123 – A clone's life - 27 - Long Yan - 02

After the class, Long Yuyin was really excited.

Long Yan was going to fully release her potential!

They both went to his house, then he told her, "I need to see your back to put the needles for the acupuncture"

While blushing, she turned her back to him, sat cross-legged and took off the upper-part of her clothes.

He took a set of acupuncture needles and started to put them one by one.

When she was finally covered with dozens of them, he said, "Your Blood Dragon Body is slowly awakening, now you must cultivate until it's over"

Sitting cross-legged, he took out a bottle of Heavenly Note Dew and also started cultivating.


Five hours later, he finished consuming all of the bottles received from Xiao Yan's fiancees and was now a 3-Star Heavenly Star.

At that moment, Long Yuyin's cultivation made a breakthrough to become 2-Fate.

It didn't stop, it rapidly increased and the surrounding energy around her was so powerful that her clothes turned to ashes.

Her cultivation continued to increase and finally stopped at 5-Fate Heavenly Fate.

She was so that happy that she jumped in his arms and kissed him, "Yan'er, thank you!"

Before she noticed that she was now naked, he kissed her again while taking off his clothes.

He couldn't control himself anymore!


When they woke up the next morning, they didn't want to get out of bed.

They just cuddled with each other.

She told him about her life in the sect.

At some point, she talked about her deceased teacher, "She was called Venerable Witchfeather and before meeting you she was the only person I accepted to teach me"

It was now time for Long Yan to ease her burden, he thought a little at how to tell her the truth.

He frowned a little and said, "Venerable Witchfeather? Ancestral Master Phaseless"s disciple?"

Long Yuyin was shocked, "You know her?"

"Yes. Above the Martial Ancestor Realm is the Deity Rank. The strongest of them all is an absolute existence called the Sage Emperor, he sealed the once endless Time and Space and is currently trying to refine the whole Draconic Ruins Realm, that's why the Heavenly Energy is getting thinner and thinner since thousands of years. Once someone shows enough potential to threaten him, he would send his servants to hunt him before he becomes strong enough.

Those who practice the Heaven's Divination technique are his mortal enemies because they can see through his schemes. Unfortunately, they can't cultivate the technique to its pinnacle or he would detect their existences. That's why your master had to die before it happened, else the whole Divine Feathers Sect would've been annihilated"

By the end of Long Yan's explanation, Long Yuyin was crying.

He took her in his arms and patted her back to soothe her.

She explained, "*sob* *sob* I didn't know… *sob* *sob* I thought that my senior sister killed her…"


A few hours later, when she finally vent out all of her negative emotions, she decided to go and see her senior sister Ying Yueru to apologize.

Long Yan decided to do like Gu Yan and also started completing the missions of the Cultivation Hall to amass some Spiritual Stones.

There were some about people at the peak of 9-Axis Heavenly Axis having trouble breaking through the Dao of Dragon realm.

He prioritized these missions as they rewarded 10 000 Spiritual Stones each.

A weird thing happened.

The more he did these missions, new ones with the same description and reward kept on appearing.

Asking the next one he helped, he learned that the sect had hundreds if not thousands of people at the peak of the Heavenly Axis Realm, and it was a friend who Long Yan helped that told him how he made his breakthrough.


He continued doing missions until night, since he wanted to sleep with his lover.

She was cultivating in his room.

When she noticed him, she directly jumped in his arms to hug him, "Thank you, Yan'er! I made up with my senior sister. Also, she told me that Ying Yan managed to convince her to change her cultivation technique"

He hugged her back and after a few minutes they started to kiss.

Passion and lust soon filled the room.


The next morning, they had a sparring session before he left to continue doing missions until night.

She needed some time to get used to her new cultivation and would be back for sleep.


On the third day, they went to their class together.

When his lover received thirty bottles of Heavenly Note Dews from Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun, Long Yan wailed in despair in his head.

{Nooooooo! I wanted to be the one who made them for her!}


Back home, he gave her the compiled cultivation technique he received this morning from Xiao Yan.

Since she knew that she could become a 3-Star Heavenly Star, there was no way that she would want to spar.

When doing the missions, Huang Yan also came doing the same thing.

Neither Long Yan nor Gu Yan minded as there were largely enough missions for the three of them.

At some point, he saw a mission about someone from the Dragonseal Family who needed help for a breakthrough.

He first went buying a few bottles of Dao of Dragon Demon Beast Blood with Dragon Bloodline, just in case.

Once he arrived to the said place, a guard brought him in a room with ten people who were all Peak 9-Axis Heavenly Axis.

Long Yan frowned a little, {The mission said one, not ten…}

One of them laughed and said, "Hehe, brother Long Yan, it's a pleasure to meet you. We are the ten commanders of young master Long Tianming's Celestial Dragon Guards. If you manage to help some of us to reach the Dao of Dragon Realm, we'll put some good words for you to the young master"

Long Yan thought, {Oh? So you want me to work for free for some strangers, and then to become your lackey? You're way too arrogant dude…}