122 – Hierarch Ming Fei

There was still a few hours before the next lesson.

Xiao Yan sat cross-legged next to his fiancees and started cultivating using their Heavenly Note Dews.

More than three hundred bottles later, he became a 3-Star Heavenly Star.

Even if he needed ten times more cultivating resources than the others, his speed in consuming them was also much faster.

He took the two of them in his arms and thank them.

They started to kiss and to caress him, and a few minutes later the three were naked and couldn't control their lust anymore.


When they left for Redsoul lesson, three beauties also went out of Huang Yan's house with him just behind.

They were Huang Ying and the other two girls who were looking for Xiao Yu when they arrived to the institute.

His fiancees exchanged a glance with each other, then nodded and smiled.

They went greeting the three girls while Xiao Yan used the LoHP on the two accompanying Huang Ying before giving their compiled cultivation technique to Huang Yan.

Xiao Yan learned that their names were Li Feifei and Yi Yun.

The first one was even one of Li Xingyun's cousin!

Xiao Ning'er tried to ask, "Sister Huang Ying, do you know where is Xiao Yu?"

She replied, "Thank you for being nice sister Xiao Ning'er, but you don't need to worry about me anymore, Huang Yan already told us the truth about her"

Ye Ziyun added with concern, "Do you hate her?"

She didn't want her new friend to hate Xiao Yu…

Huang Ying and the other two shook their heads, and they said at the same time with a bashful smile, "If not for her, we wouldn't have met our Huang Yan…"

Xiao Yan nodded his head, {As expected of my clone! In less than two weeks, not only did he manage to make them fall for him, but they also accepted the idea of sharing him}

Just as they were going to leave, Long Yan came out of his house with Long Yuyin.

She shyly greeted everyone and Xiao Yan used the LoHP on her, giving her compiled cultivation technique to Long Yan.

Ying Yan then also came out of his house with Ying Yueru.

By the way she and Long Yuyin greeted each other, Xiao Yan understood that their lovers had already mend things up between them.

Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun gave the five girls a set of thirty bottles each to help them in their cultivation.

They seemed really proud of themselves when they announced that they were the ones who refined it.


As they left for their class, Xiao Yan thought, {We're going to help Long Yuyin, Gu Bei and Li Xingyun to become the leaders of their families}

{I want at least one of my clones in each of their clans to help them in case something unexpected happens when I'm not here}

{Since Li Feifei is Li Xingyun's cousin, I'll ask Huang Yan to become one of the elders of the Ashen Flames Family}

{Even if she's not a direct descendant, if Huang Yan shows enough skills then it'll go smoothly}

Xiao Yan directly contacted him to explain his plan.

The latter was in a relationship with Li Feifei and she already accepted his other two women, so he easily accepted to settle himself there.

He only needed to complete some missions for his reputation, like Gu Yan and Long Yan.


Gu Bei also received thirty bottles from Xiao Yan's fiancees.

He seemed really close to Lu Piao and Gu Yan so they considered him as one of them.

Xiao Yan gave him his suitable cultivation technique prepared by the LoHP.

It was also to thank him for playing the merchant.

Speaking of which, the latter returned him a storage ring with hundreds thousand of poor and ordinary growth rate dragon bloodline demon spirits.

Xiao Yan didn't even wait to give him another batch of one thousand demon spirits to sell, asking the same thing as the last time in return.


The class over, he gave four hundred demon spirits to Duan Jian with a long list of ingredients to buy with the Spiritual Stones he would receive from Li Xingyun.

With the Nether Law around his soul realm, Xiao Yan could feel that Ming Fei was back.

He went there with Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun.

Upon entering his house, Xiao Yan directly gave him a crystal of Nether Law.

Ming Fei was shocked by how much energy was concentrated inside.

It was hundreds or maybe even thousands times more than his current cultivation.

He then suspiciously looked at Xiao Yan and said, "What do you want?"

They weren't that close, so he thought that the youngster wanted something in return.

Xiao Yan didn't beat around the bush, "With this you'll become a Stage-5 Martial Ancestor. I simply want you to publicly announce that the eighteen newcomers from the Tiny World are your disciples and to not annoy them within the institute. My friends are currently helping at lot of people to breakthrough to the Dao of Dragon Realm and many families are going to send gifts, invitations or marriage proposals to them. It would take too much time to reject them one by one, so I'm counting on you to tell them to behave themselves"

Of course he accepted.

His daughter already told him to trust Xiao Yan so he didn't fear him having bad motives.


Xiao Yan then went dating his fiancees.

They went to see the different places of the Divine Feathers Sect, sightseeing and shopping.

By the end of the third day, they went back home to see Duan Jian and Murong Yu waiting for him.

The first one gave him a storage ring with the ingredients he asked.

As for Murong Yu, he brought him inside his house with Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun.

The four went inside of the Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting and Xiao Yan used the TDSB to seal the time-flow from the outside.