106 – Last clones

After hours of experiments inside of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book, Xiao Yan returned to White City to give two storage rings to Xiao Feng and Xiao Long.

Inside were a thousand copies of each one of the four books he compiled for Glory City.

They were about Soul Force Cultivation, Law Cultivation, Alchemy and Inscription Patterns.


Back to Glory City, he informed Ye Zong about the Spiritual Gods of the Nether Realm showing up at tonight's banquet.

Seeing that he wasn't at ease, the youngster gave him a crystal of concentrated Ice Law energy and added, "Relax, with this you'll reach 9-Star Heavenly Star. The six of them are 9-Fate Heavenly Fate, Ancestor Ye Yan, Grandpa Ye Mo and Father-in-law will be much stronger than them. You can easily beat them up if they are too arrogant"

Xiao Yan added two more crystals for Ye Yan and Ye Mo to let them reach the early stages of the Heavenly Axis Realm.

Before leaving, he gave him a storage ring with 10 000 Caltrop Pills and 10 000 Spiritual Origin Fruits.

{Even if the top of Glory City is really strong, there's still a lack of experts under them}

{Since he's the one in charge, he should know better about how to use these things to raise the strength of the whole City}


To his own family, Xiao Yan gave his father one-tenth of the pills and the fruits he gave to the City Lord.

He also gave a crystal of Law Energy to his mother to let her reach 9-Axis Heavenly Axis.

To create these crystals, he made inscription patterns like the ones he used in the Heavenly Sacred Border and assembled the corresponding law into a tiny crystal.

It didn't contain enough energy to be better than a day of cultivation, but he just duplicated it dozens of times thanks to the Philosopher's Ring.

Then he broke these crystals inside of the dome, assembled the law energy inside a new bigger crystal and started again until it contained enough energy for Chen Yin to reach the level he wanted.

{Well, for me, mother is much more important than the Ye Family anyway}

{It's perfectly normal that she alone is stronger than them}

{If I had enough resources, I would've even made her a Deity Rank}

{As for father, uncle Tian and father-in-law, mother is their boss so 9-Fate Heavenly Fate is enough for now}


That night, he went to the banquet with a smiling Xiao Ning'er holding his arm.

The two were received by Ye Ziyun and her mother.

After telling the girls to go ahead, Ye Ziyan said, "Xiao Yan, I wanted to personnaly thank you"

{She already thanked me with her sisters… I hope that she's not seeing me as a stranger}

"Ma'am, Ziyun's family is my family, there's no need for that"

She shook her head, "Not for bringing me back. Even if I'm glad that you managed to make new bodies for my sisters and myself, I'm even more grateful that you took care of my Yun'er. She told me how lonely she was before she met you, and I can see how happy she is right now"

Patting the head of her son-in-law, she concluded, "Thank you for taking care of her".

He simply nodded to her.

On their way to the main hall, she added, "If my husband dares to be grumpy with you, come tell me okay?"


Ye Ziyun asked him what her mother wanted to talk about.

Wanting to tease her, he replied, "She wanted to know when would she have grandchildren"

The face of his embarrassed fiancee was priceless.

He told Nie Li that the crazy old man died and that he could safely go to the Abyss Prison Realm if he wanted.

Then he noticed Ling Yan inviting Ling Yun to dance.

Ye Zong was currently talking to four of the other Spiritual Gods from the Nether Realm.

Seeing them so respectful to his father-in-law, Xiao Yan deduced that they understood that he was much stronger than them.

Only Ming Fei didn't come.

{He won't be able to see his daughter acting like a girl in Xiao Tian's arms…}

Once the little talks done, he could finally dance with his two fiancees, something he could never get tired of.

It just felt too good to have them hugging him

Nothing unexpected happened and the old Spiritual Gods quickly became friends with the new ones.


One month later, it was time to bring the first batch of humans from the Nether Realm to White City.

Xiao Yan was a little surprised to see that his clone already sent the message to all of the human powers and and even managed to convince them in such a short time.

{As expected of myself!}

He put them inside of the stationary space of the TDSB, then took them out once he teleported himself to White City.

The two clones he left here one month ago really did a good job, the whole city was ready to house everyone with only a little fraction of its size.

They even went as far as bringing livestock demon beasts and preparing the farming lands.

{Well, I thought that Hua Yan would need much more time for this job…}

{It's good and all but Xiao Feng and Xiao Long won't have enough time to prepare them to live without our help until our departure of this realm}

After thinking a little, he decided to use his four remaining bodies.

They were named Huang Yan, Gu Yan, Ying Yan and Long Yan.

The four would come with him to the Divine Feathers Sect nine months later, until then they would help Xiao Feng and Xiao Long into helping the citizens of White City.

He named Luo Xiao the City Lord and made him a Spiritual God with the cultivation of 9-Fate Heavenly Fate.

{Now they can protect themselves without us}


During the next few weeks, he helped Hua Yan's into repairing Orchid City.

He also helped the parents of Hua Huo by making them Spiritual Gods.

{That way they would also be able to protect their new city without the help of the other Spiritual Gods}