097 – Xiao Yu

After taking care of the Celestial Qilin's materials, Xiao Yan and Xiao Tian went to the last floor of the tower to annihilate the soul of Kong Yan, one of Kong Ming's successors.

They didn't dare to take any risk so they directly kill him without trying to get more information.

Xiao Yan then told his clone to go back to the Winged Dragon Family and to wait there for Xiao Yu.


Surprisingly, Ming Fei and the other five Spiritual Gods were already waiting for him at the Ninth Layer.

They seemed a little nervous so he said, "My name is Xiao Yan and I'm from the Winged Dragon Family of Glory City, it's the old Daozang who told me about this place"

Right now his parents, the patriarch and uncle Tian were already Spiritual Gods, so he didn't mind telling these people his origins.

Not to mention that the top five of the Snow Wind Family were at the Heavenly Star Realm.

He really didn't have anything to fear even if he had to leave the Tiny World.

Hearing that he was an acquaintance of the crazy old man eased them up and they presented themselves.

The Nether Master then said, "So, why did you come here Xiao Yan?"

Since they cultivated laws for thousands of years, they could feel that all of the thirty-six laws were inside of his body.

They didn't know if they were stronger than him and didn't want to know.

The teenager simply said, "First, I can help Xiao Yu to reach the Heavenly Fate Realm"

Ming Fei was first excited, then asked doubtfully, "And what do you want for that? There's no free lunch in the world, right?"

Xiao Yan smiled and replied, "Nothing, It's to prove you that I have no ill intentions"

The father called a servant and told him to fetch his daughter, then the youngster added, "I have a deal for each of you six"

When the six turned more serious to listen to him carefully, he continued, "I want my friends and myself to join your sects without soul seals. In exchange I'll help you reach 9-Fate Heavenly Fate right now, and in one year I'll give each of you a God Level Growth Rate Dragon Bloodline Demon Spirit suitable for you"

They didn't even hesitate before accepting his offer and Ming Fei said, "In seven months we will make the tests in the Nether Realm to choose the disciples for the sects and the portal will open in ten months"

Xiao Yan nodded, then gave the six of them their Crystal Laws and after a few minutes they all became 9-Fate Heavenly Fate expert.

The youngster thought of something and asked, "Do you guys know of the places the other portals will open?"

{I remember that Nie Li didn't come to the Nether Realm in his first life, that means he took another portal to reach the Draconic Ruins Realm}

This time it was another man who replied, "There are only two other portals, the nearest one is in the Black Devil Forest and the last one in Demon City. Both of them are controlled by Demon Beasts"

{That's right, Ning'er must've used the one in the forest in her past life}

After some thoughts, the teenager asked, "Where is Demon City?"

The same man answered him and then said, "If you attack them then Zhu Long would retaliate, he is the Ice Spiritual God and his cultivation is at least at the peak of the Heavenly Fate. There are also a lot of Heavenly Fate demon beasts with him"

Xiao Yan didn't want them to fear for nothing so he simply said, "Zhu Long was killed by the Lava Spiritual God two months ago. The new Ice Spiritual God is the City Lord of Glory City".

He thought, {Maybe they won't believe me? We just met a few minutes ago after all, and they fought with that demon beast a lot of time}

Just like he expected, the group of six were all shocked and he had to wait a little while before they calmed down.

The only woman of the group, Ling Yun, asked, "Can we go to the city to meet this city lord?"

He didn't need to think much, "Of course, tomorrow night there's going to be a banquet in his mansion, you can all come if you want"

At that moment Xiao Yu came and Ming Fei said, "Xiao Yu, this is Xiao Yan, he is going to help you reach the Heavenly Fate Realm"

Even if she had some doubts, she still listened to her father.

Xiao Yan could help her right now, but he preferred to give this chance to Xiao Tian so he told the Nether Master that she needed to come along to Glory City for at most one month.

Since there was nothing else, he left the Spiritual Gods and went back home with Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yan presented Xiao Yu to Xiao Tian and told her that he was the one who was going to help her.

He also used the LoHP on her and sent her compiled cultivation technique in the mind of his clone, not forgetting to tell him that he told her father she would be back in less than a month.

Leaving the two, he went to the dining room and ate with his parents.

It was the first time since several weeks that he ate without his two fiancees.


Back to his room, he was surprised that Xiao Ning'er joinded him to take their bath together.


A few hours later, they were naked on his bed, cuddling with each other.

He asked her, "Are you sure you don't want to spend the night with your mother? I wouldn't mind it, you know"

His fiancee shook her head, "She'll still be here tomorrow morning. And I know that she would prefer to spend the night with my father"

She added with a playful smile, "I also couldn't let the chance to spend a night alone with you slip away"

{Well, she always was much more passionate than Ziyun}

Xiao Yan once again felt lucky that someone like her was in love with him.

Words were no longer needed, he showed her his feelings by kissing her and they went for their next round.

The demon beasts would have to wait until tomorrow.