103 – White City

Xiao Yan already knew that he would need four of the remaining bodies to accompany him in the Divine Feathers Sect and he also wanted to have at least one clone in each of the remaining five sects.

Xiao Yin told him that she would go to the Heavenly Note Sect, so the eighth to the eleventh of the Red Jade Family wouldn't be able to stay in the Tiny World.

He didn't stop with Hua Yan, after giving him 1 Billion DSC with the usual storage ring, he started to prepare the next body.

It was his ninth clone.

He was named Ling Yan and he would go to the Skyblaze Sect, but for now he would stay in Glory City.

The youngster then teleported back to White City and made two more clones.

The tenth one was Xiao Feng and would go to the Thousand Flowers Sect.

Finally, the eleventh one was named Xiao Long and he would go to the Sky Origin Sect

{Now I already prepared one clone for each of the other five main human sects}

{I'll take the remaining four to the Divine Feathers Sect and in nine months I'll ask the other seven if they want to come to the Draconic Ruins Realm}


Telling Xiao Feng and Xiao Long to start making the city habitable, he started checking the treasury of the City Lord's Mansion.

There were some treasures he already knew from the story, like the Purple Mist Sword, used by Nie Li in his first life, which could be useful even to someone at the peak of the Deity Rank.

{That confirms my theory, Nie Li did come here when the demon beasts were already dead}

{Since he didn't have the other treasures, Daozang must've taken them for himself}

{Maybe he even purposely left that Sword for Nie Li}

Xiao Yan found more than fifty other powerful weapons of the same grade.

What they had in common was that they were all sealed, either in chests or by some other means.

Meaning the demon beasts had no idea of the value of these treasures.

What proved it was that he also found one of the three strongest swords of the story, the Sacred Demon Blade.

{In ancient times, that sword was in the hands of the Ancestral Demonic Saint Land}

{It was so powerful that it could destroy the seal isolating the Tiny World from the other realms}

{If they knew they had such a sword, they would have given it to the Demon God Sect to bring their experts to this world}

He also found two precious artifacts.

The first one was the Thief God's Ring, which was a storage ring with five other powers.

It allowed the user to hide his cultivation, to become invisible, to use the void-form, to teleport himself to the ten possible saved locations and to change his appearance so that only someone stronger than Stage-7 Deity Rank could see through it.

{Huh… I guess for me it's just the appearance change that can ever be useful?}

{Never mind, at least I now have a storage ring that I can keep inside of my Soul Realm}

The second one was the Philosopher's Ring.

It was a special storage ring as it allowed the user to duplicate anything inside with energy as compensation.

He could use his own soul force or external energy sources like Spiritual Stones.

Xiao Yan fused with the two rings and duplicated some Caltrop Pills.

With his soul force at the peak of the Legend Rank, he managed to duplicate it up to 50 times.

He then used a Spiritual Stone and it could do it 10 times.

For Spiritual Origin Fruits, he could make 5 with one stone.

{That could be really useful for demon spirits… Right, how much does it cost for one?}

He started to try a random demon spirit of Poor Growth Rate, then of Ordinary, Good, Excellent and he confirmed that no matter the growth rate or the bloodline, it would always cost the same price.

For now he was too weak to use his cultivation to duplicate a demon spirit as it used 100 Spiritual Stones.

{I'll need much less refining to do in the Draconic Ruins Realm with this ring}

Deciding that it was time to have a fourth demon spirit, he duplicated the Celestial Qilin's one until he had a Mutated God Level Growth one.

He made another copy before integrating with it.


For the other treasures which were only useful to Legend Ranks or under, he didn't touch them as it would be useful to the next inhabitants of the City.

He then checked the storage rings he got from the demon beasts.

The Spiritual Stones aside, there were also dozens of artifacts but the strongest one was only of rank 4.

What surprised him was that he found one of the seven fragments of the Myriad Ancestor Sword in Xuan Mei's ring.

{It's a blade on par with the Sacred Demon Blade, the six other fragments being kept by the six human sects}

{Why did the Demon God Sect give her something so precious?}

{Maybe they intended her to use it as a compass for other treasures or something like that?}

{Anyway, I'll have to step in the higher realm to collect the other fragments and assemble back the sword}

He took the stones, the artifacts and the fragment for himself, then added everything else to the treasury.

With the new Spiritual Stones, he duplicated various things to test the limits of the Philosopher's Ring.

He learned that it could duplicate anything that wasn't alive.

It was even possible for the Temporal Demon Spirit Book, but right now he obviously didn't have enough energy for that.

Xiao Yan was like a child with a new toy.

He was so engrossed in his things that he didn't see the time passing until it was night.

Thankfully it was still the afternoon for Glory City.

Not able to resist the urge to continue his "researches", he went inside of his book-artifact and continued to test the ring-artifact.