104 – A clone's life - 22 - Hua Yan - 01

As the sun was still high in the sky, Hua Yan first went to Glory City to buy a lot of rings as one storage ring wasn't enough for what he wanted to do.

The people in the Nether Realm were used to eat bad food and drink bad wine.

That didn't mean they liked it, they just didn't have the choice since the land there couldn't be considered as the most fertile.

Hua Yan decided to buy a lot of food and wine to give the humans there a taste of what a city outside of their Realm could give them.

He also bought a lot of books on cooking, smithing and other occupations, before finally heading to the Nether Realm.


Once in Black Rock City, he went looking for a certain youngster in his twenties and found him at the counter of a bar.

The latter directly presented himself when he spotted Hua Yan, "Hey brother! You just arrived in the city right? My name is Luo Jian and I'm from the Jade Seal Family, nice to meet you!"

Seeing the extended hand, Hua Yan did the same and presented himself, "Hua Yan"

{If I didn't know him from the story I would think that it's a trap, but it's just how he is, straightforward to the extreme}

Smiling, Luo Jian offered him a glass of wine.

Taking a sip, Hua Yan couldn't take another one.

{Damn! It's as disgusting as described by Nie Li! I thought that he was just exaggerating!}

He then asked for two empty glasses from the bartender and poured some of the wine from Glory City for the two of them.

Luo Jian immediately got addicted.

Pouring himself another glass, he continued to drink more and more, only returning to himself when he noticed that he emptied the bottle.

With an embarrassing laugh, he excused himself, "Hehe, sorry for that brother Hua Yan. It was so good that I couldn't control myself"

Hua Yan didn't mind it, giving him another bottle before asking, "Could you tell me about the human factions of the city?"

Looking at the new bottle with sparkling eyes, the latter nodded, served himself a new glass of wine, took a sip and started, "My Jade Seal Family is the strongest among the humans, and we are considered the third among all the races. A month ago, the second human one, the Dark Guild, suddenly disappeared and the rumors say they offended the Nether Master"

While he was taking a little break to savor the wine, Hua Yan told him, "Then I would like to talk to your Patriarch, is it possible?"

Thinking that he wanted to join their family, Luo Jian stood up and took Hua Yan there in a good mood.


In the main hall of his family, Luo Jian presented Hua Yan to a man in his forties, "Father, this is brother Hua Yan, he wanted to talk to you"

Knowing his son, the man preferred to look at the newcomer, "I'm Luo Xiao, the Patriarch of the Jade Seal Family, what can I do for you young man?"

"I have a message from the Space-Time Spiritual God, who is human. He is currently preparing a city for the humans of the Nether Realm who want to once again live in the outside world. You don't have to worry about demon beasts, as all of the ones above the Legend Rank are already dead.

He'll come here in a month to teleport those who want to start a new life there and I would like you to spread his words to the other humans of this Realm"

Both the father and son were shocked by his claims.

After asking some questions about White City, Luo Xiao sighed and said, "I'll pass your words, but most of the people won't believe you and would think it's a plot by our family to take advantage of them. The others would refuse because they are already used to live here"

{And that's why I bought so much food and wine}

He gave the patriarch a storage ring, inside it were nearly half of the supplies he had on him.

Smiling, he said, "Inside it are what they can eat and drink in the outside world, you can ask brother Luo Jian about the taste of the wine"

Remembering the taste of what he drank, the latter excitedly took out his half-emptied bottle at poured some for his father, "Father, I've never tasted something so good, just take a sip and you'll understand"

Luo Xiao did the same thing as his son in the bar, he took glasses after glasses until the bottle was empty.

His son laugh when he saw him blushing in shame.

The old man checked the storage ring he just received and saw tens of thousand of the same bottle, with every kind of food.

Guessing what he was thinking, Hua Yan continued, "Share it with the other human families and tell them that they would be able to eat or drink these everyday if they were to leave the Nether Realm"

If he still had some doubts before, now he fully trusted what Hua Yan told him earlier about White City.

The latter thought of something and added, "During that month I'd like to stay here. I'm an Inscriptionist so I'll carve some Inscribed Equipments for you. Auction some of them and the other families should then treat you seriously"

Luo Xiao immediately stood up and cried, "You're an Inscriptionist!?"

The youngster nodded and said, "But I don't know what level I'm considered at in the Nether Realm. So I'll have to trouble uncle Luo Xiao to find out"

The Patriarch got exited and told some of the guards to brings the needed tools.

Hua Yan didn't hide his skills and inscribed the equipments in just a few minutes, shocking the old man even more as other people would normally take half a day for inscribing just one.

Each time, he inscribed the strongest inscription that the equipment could handle without damaging itself.