117 – A clone's life - 24 - Long Yan - 01

"Let's spar!"

As he said that to Long Yuyin, Long Yan already had a plan.

{Right now she is an arrogant woman that thinks she is above everyone}

{In the story, Nie Li insulted and even whipped her, which made her realize her mistakes and only then she started to change}

{But since I want her to become my woman, I don't want to hurt her}

{I'll use her passion of the Martial Dao to conquer her!}

{Then, if she stays with us, she'll naturally understand what she did wrong and would change by herself}


Two hours later, she needed a break so they went to his house.

Inside was a wide training room: they cultivated there a little until she was in top shape and they resumed their sparring session.

Another few hours later, she could no longer move but never was she this happy.

When she left, she asked him, "Tomorrow morning?"

"Sorry, I plan to cultivate until Redsoul's lesson in three days"

Seeing her disappointed face, he patted her head a few times and said with a warm smile, "Don't make that face, we can spar just before the lesson, okay?"

With a scarlet red face, she nodded her head and then ran to her home.

It was the first time she was this close to a boy, she was so embarrassed!


Three days later, when the lesson was over, she wanted to spar again but he had other plans.

Since she just made a dejected face, he patted her head and said, "If you want, in two days we can spar until Redsoul's next lesson"

She shyly accepted, in front of the whole class who couldn't recognize her anymore.


In the Ghastly Ruins, he peacefully hunted Ghouls for a few hours before twenty people surrounded him.

More than half of them were Heavenly Fate experts while the rest were peak Legend Ranks.

He recognized six of them as fellow classmates.

{The others are probably Hua Ling's or Gu Heng's underlings…}

Smiling as he could guess their intention, he said to the six, "Let me guess, you know that you are weaker and instead of working harder to become stronger, you chose to hinder my cultivation", then he spatted on Wang Yang's face, "You don't have the right mindset to be a cultivator, you are just trash!"

When Wang Yang was going to jump on him, one of the other people Long Yan didn't recognize said, "He is just taunting you, don't fall for his trap!"

Then he turned to Long Yang and said, "I'm Hu Yong, Long Yuyin's fiance. Now we are going to beat you, and if you dare to stay close to her, we'll kill you!"

{Oh! So it's him}

He already knew him from the story.

{Two years ago, he was engaged to Long Yuyin}

{When she learned of this, she publicly strike him between his legs}

{Strangely, this only strengthened his "feelings"}

{Well, since he's just a clown who would be nothing without the backing of his family, I don't need to waste my breath}

Long Yan didn't bother himself to continue talking and directly started to beat them.

His cultivation was now at 4-Fate Heavenly Fate.

Along with his techniques tempered by the LoHP, they didn't stand a chance.

A few minutes later, all of them were covered in blood and unconscious: he just held back enough so that they wouldn't die.

He took everything they had, even their clothes.

Then, he continued killing Ghouls as if nothing happened.


When he returned from the ruins, Long Yuyin was waiting for him in front of his house.

They sparred and when she took her first break, he said, "When I was in the Ghastly Ruins, someone named Hu Yong came looking for trouble. He said that I should stay away from you, is it true that you are his fiancee?"

She became nervous as she didn't want him to misunderstand, the idea of staying away from Long Yan scared her.

After hesitating a little, she told him the truth, "It was my mother and the Hu Clan who made the engagement, but I never acknowledged it! I already told him that I would only marry someone who can beat me"

Deciding to tease her a little, he asked, "Really? Then are you willing to be my wife?"

She replied with red face and a barely audible voice, "Yes…"

It was too much for Long Yan.

She was just too cute for him to continue controlling himself!

He took her in his arms and started to kiss her.

The kiss rapidly grew in intensity and they only stopped when they had trouble breathing.

He looked at her in the eyes and said, "Can I call you Yin'er from now on?"

Long Yuyin bashfully replied, "Okay… Yan'er"

They continued to flirt a little before they sparred again.


The next morning, Long Yan decided that it was time to present her to his friends.

He really loved they way she acted like a shy little girl in front of others every time she was with him.

After Redsoul's lesson, Long Yan wanted to finish his remaining cultivation time of the Saint Soul Grounds.

To bait his lover to cultivate, he said, "You have the Blood Dragon Body but some of your meridians haven't been unlocked yet. Tell me when you step in the Heavenly Fate Realm, I'll help you with some acupuncture and then your potential will be fully released"

It worked a little too well, she used her remaining two days of cultivation in the testing ground and continued cultivating at home.

He didn't see her until the morning of the next lesson, happily jumping in his arms and announcing him that she became a 1-Fate Heavenly Fate.

Long Yan decided to tease her a little, he hugged her back and started to kiss her as if they were alone.

Only after they stopped did she notice that her classmates were looking at her, then she blushed and hided herself in his arms, hugging him tightly.

Before meeting him, she never cared about what the others thought of her.

She didn't know why she felt so embarrassed.