116 – Soul seal

Murong Yu was sweating furiously.

He had formed six more fate souls than Xiao Yan, yet he couldn't beat him.

It was as if he could predict all of his movements.

Xiao Yan was only using his cultivation of 3-Fate Heavenly.

If he used his laws, he would be able to crush his opponent with just one blow.

But that would be too boring!


The sword duel lasts for two whole hours until Murong Yu gave up beating him with a sword and chose to overpower him with his demon spirit.

As he started to merge with his Saint Blood Draconic Falcon, Xiao Yan shook his head.

Merging with his demon spirit was a fatal mistake.

Since he had enough fun, Xian Yan merged with his Dragon Knight.

A few minutes later, Murong Yu finally lost.

He couldn't have guessed that Xiao Yan had a much stronger demon spirit than him!

Just when the loser's body touched the ground, the spectating people let out huge cries of victory and started clapping their hands.

The crowd, which now was even bigger than before, contained a lot of people who were bullied by Murong Yu.

He used his 9-Fate Heavenly Fate cultivation to humiliate nearly all of the other people in the Ghastly Ruins.

Seeing him beaten to the point of losing consciousness made them really happy.

To "honor" his opponent, Xiao Yan did the next step by himself.

He took his sword, his storage ring and his clothes, earning him even more applause from the crowd.

By now, his friends already divided everything among themselves.

Hua Ling's and Gu Heng's underlings came while thinking that it was going to be an easy mission, so they still had their storage rings on them.

They all had at least some Spiritual Stones, a few even had hundreds.

Each of Xiao Yan's friends got nearly two-hundred Spiritual Stones and at least one artifact.

It was worth it!

Leaving the naked students behind, they made some teams and resumed hunting ghouls in different directions.

They were all in a really good mood because they knew that from now on nobody would dare to get in their way in the institute.


Since Xiao Yan came a few hours after the rest, they had to leave before him.

He gave some instructions to Duan Jian and continued his hunt.


When he exchanged his soul scales for Spiritual Stones, Xiao Yan became ranked n°1 on the Ghastly Ruins Ranking Board.

His friends occupied n°2 to n°18, but he didn't care as this ranking was useless.

They wouldn't get any more rewards unlike the ranking of the Saint Soul Grounds.

Duan Jian was waiting for him at his courtyard, "Master, Li Xingyun gave all the informations you wanted. I also bought all of the things you needed"

Receiving a storage ring, Xiao Yan told him to continue cultivating until the next class started.

His fiancees weren't at home, so he decided to start some of his plans.

He took a paper from the ring he just received.

On it were the coordinates of Hua Ling's faction in the outside world.

For the first time, he activated the void-form of his Thief God's Ring, then started to teleport himself again and again until he reached his destination.

It was the Ling Jade Deity Lake, situated in the North of the Divine Feathers Sect.

Hua Ling and his sixty underlings were all cultivating here, recuperating from their beating.

Xiao Yan knocked them out before putting all of them inside of his Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting.

He joined them and stopped the time-flow from the outside thanks to the TDSB.

Taking out a bottle of demon beast blood, he made a lot of complicated inscription patterns with the sixty-one bullies in the middle.

A few minutes later, they all woke up and knelt in front of Xiao Yan.

Right now they were his slaves, they would do anything for him.

Contrary to the soul seals he put on his clones, these ones made them absolutely loyal.

He asked Hua Ling, "Do you know other forces with almost dried up Deity Lakes who are like you, bullying the weak and hindering cultivation of the geniuses they can't recruit?"

The latter respectfully replied, "Master, I know of seventeen such forces. They are…"

Next, Xiao Yan gave each of them their compiled cultivation technique, told them to cultivate when he went looking for the next force.

Before he left for the next Deity Lake, he made another set of inscriptions, allowing him to take out it's Deity Root and put it in the painting-artifact.

The Deity Root would soon form a Deity Lake, then it would convert the ambient Heavenly Energy into Spiritual Stones and Spiritual Stone Essences.


One hour later, Xiao Yan came back to the Ling Jade Deity Lake.

He now had seventeen Deity Roots and five hundred slaves.

Letting them out of the painting, he told those who were students to continue going to school and to note the name of the people bullying others inside of the institute.

For now, he appointed Hua Ling as their leader and gave them some instructions.


Back in the Skysoul Institute, Xiao Yan also put the same soul seal on Murong Yu, Wang Yang and all of the others who helped Gu Heng's underlings in the Ghastly Ruins.

Yan Hao and Jin Yan, the two his fiancees had beaten up when arriving to the sect, also joined the ranks.

Last was Hu Yong, the ex-fiance of Long Yuyin, along with his few lackeys.

In the end, he made a little more than three hundred slaves.

All of this was thanks to Li Xingyun who already searched for detailed information on each of the students who stood against Xiao Yan once he learned of what happened in the Ghastly Ruins.

He didn't want these greedy bastards to trick any of his friends in the future!

Same as the five hundred first, he gave each of them a compiled cultivation technique, told them to stay at school, to stop bullying others and to focus on their own cultivation.

For now they didn't need to group up.

Thanks to the soul seals Xiao Yan would be able to contact each of them whenever he needed.

{As for Gu Heng, he would need to entertain me more with his underlings}