087 – Too late

In the main hall, the banquet already started.

Xiao Yan was shocked when he recognized some of the people dancing.

All of his four male clones were already in couple!

What surprised him the most was that each of these couples were clearly in love.

Be it Nie Li and Yang Xin, Yu Yang and Yu Yan, Yun Yang and Yun Ling or Xiao Yang and Huyan Lanruo, each of them was clearly infatuated by his or her partner. Even if Yang Xin was hiding it quite well, his enhanced hearing allowed him to hear their talk and to understand their relationship.

{Already? I never thought that it would be that fast. Even Yu Yan who is at least thousands years old is in love with Yu Yang…}

{They aren't my clones for nothing, they managed to seduce them in such a short time}

{As expected of myself!}

Xiao Yan went talking to his cousin Chen Linjian and after getting congratulated for his engagements, he told him that they won't be able to go with him to the Ancient Orchid City Ruins in three days.

Before coming here, he wanted to present Xiao Yang to him, so that he would be able to become friend with Huyan Lanruo during the trip.

But since they were now already in a relationship, he didn't mention anything else.

Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun already arrived and were talking to each other.

Apparently, they already decided that Ye Ziyun would dance with him first, so he could only comply.


Ye Ziyun was really happy.

Right now she was dancing with the one she loves.

Today her family confirmed her that she was his fiancee.

They would get married, she would bear his children, she would spend her whole life together with him and her best friend.

Not able to restrain her emotions anymore, she put her hands behind his neck and started to kiss him passionately, not caring about the presence of the other people.

Soon, nearly everyone in the hall stopped what they were doing and observed them.

They could feel the passion animating the two youngsters, they all understood that it's wasn't simply a political engagement.

It was much more than that, it was pure love.

A lot of young men were depressed.

Today, they learned that the three most beautiful girls of the younger generation were getting engaged.

They knew that Xiao Ning'er and Huyan Lanruo wouldn't marry out of their families, so their hope went to the third one, Ye Ziyun.

Since even the weakest of the Noble Families was able to have three Legend Ranks, they thought that with the new cultivation techniques shared by the Snow Wind Family, their families would soon have much more Legend Ranks experts, allowing them to break the engagement and take Xiao Yan's place.

But now they could tell that he already took her heart.

It was too late.


By now, the City Lord already came to the hall and was smiling while looking at his daughter.

He already knew that she was sincerely in love with Xiao Yan and was glad that the latter also loved her.

Now that his parents and his Patriarch were Legend Ranks, her fiance was finally publicly worthy of her.

As Ye Zong scanned the hall, he noticed that at one corner there was another couple who were also passionately kissing each other.

Even if almost nobody noticed their actions, he could tell that their feelings were the same.

When he recognized the girl, he said to his best friend who was next to him, "Xiong, looks like your daughter also found her soul-mate"

Huyan Xiong, the Patriarch of the Huyan Family, laughed and said, "Haha, he came at the right time. I was starting to worry that she might end up as an old lady who can't be married. He is even the sworn brother of your son-in-law and he accepted to take my Family name, what else can I ask for?"

The young women were looking at Ye Ziyun with envy, they also wanted to experience such passion.

Since the musicians never stopped playing their music, Xiao Yan and Ye Ziyun didn't know that they were the center of attention.

When the two were finally satisfied with their long kiss, they smiled at each other and continued to dance as if nothing happened.

Soon, everybody also continued what they were doing before.


After being satisfied, Ye Ziyun let Xiao Ning'er take her place, it was her turn to dance.

Dancing a few songs, the two girls then switched their places again and continued like this for a long time.

They only stopped when they were feeling a little hungry, so they went to sit down with Xiao Yan's Family and began to eat.

Shen Hong was looking at them with deep hatred, he felt as if someone was slapping his face.

Xiao Yan was engaged to the two girls who were originally going to marry his two sons.

He could understand that the girls had to find someone else to engage since Shen Fei and Shen Yue were now dead.

But couldn't they at least mourn his sons a little?

Did they have to show everyone that they were so happy to have a new fiance?

His sons died just a few days ago, they just got engaged to a new guy and they were acting as if they loved each other for years!

How can they be so shameless? Were his sons that repulsive?

{The Snow Wind Family is much stronger than us right now, but not the Winged Dragon Family!}

{Even if they have three Legend Ranks like us, they don't have any Black Gold Ranks or even Gold Ranks}

{When the Demon Beast Horde arrives they'll all die, but that doesn't mean I'll let them disrespect my Family until then!}

{Let's see how you deal with us. Just because you are rich doesn't mean you are strong!}

Turning to his sister, he said, "Shen Xiu, bring Shen Yan and humiliate that little bitch from the Winged Dragon Family", to Shen Yan, he added, "If the brat tries to interfere, cripple him and make it look like you couldn't control your new strength"

They both obeyed their Patriarch, standing up and walking towards Xiao Ning'er with malicious intentions.

Especially Shen Xiu, she was Shen Yue's and Shen Fei's aunt, she knew that Xiao Yan seduced their women before they died.