089 – Cool

Chen Yin understood that Shen Hong was scared of her, so she continued, "Seems like you understand that even if you reached the Legend Rank, you are still just trash in front of me, I just need a few seconds to kill a scum like you. Now listen well, if you dare to send another dog to bully my daughter-in-law, I won't hold back. I'll kill that dog, his master, and his whole family of cowards"

Everyone clearly understood her threat, they thought that Shen Hong would immediately retaliate, but the latter did nothing.

Shen Hong had to use a great deal of willpower to control his anger.

He then arranged for some of the members of his family to bring Shen Xiu and Shen Yan back to their home.

{It's the first time someone dared to humiliate us this much}

{To be threatened by a woman who has the age to be my daughter!}

{Enjoy your lives for now! When the demon beast horde arrives, you'll all die anyway…}

When Shen Xiu and Shen Yan were taken away, the musicians started playing their music again and the mood slowly returned to normal.

Chen Yin was walking back to her seat when Xiao Ning'er jumped in her arms and hugged her.

She patted her back as she noticed that the teenager was crying.

Before meeting Xiao Yan, her family didn't hesitate to sacrifice her.

Now, Xiao Yan directly beat up Shen Xiu as she was going to insult her.

Even his mother beat one of their Elders, humiliated the Sacred Family and their Patriarch just to protect her dignity.

She knew that she could always rely on him and that made her really happy.

Calming down, she said, "Ma'am, thank you. You were so cool just a moment ago, I'll try my best to become like you one day"

When the Elders of her family heard this, their lips twitched, especially Xiao Yi who thought, {It's cool to beat up an old man!?}

Even so, they didn't dare to say anything as they didn't want the mother to "negotiate" with them.

They just noted to never offend Xiao Ning'er again in the future, as she would beat them up.

Chen Yin was really happy of the praise, she replied, "Hehe, good luck!"


Huyan Xiong smiled wryly and said, "That's what you call "overprotective" huh. Damn, she's so fierce! She didn't even give Shen Yan a chance to back off and directly broke the bones of all his limbs. Haha, it's the first time I saw Shen Hong like this, it was worth it"

Ye Zong also smiled, "He wanted to show off the Legend Ranks of his family, but in the end he was even more humiliated. Serves him well!"


Back to her seat, Xiao Ning'er thought, {I need to get stronger! Not just my cultivation but also my mind. The next time someone tries to bully me, I'll have to fight by myself. While I do feel good when Xiao Yan protects me, I also don't want to weigh him down}

While eating, Xiao Yan sent a mental message to Xiao Yang, now Huyan Yang as he learned of his engagement from his parents, telling him that he can now do whatever he wanted as he would send someone else to continue doing the Blood Burst Magic Bottles for the Inscriptionist Association.

Yu Yang also came presenting him Yu Yan, who wanted to meet the one who could use all thirty-six laws.

Yun Yang did the same with Yun Ling as she wanted to thank him for the trade he made with the Heavenly Fate Plateau.

He reminded him that he forgot giving him weapons for her father and her.

Xiao Yan quickly prepared a storage ring with two Legend Rank swords in the world of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book.

The whole process looked as if the ring was already prepared.

Yun Yang also told him about Wang Yi from the Heavenly Fate Plateau, who apparently was kind and beautiful.

Learning that she was Yun Ling's best friend and that she was replacing Yun Ling as the waitress in the shop, he decided to prepare one of the remaining bodies of the Red Jade Family to court her.

After eating, Xiao Yan, Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun returned to dance until the end of the banquet.


While his family walked back home, Xiao Yan quickly used his void-form to locate Xue Yin's room and then teleported to the Heavenly Fate Plateau to use the LoHP on Wang Yi to prepare her cultivation technique.

He then picked a Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist from the Sacred Family with the right element to make her an Elemental Crystal.

At first he wanted to take out one of the bodies near the lake of the school training grounds, but surprisingly the place was already taken by Lu Piao and Xiao Xue who were enjoying themselves.

Not wanting to interrupt them, he could only go to another place.

He chose a river halfway between Glory City and the Plateau.

Xiao Yan named the first one Wang Yan.

When his new clone became the Death Spiritual God, he noticed that he didn't feel the previous one of the Nether Realm anymore.

{So it's really possible to kill a Spiritual God by better comprehending his law…}

Wang Yan left after he gave him his storage ring, enough resources for Wang Yi to reach the Legend Rank, a demon spirit and a sword to defend herself.

Just like Yun Ling, her element was already taken by a Spiritual God, so she couldn't become one without killing the current one, and he didn't want her to take the law of another element as that would limit her future developments.

The next one was named Xue Yang and became the Black Water Spiritual God.

He was tasked to replace Huyan Yang's job at the Inscriptionist Association and was given enough Spiritual Origin Fruits along with a demon spirit, a sword and the Water Law Crystal if he manages to seduce Xue Yin.

He didn't want to use the remaining six bodies now and wanted to wait the end of the beast horde for that.

Only then did Xiao Yan returned home and he was glad to see that he arrived before his family.