098 – A clone's life - 18 - Yun Yang - 04

After reading the letter, Yun Ling said, "Wang Yi tells me that she found her soul mate. He wanted to give a proper dowry to her family but she didn't let him. She didn't want them to earn even the slightest benefit from her. She'll be in Glory City in less than a year, until then she would be exploring the world with Wang Yan… You know him?"

"Yes, he's one of my sworn brothers. His current cultivation should be the same as mine, she won't be in danger with him"

She thought a little then said with a smile, "I'm jealous of her. I also want to spend a whole year with you exploring new places"

"We can do it whenever you want. I just want to be with you, the place doesn't matter"

At that, Yun Yang took her by the waist and they started to kiss passionately.

They were stopped by some men in their forties who were coming to them.

Yun Ling whispered to him that they were Wang Yi's uncles.

One of them stepped in front and angrily shouted to him, "You! The outsider! It's yo-"

As he understood what it was going to be about, Yun Yang released enough of his cultivation to make the men kneel in front of him without being able to speak.

He calmly said, "Old man, I'm not your friend, I never allowed you to yell a me. If you weren't somehow related to Wang Yi I would have already killed you. Now let me guess, since Wang Yan and Wang Yi already left the Plateau without giving you guys anything, you came here hoping to earn something from me, that's it?"

Looking at their eyes, Yun Yang knew he was right, he then continued, "Well, I don't give a shit about your situation. If you dare try finding trouble with us again, I won't hesitate to kill you. Now scram"

As they understood that this youngster could kill them without even lifting a finger, they left in fear.

When they were finally alone, Yun Ling took his hand to bring him to his room.

There, she showed him a side of her that he didn't know existed.


She only stopped at nightfall, and finally explained him why she was like this with a red face, "Well, usually you are always nice, seeing this new side of you was so exciting, it really turned me on… Don't get me wrong! I really love your calm side, but I don't mind seeing this wild and arrogant side of yours once a while…", saying this, she blushed even more, {What am I saying? Does that even mean anything? I just hope that he doesn't think that I'm that kind of girl…}

As he understood what she was thinking, he decided to tease her a little, "Hehe, I also like that perverted side of yours"

At that, she was too embarrassed to continue looking at him, she put on her clothes and ran out of their room to help her father cooking.


Yun Che readily agreed for his daughter to leave for a whole year as he knew of her curious nature.

Since he already had a permanent waitress for his shop, he couldn't tell her to stay, he knew she would feel really bored.

Not to mention that Yun Yang was strong enough to protect her, he really couldn't find any reason to refuse.

Yun Ling was too excited to wait any longer so they left the next morning.

She closed her eyes, spun around on herself a few rounds and pointed the direction they would be going.


They found only a few ruins or human settlements on their way and most of the time they were in the wild.

She liked it more and she would have her eyes sparkling each time she saw a new thing.

He discovered that she was also really curious about the local food and would only leave once she ate each of every new dishes.

Yun Ling would also write down all of the recipes to later cook them for her lover.

In each ruin, human settlement or any special place, she kept a few things for herself to later remember all the places she visited.


They were so engrossed in their travel that they forgot it was nearly one year since they left the Heavenly Fate Plateau.

It was Xiao Yan who one day came to ask them if they wanted to come to the Divine Feathers Sect, the portal of the Tiny World opening in one month.

He accepted, as even if the latter would give him resources if he stayed here, he wanted Yun Ling to enjoy the excitement of a new place before Xiao Yan finishes to wipe out all of the dangers there.

They could continue to travel and explore in the Draconic Ruins Realm anyway.

Just to know if she could officially become a disciple or not, Xiao Yan did the test and she showed a 1-Grade Heaven Spiritual Root.

The two accepted to be brought to Glory City as they didn't even know where they were.


They spent their remaining month in the Winged Dragon Family.

Yun Yang gave Xiao Yan the millions of demon spirits that he had and sold all of the other things.

It's not like he needed money, it's just that they were useless to people of the Heavenly Fate Realm and if he gave them to Xiao Yan they would just rot in the treasury of his family.

Each day, Yun Ling would be having fun with Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er who rapidly became good friends with her, particularly Ye Ziyun who would always ask her about the places she visited.

She was happy to tell her new friend everything as it was also a way for her to remember all of the good times she had with her man.

Wang Yi also came to Glory City and they made up for the time they didn't meet by telling each other their adventures.

Some of her afternoons would be spent with her father as she knew the portal would open only once every five years.