092 – A clone's life - 15 - Nie Li - 07

Once Nie Li was back at the table, he was soon bombarded by questions concerning Alchemy.

As he was also planning to reveal his status of Senior Alchemy Master to the public starting tomorrow, he didn't mind answering them.

Even Gu Yan and Yang Xin were also asking questions.


They only stopped when Shen Hong sent two people to look for trouble at the Winged Dragon Family.

Gu Yan asked, "Nie Li, should I intervene?"

Even the Sacred Family has to treat the Alchemist Association with respect.

As Xiao Yan was their most important partner, he didn't mind using their reputation to help his family.

The problem was that the people would start to guess about the reason.

Since Xiao Yan told him that he wanted their partnership to remain secret from the public, he didn't know if he should act or not.

Nie Li simply said, "Don't worry for him. You should pray for the Sacred Family instead"

At that, everyone around the table turned their gaze towards the "show".


After the little incident, the table was shocked.

They never thought that the so kind looking Xiao Yan could be this ruthless, and that his mother was even worse!

Nie Li said to Gu Yan, "See? Xiao Yan isn't stupid, if he dared to publicly announce his engagements with his two fiancees, by that slapping the face of the Sacred Family, that means he doesn't fear them the slightest"

The table then continued to talk about alchemy until the end of the banquet.


Yang Xin took Nie Li to her home.

Once she closed the door she pushed him on the wall and started to kiss him passionately while undressing.

She was restraining herself the whole day!

Nie Li let her do what she wanted and they continued what they were doing this morning.


In the morning, after taking their bath together, he left in a good mood as she told him she would be able to take a break from the Association for two days starting tomorrow to spend more time together.

As the room of an inn would be too small for what he was going to do, he quickly searched for a cave in the Infinite Forest.

He then transported one hundred Black Gold Rank Demon Spiritualists from the Sacred Family to the cave with a Black Portal Inscription Scroll after knocking them down.


With the hundred new Elemental Crystals in his storage ring, he was going to drop the corpses in their Family Mansion when he detected a new Legend Rank in the main hall.

It was Gui Sha, from the Dark Guild.

Nie Li easily spied on them without being detected.

He thought, {So he also broke through and became a Legend Rank…}

Gui Sha sighed and said, "We can't contact the one who was supposed to bring the Demon Beast Horde to Glory City, we are waiting for our master to exit his secluded cultivation before taking other actions"

Shen Hong replied after a few seconds, "Alright, I'll accept your offer and take my family to your Head-Quarters, even the Winged Dragon Family dared to humiliate us yesterday, Ye Zong must have told them everything. And if he told the truth to that kind of family, then most likely at least half of the others already know and it's only a matter of time before they launch their attack"

The Patriarch then gave orders to the elders to pack everything in storage rings and to bring everyone to the main hall, where apparently Gui Sha would teleport them all at the same time.


While changing his clothes, Nie Li thought, {Right now Xiao Yan must be in the Abyss Prison Realm training with the others. Since there's a possibility to meet the crazy old man, I'll wait the end of the afternoon before telling him Gui Sha's plans}

He was now wearing his white Alchemy Master robe along with his badge representing his Senior Rank.

Satisfied, he entered the Association under the shocked gazes of many.

Nie Li just answered the questions of the Council Hall and left.

He didn't want to disturb Yang Xin as he knew she had a lot of work today.


Back to his family, he gave Nie Hai four hundred Legend Rank storage rings and the Elemental Crystals while explaining how to use them.

The Patriarch was crying when he understood that before tomorrow his family would have a hundred Black Gold Rank experts.

Nie Yu direcly jumped in his arms to hug him, she asked him with sparkling eyes, "Big brother, you didn't forget your promise right?"

He patted her head, "Of course, but did Yu'er train diligently when I wasn't here?"

She called her mother who was nearby, "Mom! Tell big brother Nie Li that I was training hard when he wasn't here!"

The mother agreed and then let Nie Li take her daughter out of Glory City for the day.


As he told her, she was now on his back while he was flying.

His little sister looked everywhere under them until he landed outside of the city.

He let her fight demon beasts while giving her advices on how to get better.

Unknowingly to her, they were going in the direction of the Dark Ruins.

They only stopped in the late of the afternoon and he took her home on his back.

She was so excited the whole day while fighting that she felt asleep on him.

So when they were back to the family, he carefully put her in her bed, covered her with a quilt and kissed her forehead before leaving.


Flying in the direction of the Winged Dragon Family, Nie Li thought, {Yu'er is so cute, I can't wait to have my own children}

Uncle Tian told him that Xiao Yan wasn't here yet. As the butler noticed his clothes and badge, he proposed him to wait in the main hall.

He thought that Nie Li was here for a business concerning the Alchemist Association.

After telling Xiao Yan the whereabouts of the Sacred Family, Nie Li went back to the Association while he excitedly thought, {Now, for the next two days I'll be alone with my cute Xin'er!}