091 – Xiao Tian

Xiao Yan just wanted to confirm if he was Gu Lan's master or not, as it was one of the questions left without answers in the story.

But if he asked it like that, then maybe he would lie to him.

That's why his question was to know the reason why he took her as a disciple.

The reply surprised him, "I just found the talent and the mind of that lass quite good, that's all"

{That's it!? Damn, I thought that she had an amazing secret, like she was another one of the six Ancient Experts, had some unique bloodline or something}

{Anyway, I confirmed that he's indeed her master}

He wanted to confirm something else, "You're the one who asked Ming Fei to protect Glory City when you weren't around?"


{Well, that's all, I guess I don't have anything else to ask}

The teenager lastly said, "I'll wait for you at the North Heavenly Ice Plains"

"You think you can-", before Daozang could finish, Xiao Yan already teleported there.

His cultivation of Martial Ancestor couldn't even handle a brat of the Legend Rank…

The old man could feel a tight slap on his face.

It was the first time he ever felt so humiliated, he was just glad that there were no witnesses.


Xiao Yan directly went into his book-artifact and isolated the time flow from the outside.

Then he took the seventh body of the Red Jade Family to make a new clone.

After he regained consciousness, he gave him his ring prepared by uncle Tian even if he wouldn't need it, then made him a Peak 5-Star Legend Rank expert.

{Since he'll have to stay in this World, maybe he can try to court Xiao Yu and unseal the gift of her parents?}

Making up his mind, Xiao Yan gave him the storage ring with 10 Million Gold Spiritual Stone Essences and said, "You'll be Xiao Tian, use those to reach the Deity Rank"

Xiao Yan knew that if he reached the Deity Rank right now, he would be hunted down by the servants of the Sage Emperor once he stepped in the Draconic Ruins Realm. He wouldn't be able to take the other treasures he knew of if that was the case.

That's why he needed to first secure a lot of resources before reaching that level.

He would also be more at ease with a Deity Rank clone guarding the Tiny World when he would leave.


Next was the Dark Guild and the Sacred Family.

He only kept Shen Hong alive after crippling his cultivation, then made his whole family along with the members of the Dark Guild into Elemental Crystals.

{At least you guys will still be useful to Glory City}

Xiao Yan stopped the time flow around the former Patriarch and went to record the new books in his LoHP.

A lot of them were about laws and after studying them a little he managed to prepare a new stack of papers explaining how to feel the laws without revealing the secret about them being inscription patterns.

{With this, the City will also have Demi-Gods experts and then I would be able to take the humans from the Nether Realm}

Lastly, he checked the storage rings and the treasures.

Pills and money didn't interest him, one of the things that caught his eyes were three defensive artifacts.

One was a Rank-2 while the other two were Rank-1.

He remembered that their ranks were different in the story.

Here, Rank-1 Artifacts were able to defend against attacks below 1-Fate Heavenly Fate while Rank-2 increased it to 6-Fate.

Rank-3 would make it to 1-Star Heavenly Star, Rank-4 to 6-Star and so on.

Surprised to find a soul mirror, he noticed that there were three souls inside so he used the LoHP on it.

Along with the description of the Artifact, three names appeared: Lin Ziyan, Lin Yu'er and Lin Lan.

He had to search in the memories of the previous host of his body to learn who they were, and he instantly yelled his joy.

It was the mothers of his fiancees!

{So they were sisters, that's why Ning'er and Ziyun were always together when they were small}

{There's also a third one, I never thought that Huyan Lanruo's mother was their aunt}

{I'll wait a few weeks before making their bodies, else they wouldn't be able to concentrate on their training}

Finally, Xiao Yan modified the time flow around his clone and they had a break each time the latter reached a new cultivation realm.

Those breaks lasted a few hours each, so that he would be able to fully control his new powers.

When Xiao Tian finally reached the Deity Rank, he gave Xiao Yan the remaining twenty Gold Spiritual Stone Essences.

While the clone left to get used to his new powers, Xiao Yan was left speechless.

{And I thought that it would be enough for everyone to reach the Deity Rank…}

{My flawless cultivation technique would definitely need much more resources than Xiao Tian, not to mention that it's just to reach the Stage-1}

{The Divine Phaseless Fruits must be what people are supposed to use once they reached the later stages of Martial Ancestor}


Once Xiao Tian was done, Xiao Yan took him out of the book-artifact to wait for Daozang.

He added, "Try to keep his storage ring, maybe he has some treasures"

The clone just nodded, he also had the memories of when Xiao Yan overkilled Zhu Long, wasting his storage ring.

They didn't have to wait for long as the old man came just a few minutes later.

Xiao Tian disappeared and reappeared with an arm, on which was a storage ring.

He dropped it and then extended his arm, sealing the space around the Ancient Expert.

Before Daozang could even feel that he just lost an arm, his body exploded and his soul dissipated.

After confirming with the LoHP that the crazy old man was dead, Xiao Yan thought, {If you weren't that arrogant and helped our race instead of betting everything on the six Ancient Experts, we could've been friend}

{You also should've taken the Demon Lord under your wing instead of watching his evil deeds. Anyway, I can kill the Sage Emperor myself}

{I'll just take your inheritance when I have the time in the Draconic Ruins Realm, I don't need anything else from you}