120 – A clone's life - 26 - Gu Yan - 02

Gu Bei came talking to Gu Yan before their third class started, "Gu Yan, thank you! My sister can already walk a little thanks to you. Your acupuncture techniques are really amazing!"

{Acupuncture? Oh! Maybe it's too embarrassing for her to say that someone touched her whole body to do some massages?}

Then the brother gave him a storage ring and said, "Here, you forgot your payment before you left the other day"

Gu Yan refused the ring, "There's no need. I understand your situation. You'll need them to cultivate before we take revenge on Gu Heng, right?"

From that moment Gu Bei considered him as his brother.

He already knew long ago that his sister got poisoned by Gu Heng, but there aren't any proof and nobody could detect any poison!

Now he knew how it happened. He definitely won't let that bastard off!


After the lesson, they went to Gu Lan's courtyard together.

On the way there, Gu Bei talked about his passion for swords.

When Gu Lan saw her physician, a bright smile appeared on her face as she greeted him.

Gu Bei was going to leave them alone, but his new brother stopped him, "Wait!"

He took a large paper and started writing a big character while saying, "In Ancient times, a Deity Rank expert wrote the book "Ten Thousand Heavenly Book of True Intent". He put his boundless intent inside of the very structure of the words, making it possible for people to duplicate them once they fully comprehended it".

As he finished writing, he took a step back and concluded, "Here is the word "Sword", I think that you are ready to comprehend something from it"

Gu Bei and Gu Lan stared at the paper on the ground.

A few seconds later, the sister was the first to feel something, her eyes opened wide with shock.

When the brother felt it a little while later, he became really excited.

He was going to learn from the sword intent of someone who surpassed the realm of Martial Ancestor!

Words were not needed, he looked at Gu Yan, nodded and left to his room with the paper.

Gu Yan then slowly pushed Gu Lan's wheelchair to her room.

He asked her how she felt, if she was taking her treatment and if something went wrong.

She happily answered all of his questions.


When he finished massaging her with the Daoyin Technique, he noticed that she was staring at him with a blushing face.

He slowly approached his head to hers, and since she didn't step back, he started to kiss her.

A few minutes later, they had trouble breathing so they made a little break.

She caressed him as she said, "I'm glad my feelings weren't one-sided"

Then she kissed him and they continued to flirt a few more hours.


Leaving his lover's house, Gu Yan went for the Cultivation Hall.

He wouldn't always have Xiao Yan to give him cultivation resources, so he decided to start saving Spiritual Stones.

Knowing that money alone wouldn't be enough to take care of himself and his future family, he decided to work on his reputation.

Gu Yan decided to be known as the best physician and alchemist of the Divine Feathers Sect!

He took a mission about someone who had an accident during cultivation.

As he expected, he took less than thirty minutes to complete the mission.

Most of the time was used to go there and to come back!

He continued doing missions requiring cultivation or medicinal knowledge without any break.


The morning of the third day, he already helped more than a hundred people.

Nine were people at the peak of 9-Axis Heavenly Axis since years but still couldn't breakthrough the next realm.

Some acupuncture needles and advices granted them their wish, adding nine more Dao of Dragon experts to the sect.

Altogether, these nine missions rewarded him 90 000 Spiritual Stones, nearly the same amount of the ninety other missions!

The Divine Feathers Sect only had around one hundred Dao of Dragon experts.

So, adding nine new ones at the same time made a lot of noises, making Gu Yan famous overnight.

If the ranking of newcomers of the Tiny World in the testing grounds made them famous, it was mainly among the new students.

What Gu Yan did made him famous even among the elders of the sect!

Learning the news, the others who were also having trouble to make a breakthrough issued the same mission to ask for help from Gu Yan.


After his lesson, Gu Yan first went home to consume thirty Heavenly Note Dews, making him a 3-Star Heavenly Star after five hours.

Only after his breakthrough did he go to see Gu Lan.

This time, she couldn't hold back her moans as the pleasure rose to another level.

So he had to put some soundproof inscriptions in her room after massaging her for a few minutes

She also couldn't hold herself back and started to kiss him passionately while he was using the Daoyin Technique on her.

The massage over, they stayed in the arms of each other, whispering love words and caressing their lover's body.

They also talked about her situation in the Gu Clan, which elders were on her side and so on.

They both wanted her to be fully cured before taking their relationship to the next level.

After all, right now she still couldn't feel some parts of her body.

They wanted to be able to fully enjoy their first time.

That's why they simply enjoyed each other's presence until they both fell asleep.


The next morning, in the Cultivation Hall, he was surprised to see dozens of new missions concerning people having trouble to breakthrough to the Dao of Dragon Realm.

Each of them rewarded 10 000 Spiritual Stones for their completions.

Gu Yan rapidly understood that it was the nine others he helped before who spread the word that he could help those having trouble to breakthrough.

He didn't mind helping them all.

Even if some of them might become his enemies in the future, he didn't care as he wasn't the least bit afraid of Dao of Dragon experts.