105 – A clone's life - 23 - Hua Yan - 02

When Hua Yan finished inscribing the equipments, Luo Jian excitedly came to test a newly-inscribed sword.

That scared him to the point that he almost peed in his pants. He never thought it would be this powerful!

Thankfully there wasn't anyone around, or he could've killed someone!

Luo Xiao gulped hard and concluded, "Nephew Hua Yan, in the Nether Realm your inscriptionist level is "Senior Inscriptionist", but only because we don't have a name for the next level. I'll make the arrangements to sell these to an auction house and give you the money when I received it"

Hua Yan internally sighed, {What can I do with money?}

Then said, "Uncle, there's no need, you can keep everything for yourself to rally more humans to your family. Also, you don't have to hesitate to bring me more equipments to inscribe. I can make thousands each day without feeling exhausted, so don't worry. Don't forget that I'll stay with your family for only one month, so you should fully take advantage of it. Just, I would like to do it in my room"

The Patriarch ordered a guard to bring Hua Yan to a guest room which was near of his own.

Only after he left did Luo Jian finally recovered from his shock and cried, "What, he's a Senior Inscriptionist!?"


It didn't take long for Luo Xiao to come to his room with a ring filled with equipments and carving tools.

He finished them before dinner and starting that night there were always some human guests in the Jade Seal Family.

They all listened to their stomachs and nobody disagreed to follow the Jade Seal Family to start a new life in White City.

When the Inscribed Equipments started to get auctioned, a storm spread across the whole realm because they were much more powerful than the ones sold by the other "Senior Inscriptionist".

Luo Xiao spent nearly all of the money to hire new guards and to buy everything that could ever be useful to them in the new city.


A month later, it was nearly all of the humans of the Nether Realm who decided to follow Xiao Yan.

The only ones who stayed were those who were directly under the Nether Master.

{Well, now I can do what I want before going to the Phaseless Sect in nine months}

During his time here, he learned that the Infernal Bird Clan was the number one Auction House of the Nether Realm and that their Head-Quarters was in Nether City. He already knew what to do to make her fall for him.

He arrived there in time for the wedding of Xiao Tian and Xiao Yu.

Sneaking in the banquet, he presented himself to his fellow clone, who told him that the one he was looking for was in the training grounds behind the palace.


There, he saw dozens of men corpses behind a beautiful woman in a red-colored sexy dress.

The upper part was so tight that it was as if her breasts were going to pop out, and the lower part so short that it barely covered her butt.

{Well, she kind of has the same style as Huyan Lanruo but she's much more beautiful, especially with those long ears which are making you want to kiss}

He instantly knew who she was: Hua Huo, daughter of the Infernal Bird clan's Patriarch.

{Even if she's from a different race, she's basically a human with long ears}

{Already a Demigod, she can be considered as the most talented and beautiful woman of my generation, that's why so many people died while trying to beat her}

He wasn't afraid she was a psycho because he knew why so many men died while trying to defeat her.

That's because her race is only composed of women.

Just like the Amazons of the stories from Earth, they can only give birth to girls and have to find mates from other races.

They love fighting and would only mate with the first one from the same generation able to defeat them after they reached adulthood.

Starting that moment, they would forever serve that man and would even follow him in death.

Taking another glance at the corpses, he thought, {I can't blame them, I would also gladly risk my life to be able to spend the rest of my life with her}

After she noticed him, she became excited. Her instincts told her that he was stronger than her.

Hua Yan was also a Demigod but with his techniques refined by the LoHP he easily won against her in just a few moves.

He didn't hold back as that would have the opposite effect on her.

Getting up after her defeat, she walked towards him with a flushed face.

With a trembling voice, she asked him, "Husband, my name is Hua Huo, may I know your name?"

He said, "Hua Yan" and she couldn't hold herself anymore.

She hugged him and started to kiss him passionately.

A few minutes later, she was going to lose her mind to lust so she held his hand and took him out of here.

They were already in Nether City so it took only a few minutes for them to reach her room in the Auction House of her family.

Once there, they stopped holding back and lost themselves in lust.


Since he could defeat Hua Huo, her family easily accepted him as their "Young Patriarch" and they trusted him as if he was with them for years.

He learned that they would have preferred to live on the surface like the humans but just like them they were staying in the Nether Realm because they thought they had no choice and that it was too dangerous outside.

After thinking a little, he decided to repair the Ancient Orchid City Ruins and to move their Head-Quarters there.

The Infernal Bird clan would then focus on trading between the new Orchid City, Glory City and the Nether Realm.

He easily convinced them with the rest of the supplies he bought in Glory City.