086 – A clone's life - 14 - Huyan Yang - 03

Xiao Yang replied, "My name is Xiao Yang, I'm an orphan and I just came to Glory City two days ago. Xiao Yan from the Winged Dragon Family is my sworn brother and my cultivation is at 9-Fate Heavenly Fate"

{They're now my family, there's no need to lie about such things}

Seeing the puzzled face of Huyan Xiong, Xiao Yang explained the ranks above Legend Rank.

The father didn't think he was lying as he knew his daughter wouldn't have fallen for someone ordinary.

Understanding that the youngster would become the pillar of his family, he asked, "Since you're an orphan, do you mind marrying into our family and taking the Huyan name?"

Xiao Yang didn't hesitate to agree, then said, "I also prepared a dowry"

He first gave him a cultivation technique along with twenty-nine Spiritual Origin Fruits and told him to use them now.

Trusting his son-in-law, he did as told and rapidly went from 5-Star Black Gold to the peak of 5-Star Legend Rank.

Huyan Xiong was now trembling from excitement.

But before he could express his gratitude, his daughter said, "Dad, first take a bath!".

Indeed, he was now covered in filth and the foul odor emanating from his body was nearly unbearable.

Once he was gone, Huyan Yang sat on a chair with his future wife on his lap.

They happily fed each other until all of the plates were emptied.

Then he gave her her cultivation technique, her demon spirit and a jar of refined blood crystals.

To thank him, she gave him a passionate kiss which was getting increasingly bold.

A short while later they were interrupted by her father's return.

She glared at him for ruining her good time and then smiled sweetly at her lover, "Yang'er, I'll start taking my bath, join me just after, okay?"

While the lover of his daughter accepted, Huyan Xiong lips twitched. Not only did she eat all of the food with her man without thinking about her own father, she even acted as if he wasn't welcomed in his own dining room. He didn't know what kind of magic potion this youngster used on her.

Huyan Yang then continued by giving him his demon spirit, all of the cultivation techniques meant for the Huyan Family, eighteen Spiritual Origin Fruits and the remaining nine jars of blood crystals. He kept three of the fruits for Huyan Lanruo to let her become a Legend Rank just after becoming a Black Gold Rank.

Lastly, he explained him about the Laws and gave him the Green Fire Law Crystal.


Back in the room of Huyan Lanruo, he saw her already naked in the bathtub and seductively smiling at him.

He thought resolutely, {I must stay strong, I have something much more important to do first!}

Taking out a bottle of demon beast blood, he laid some soundproof inscriptions all around the room while fighting his inner demons who were telling him that it wasn't important.

Only once he finished did he finally listen to them and took off his clothes to join her.


Since he had to go to the Inscriptionist Association, they stopped having fun after a few rounds.

They were still in the bathtub and she was now laying her back on his chest.

She said, "Tonight there's a banquet at the City Lord's Mansion, you'll come with me right?"

"Of course, but I don't have any clothes for that kind of event, how about you come at the Inscriptionist Association at the same time as yesterday to go and buy some together?"

She instantly agreed and they finally went out of the water to get ready for their day.


He met Xue Yin on his way to the Association so they continued to walk there together while talking to each other.

She explained to him, "I just took miss Ye Ziyun to the Family to officialize her engagement with Xiao Yan, that's why I'm a little late"

Then he excitedly said, "Oh, right! Big sister, today I'm also getting officially engaged to Huyan Lanruo, from now on I'm Huyan Yang!"

Xue Yin was quite surprised, "Eh? Little brother, didn't you see her for the first time yesterday?"

He embarrassingly laughed and replied, "That little time was enough for us to understand that we were soul-mates and meant to be together"

Seeing her weird look, he continued, "I'm sure that big sister will also meet her soul-mate one day, at that time you'll understand"

In his mind, he added, {Wait a few more days, Xiao Yan will send another clone just for you and you'll also experience it}

She just smiled without replying, it was cute to see a teenager talking about these matters as if he was an adult.

Once they arrived at the Association, she gave him a new ring filled with bottles of demon beast blood just like the last time and they each started to work.


Back to the main hall, he saw that Huyan Lanruo was already here, taking the ten storage rings that he made yesterday from the counter.

He didn't have the time to give Xue Yin her ring back that his woman already jumped in his arms and was kissing him passionately.

They didn't mind Xue Yin's presence and continued until they were out of breath.

She looked at him with eyes full of love and said, "Hehe, I missed you"

He caressed her face and whispered, "I missed you too"

The two continued to flirt a little while before he remembered that they were still in the Association.

He noticed that Xue Yin was looking at them with a scarlet face.

Not knowing what to say in this kind of situation, he simply gave her her storage ring and left with his other half.

Watching the young couple leaving, she thought, {I'm so envious of them. Maybe I should try finding my soul-mate? It's been nearly ten years since Lin Ziyan died but Ye Zong still loves her. It's very clear that he'll never love someone else. Maybe my future husband will come here just like for those two?}

She sighed, {I should stop dreaming, I already lost my chance to find love and I'm now too old to get married…}