124 – A clone's life - 28 - Long Yan - 03

On the surface though, Long Yan acted as if he was really interested, happily replying, "Really? I'll have to trouble the big brothers then! Let me examine you guys first"

He then went on checking the commander's condition one by one.

Even if it wasn't necessary, he needed to be convincing.

When the "examinations" were over, he said, "I think that I can help all of you ten to breakthrough the next realm, I'll need around one hour using some demon beast blood as catalyst"

Their eyes sparkled and the one who talked before excitedly said, "You can start!"

Long Yan took out a bottle of demon beast blood and start laying inscription patterns around the room.

They were too complicated for them to understand anything.

A few minutes later, the ten fell unconscious.

The first inscriptions were for hiding everything inside from the outside, be it sound or energy.

Right now, even a Martial Ancestor wouldn't be able to see what's happening the room.

Making a few hand seals, he activated the last inscription patterns, putting soul seals on them.

Once they woke up, then knelt in front of Long Yan and said, "Master"

"Why did you guys want to use your background to suppress me? Don't you have enough money?"

"Master, we have enough Spiritual Stones, but that's how Long Tianming taught us to do things. He told us that he is going to be the next sect master and that all the disciples would have to respect his underlings"

"Where is he?"

"He is currently in closed door cultivation. By what he told us, he should normally come out in one month"

This answer brought a smile on Long Yan's face, {That's my chance, if I play it well, nearly all of his underlings can become mine}

He would first need to know of how much underlings he had to convert, so he said, "Describe the Celestial Dragon Guards to me"

"We are around fifty thousand. Forty-five thousand are Heavenly Star Experts and five-thousand are Heavenly Axis. Each of us ten commanders are in charge of five Deity Lakes: four low-grades and one medium-grade"

Long Yan thought with shock, {Damn, I now understand why they were so arrogant…}

He then took out some acupuncture needles to help the breakthrough he came for in the first place.

Twenty minutes later, the ten of them were Stage-1 Dao of Dragon Experts.

To each of them, he gave a suitable cultivation technique and took 20 000 Spiritual Stones as payment.

Before leaving, he told them to never reveal that he was their master.

They would have to keep the same behavior of arrogant bastards they had.

Long Yan told each of them to wait for him at their medium-grade Deity Lake in two days.

All of their troops would also have to be at their respective Deity Lakes by then.

Concerning their new cultivation, they would have to say that they paid the same price as the others.


He continued doing missions until night.

When he finished a few sparring sessions with Long Yuyin, they had another kind of session.


After another day of work and a night of pleasure, when Redsoul's lesson was over, he left for the nearest of the ten commanders of the Celestial Dragon Guards.

There were two thousand people guarding the lake.

They already heard about the trio from the Tiny World who already helped a lot of people in making breakthroughs.

So it was normal for them to be excited and to not doubt anything when he started laying the inscriptions patterns with everyone in the middle.

A few minutes later, Long Yan had all of them as new loyal underlings.

He stayed nearly two more hours to distribute them new cultivation techniques.

Thankfully he could use the soul seals to directly send the techniques in their minds, else it would've taken much more time.

After all, he wasn't like Xiao Yan who could use his pure soul force to send informations to anyone.

If he tried, they would feel immense pain and he would be exhausted due to their number.

All the while he was also helping the ones who were at the peak of the Heavenly Axis Realm to make a breakthrough.

They would of course have to pay 10 000 Spiritual Stones each since they weren't officially working for him.

It definitely wasn't because he became greedy and wanted as much resources as possible!

Since they didn't have any Spiritual Stones on them, they would have to go back to the institute to pay him.

He told the commander to keep the money of everyone and to pay him after his next lesson in three days.


By the end of the second day, he finally finished to convert all of the Celestial Dragon Guards as his.

Long Yan even managed to help five hundred to become Dao of Dragon experts.

He didn't mind not having any thrilling battle against them.

All he wanted was to live with Long Yuyin and to have some kids.

As he entered his house at night, he felt that some of the inscription patterns that he laid to prevent unwanted guests were shattered.

Spreading his senses, he felt another presence other than Long Yuyin in the training room.

Even if he didn't have a flawless cultivation technique like Xiao Yan, his cultivation technique was still compiled by the LoHP.

He could even sense a Stage-9 Martial Ancestor without the other noticing him, unless he also had the same kind of cultivation technique.

The intruder had a cultivation of Peak Stage-9 Dao of Dragon, and judging by her appearance, she was Long Yuyin's mother: Long Shuyun.

It was really easy to recognize her, she was basically a mature version of her daughter!

Long Yuyin was cultivating in the middle of the room while her mother was hiding in a corner, quietly observing her.

Long Yan thought, {She must've have followed her daughter here to see what she has been doing the nights she wasn't home…}

Once she heard Long Yan entering the room, Long Yuyin stopped cultivating to jump in his arms.

He didn't have the time to say anything before she started to kiss him passionately.

It was clear that she didn't know that her mother was watching her!