088 – Original

Noticing them approaching, Xiao Yan thought, {Damn, you sent the same people as in the story, couldn't you be a bit more original? So boring}

The people in the hall also noticed that the Sacred Family was going to look for trouble, they stopped what they were doing and prepared to watch the show that was about to begin.

Huyan Xiong worriedly turned to Ye Zong, "Shouldn't you help your son-in-law?"

Ye Zong wasn't the least bit anxious, he simply replied, "Relax, that brat is much stronger than even my father or Ancestor Ye Yan, you should worry about the Sacred Family instead, he can wipe out their whole family by himself"

Huyan Xiong was shocked, "He's that strong?"

"Yes", he thought a little and continued, "But maybe you won't be able to see it, his mother is a bit… Overprotective"

At this time, everybody was gossiping, they all knew why Shen Xiu and Shen Yan were going to look for trouble. Shen Fei died just a few days ago and his fiancee was already engaged to someone else. The same person was also now engaged to the one Shen Yue was going to be engaged to. It was a big slap on the face of the Sacred Family.

They also gossiped about the time Shen Yue and his lackeys got beaten in front of the school entrance by the two same girls.


When Shen Xiu was a few meters from Xiao Ning'er, she said, "Xiao Ning'er, even before Shen Fei died, I saw you seducing Xiao Ya-"

Everyone in the hall was shocked, before she could finish her sentence, Xiao Yan was already lifting Shen Xiu's body by grabbing her neck with his left hand.

Shen Xiu was really scared, {Wasn't he not even a bronze rank a few weeks ago, that strength is at least of the Gold Rank!}

As she looked at him in the eyes, she understood that he could kill her without any hesitation.

She felt so much fear that she started to pee on herself without knowing it.

Before she could believe what was happening, he slapped her two times with his right hand, one time on each of her cheeks.

He just held back enough so that she wouldn't die, so these two slaps broke a lot of teeth and blood was seeping out of her mouth.

Then he punched her right on her nose, breaking it, and he finally kicked her in the guts, throwing her meters away.

As she landed on her butt, she first coughed a few mouthful of blood and then she started crying.

Xiao Yan frowned as he looked at the crying Shen Xiu.

{While I would very much like to let you guys fatten like pigs and turn all of your damn family into Elemental Crystals the latest possible, if you dare to try making my cute Ning'er cry, I won't hesitate to kill all of you right now}

There was only Shen Xiu's crying sound in the hall.

Everybody would feel pity for her if they didn't know how vicious she usually was.

They still couldn't believe that Xiao Yan would be so decisive, directly beating her without letting her finish her insults.

Then they thought of something, to be able to subdue her like that, wasn't he at least a Gold Rank?

Fourteen years old and already that strong? Didn't that make him the strongest of the younger generation?

{That's right, the City Lord wouldn't let his precious daughter marry someone without talent! Now that more and more people are becoming Legend Ranks, it isn't that rare anymore, he wouldn't marry her just because the Winged Dragon Family has three Legend Ranks!}

The first one to react was Shen Yan, he sprinted towards Xiao Yan, clearly intending to kill him.

He thought, {Since you dared to humiliate us, you better be ready to pay the price!}

But before he could touch the teenager, Chen Yin appeared out of nowhere, grabbed his head and knocked it hard against her knee.

His nose and few of his teeth directly broke. Just one hit left his face full of blood.

Feeling disoriented, he tried to keep standing up when she punched him in his guts, breaking a few ribs and making him cough a mouthful of blood.

She then kicked the front of one of his knee, making him fall on the ground.

Finally, she kicked him on his hands, his elbows, his feet and his knees, each time breaking his bones and making him scream in pain.

Shen Yan couldn't even understand what was happening to him before he lost consciousness.

All of that happened in just a few seconds.

The people were shocked by her strength. She just beat a Legend Rank in only a few moves as if he was a little brat!

She also didn't show any mercy, breaking the bones of all his limbs. He would need at least several months to recover.

{Just how powerful must one be to make a Legend Rank scream in pain and even lost consciousness?}

The bystanders shivered at that thought.

They could now understand where did Xiao Yan learn to be so ruthless, he was in fact just like his mother!

It was her who taught him to be like that!

Chen Yin looked at Shen Hong and said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, "Even fraudsters can be arrogant now? Shen Fei was a human shaped garbage, you should have held a banquet to celebrate his death, yet you expect people to mourn him? Do you have some issues with your brain? Why would people regret the death of such a scum?"

He gritted his teeth but didn't say anything, so she added, "Ning'er is going to marry my son, does that pose a problem to your Fraudster Family? If you're a man, just say it"

Shen Hong really wanted to say something, but he knew he would just end up like Shen Yan.

Then he wouldn't be able to lead his family out of Glory City during the attack of the demon beast horde.