093 – A clone's life - 16 - Nie Li - 08

Only a few people were still in the Association and Nie Li could feel Yang Xin and Gu Yan in the Council Hall.

He waited for the old man to leave before he entered.

Nie Li directly appeared behind her.

Hugging her from behind, he asked her, "Xin'er, can you leave the Association or do you have more work?"

Her breath accelerated when she felt him just behind, she replied, "Yes, I was going to leave"

As she said that, he kissed her neck and took their clothes off.

He didn't know why, but he was really excited when he thought of doing it here, in the Council Hall.


When they finished their business and put back their clothes, she cutely punched him on his chest, "Someone could've seen us!"

Nie Li replied with a smile, "But wasn't it exciting? You also seemed to like it, and not just a little"

He wanted to tease her and not tell her the fact that he was using his senses to cover the whole Association to know if someone would come.

With a red face, she was going to run but he appeared in front and hugged her.

He kissed her and said, "Sorry, but you are so beautiful that I couldn't control myself"

She pretended to be angry, "Hmph! You and your sweet tongue!"

They left the Association together for her house and started their second round.


After another sleepless and passionate night, he took her out of Glory City in the direction of the Dark Ruins.

He knew that she always wanted to travel but she never had the opportunity to, so he decided that they would spend their two days exploring.

Giving her the Legend Rank sword that he forgot to give her until now, he also let her fight some demon beasts even if she was much stronger than them.

She asked him a lot of questions about the places she could see, to which he happily answered.

Nie Li told her the name of each new demon beast and also the things he knew about them.

Even with all their breaks for talking, they traveled really fast and arrived at the Ruins by the end of the afternoon.

He could tell that there were dozens of demon beasts deep inside but the strongest was just at the peak of the Black Gold Rank.

They decided to explore it tomorrow.

It's not that they were tired, but they couldn't hold their lust anymore.


The next morning, he let her kill all of the demon beasts by herself.

They had the time to explore the whole Dark Ruins before nightfall and they easily found all of the treasures.

There were things like weapons, armors, ores, and all the other things that could be found in a Treasure Vault.

The only thing really useful to Nie Li was a chest inside which were nearly ten thousand God Level Growth Rate Demon Spirits.

Nie Li wasn't surprised, {Well, they did have the Nightmare Demon Pot, it would be weird if they didn't have any demon spirits}

Yang Xin just took a few things for herself to remember this day.

He took everything else as for her, the memories of the time she spent with him were much more precious.

When they were going to leave, she tightly hugged him and whispered to his ears, "Li'er, thank you. I felt more alive during these few days with you than during my whole life"

As he noticed she was crying from happiness, he hugged her back and whispered some love words to her.

She felt so relaxed in his arms that she quickly felt asleep.

He used one of his Black Portal Inscription Scrolls to take them directly in her room then he laid her on the bed and continued to hug her until he also felt asleep.


Starting the next day, Nie Li would mostly spend his day times in the Alchemist Association or with his little sister.

When Yang Xin could have a day off, he would take her outside of Glory City to explore the outside world.

If not, he would sometime tease her by doing it in some places of the Association, like her office, the Council Hall, the Library, the storage room or even in the hallways. She didn't stop him as she also found it really exciting.

He gave all of his treasures to the Patriarch of his Family while explaining him their uses.

During the banquet held to celebrate the return of Ye Zong's wife and her two sisters, Xiao Yan told him that the Crazy Old Man was dead and that he could safely go to the Abyss Prison Realm if he wanted.

At that time, everyone from there already moved to Glory City and even the demon beasts were all killed by his friends.

Nie Li went there the next day and used some inscriptions to directly take the unrefined blood crystals from the mines.

He did the same for the ores and then gave everything to his family.

Once he refined all the blood crystals, the cultivation speed of his family skyrocketed and they soon had hundreds of Black Gold Ranks.

At that time everybody knew that he was one of the best alchemists of the City so he asked Yang Xin to marry him and made their relationship official.

As he expected, nobody dared to badmouth his fiancee and they no longer needed to hide themselves.

When Xiao Yan asked him if he wanted to go to the Draconic Ruins Realm, he chose to stay in the Tiny World.

Even if the Sage Emperor wouldn't be able to detect him now that he no longer had the Temporal Demon Spirit Book, he still didn't want to go there at the moment.

His current life was really satisfying and he wanted to enjoy it the longest possible.

He projected to first spend a few years like this and then to have some kids.

Only then would he maybe head there, as he knew that even if he never did, Xiao Yan would still give him and his wife the resources needed to at least reach the Deity Rank.