Hesitating a little, she continued, "I want you to meet my father right now and announce him our relationship, is it okay with you?"

She was no longer wild and arrogant with him, in his arms she was just a little girl in love.

When he agreed, she happily put on her clothes and helped him to put his.

They exited her room arm in arm, not caring about the blushed faces of the maids.

When they entered the dining room, the servants just finished serving the breakfast for three people.

The healthy middle aged man sitting at the table didn't seem surprised that a newcomer was with his daughter.

Huyan Lanruo directly said, "Dad, this is Xiao Yang, my future husband. Yang'er, this is my dad, Huyan Xiong"

The father just smiled wryly before saying, "Lanruo, I know that nobody would be able to make you change your mind, so I won't meddle into your relationship. I just hope that in the future your voice won't be heard through the whole mansion every night"

Realization struck both of the youngsters, {So that's why the maids were blushing…}

Yesterday night they were so concentrated on their pleasure that they forgot the place they were at.

It was the first time that Huyan Xiong saw his daughter blushing shyly.

He then turned to the other teenager and said, "Young man, it seems that I'll be your father-in-law, can you present yourself?"

Xiao Yang thought, {He must really trust Ruo'er to let her take anyone she decides as husband. I also remember that in the story he was desperately trying to find someone to marry her. Ye Mo even said that she was an old lady who couldn't be married. So right now he must be really happy that she finally found someone}