121 – Oldest Deity Root

Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er wanted to be useful for their fiance and their friends, so he made them a thousand set of ingredients for Heavenly Note Dews.

They started refining and he left to look for Li Xingyun.


After buying four-hundred demon spirits, Li Xingyun told Xiao Yan that he wanted to buy another four-hundred in three days.

Since Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun were busy doing alchemy, he contacted Murong Yu and told him to join him at the Martial Field.

Then he chose an unoccupied arena and they started sparring after he gave him back his sword.

The cultivation of both of them were the same as in the Ghastly Ruins, so nobody was able to take the upper hand.

But after many hours, Xiao Yan won thanks to his superior stamina.

He couldn't help but feel that Murong Yu was really a genius.

The bastard was making steady progresses in his techniques even without any advices.

The two elders Nanmen Tianhai and Huang Yu were watching the match between the two.

They couldn't help but sighed at Xiao Yan's victory.

"To win against someone six realms above by relying on techniques alone, this Xiao Yan is undoubtedly the most amazing student since centuries. A true monster"

"Seems like Murong Yu understood that there's always a sky higher than the sky. He didn't bully anyone since his defeat"

"It's the same for some of the others who got defeated in the Ghastly Ruins, most of them made a breakthrough and their ranking in the Saint Soul Brand made a huge leap forward. That defeat was truly a blessing for them"

Xiao Yan and Murong Yu took a break and continued when both completely recovered.

Repeating the same process again and again, they only stopped when it was time for Redsoul's lesson.

Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun were already watching them since an hour or so.

When he detected that they were now 3-Star Heavenly Star, he patted their heads while congratulating them.


On their way to their class, they told him that they consumed their first thirty Heavenly Note Dews to reach that level.

They did it to accelerate the speed of their refining.

After the thirtieth, they started putting the next ones aside for their friends.

In the end, they prepared a set of thirty bottles for each of their fifteen friends, then gave it to Duan Jian for the delivery.

While they were now faster in alchemy, they didn't have enough time to refine the rest of the ingredients.

They told him that he would have to only cultivate with what they refined, at least until he became a 3-Star Heavenly Star.

He accepted, as he felt that he had enough fun from the Heavenly Fate Realm.


Nothing special happened in class, he just gave a storage ring with five-hundred demon spirits to Gu Bei, asking him to buy new ones of poor and ordinary growth rate.


Again, his fiancees would be busy doing alchemy for three days.

They estimated that Xiao Yan would need three-hundred Heavenly Note Dews to reach the same level of cultivation as them.

He could give them new recipes to make it faster, but they preferred refining the same thing and use it as training.

Leaving them to their alchemy, he went to Li Xingyun's to sell him a new batch of four-hundred demon spirits.

Again, the latter asked the same amount for three days later.

Then Xiao Yan duplicated one-hundred Heavenly Note Dews for Murong Yu.

When he gave them to him, he told him to reach the peak of 9-Star Heavenly Star but to not step into the next cultivation realm for now.


Next, Xiao Yan took a paper, wrote "The oldest Deity Root of this realm is in that direction" and checked the answer with the LoHP.

Since it was false, he turned a little on himself before checking once again, repeating it again and again until it was true.

Then he activated his void-form, took the appearance of Murong Yu and started to teleport in that direction.

He assumed that there might be unmanned Deity Lakes who are almost dried up, that's why he looked for the oldest instead of asking someone like Li Xingyun.

It took him just a few minutes to see his target.

A group of seven girls were guarding it and the LoHP told him that they were disciples of the Heavenly Note Sect.

Xiao Yan proposed them the same offer he made in the Divine Feathers Sect: a Dragon Bloodline Demon Spirit with Excellent Growth Rate for each of them in exchange of the Deity Lake.

After they accepted and left, he extracted the Deity Root and put it in his painting.

He repeated the same thing again and again, traveling across the whole Draconic Ruins Realm.

Some Deity Lakes even belonged to the Divine Feather Sect.

It made sense, since Hua Ling was at the bottom of the food chain.

He couldn't possibly know everything about the other forces.

But it didn't always ended up peacefully.

Sometimes the Deity Lakes would be occupied by demon beasts.

Their leaders were also at the Heavenly Fate Realm, so Xiao Yan used his full power to crush them.

Like when he killed demon beasts in the Tiny World, he kept them in storage rings.

He would later ask Duan Jian to sort them to keep the demon spirits and demon beast blood from them.

Some other times, the people attacked him after receiving the demon spirits.

To them, he showed no mercy, directly knocking them unconscious and adding them to his army of slaves.

Each of the other five sects now had soul seals implanted on at least a dozen of their disciples.

He gave them a compiled cultivation technique and told them to stop bullying others from now on.

Xiao Yan also asked them the locations of the almost dried up Deity Lakes they knew of, momentarily speeding up what he was doing.


Nearly three days later, he had around six-hundred new Deity Roots.