125 – A clone's life - 29 - Long Yan - 04

Long Shuyun was really shocked.

Yes, she heard that her daughter and Long Yan kissed in their class.

But she thought that it was just a peck and nothing serious.

Seeing them being so passionate, she knew that Long Yuyin has completely fallen in love and it was the same for him.

As they were still kissing, Long Yan thought, {From what I know of her from the story, she's an overprotective mother and she would do anything for the happiness of Yin'er. If we do it right now in front of her, she might think that I'm taking advantage of her daughter. Let's not forget that she stealthily followed her here and is currently hiding…}

When she finally had her fill, she hugged him and said, "I missed you so much"

He hugged her back and whispered some love words to reassure her.

Still, he quickly separated as he knew where this would go if they continued.

Long Yan proposed her to spar, and as he expected she immediately agreed.

She soon became serious and started refining her skills with his help.

They cultivated when they felt tired, then continued to spar, again and again.


{It seems that all these nights that she wasn't home she was just training here…}

At dawn, Long Shuyun finally revealed herself as she was sure they never did anything too naughty and never crossed the line.

Her daughter who was going to start another round was shocked, "Mother?!"

Long Yan also acted shocked, as if he didn't know she was here.

The mother smiled at her daughter and teasingly said, "Yin'er, I wanted to meet your boyfriend"

As Long Yuyin's face turned red, her mother turned to Long Yan, "I'm Long Shuyun, Long Yuyin's mother"

He was "enlightened" when he heard that, cupping his hands together and respectfully said, "I'm Long Yan. It's an honor to meet you"

She then asked, "I wanted to know, how do you feel about my daughter?"

Long Yan instantly understood what she wanted and sighed in his mind, {She just wants Yin'er to be happy, she scared me for nothing…}

He took his lover's hand in his, then seriously said, "Ma'am, I already asked Yin'er and she agreed to marry me. I would like you to give us your blessing"

Long Yuyin's face flushed red from embarrassment as she yelled, "Yan'er, stop spouting nonsense!"

Though she said that, she couldn't hide her smile and anxiously glance at her mother to see her reaction, hoping she would agree.

Her mother noticed it and knew she would have to accept it if she didn't want her daughter to hate her.

Long Shuyun thought a little, she already accepted their relationship, but she wanted to use this chance to force him in doing something for her.

Who would refuse such a son in law? He could make hundreds of Dao of Dragon experts!

Any family would beg to have someone like him to marry in their family, even the big three families!

Still, she couldn't say that.

She exhaled as she said, "Listen boy, I'm not against your relationship but I'm worried about the future of Yin'er. Since you don't have any background in the Draconic Ruins Realm, the only way for me to accept your engagement is for you to help Yin'er in becoming the leader of our Dragonseal Family. That way I won't have to worry about her future anymore"

Long Yan instantly understood what she wanted, {That's right, she always wanted Yin'er to fight for the leader position in the Dragonseal Family but she never agreed. Well, that was already my plan anyway…}

He agreed, "Okay!", and then continued, "I swear that I'll forever take care of Yin'er"

That was too much for Long Yuyin, she started to cry from happiness and hugged him tightly, "I love you Yan'er, I love you so much…"

Long Yan also whispered to her ears, "I love you too Yin'er, I won't be able to live without you…"

The two continued to whispered love words to each other, as if they were in their own little world, not caring about anything else.

Ten minutes later, Long Shuyun finally couldn't take it anymore and coughed to remember those two of her presence.

Long Yuyin finally let go of her lover and hugged her mother, "Thank you mother! I'll beat Long Tianming so that you won't have to worry about us!"

She wouldn't have been able to say that before.

But since she started cultivating the cultivation technique her lover gave her three days ago, she could tell that reaching the Martial Ancestor Realm wouldn't be a problem.

Adding to that the way he was also teaching her how to fight, she knew it was just a question of time before she could beat Long Tianming.

Long Yan didn't say that the bastard already lost, it would be a surprise.

He really wanted to see his face when he learned that his fifty thousand underlings were not his anymore.

Her mother didn't know how to think.

On one side she was happy that her daughter finally accepted to fight Long Tianming to become the Matriarch of the Family.

But on the other side she was a little disappointed that it was for her man and not for herself.

Making up her mind, she left as she said, "Alright! I'll arrange everything and the wedding will be held in one month!"

Long Yuyin blushed as she heard that.

Still, she didn't mind. She even looked forward to it.

As they couldn't sense her anymore, they looked at each other.

They seemed to be thinking about the same thing, {There's still enough time to celebrate our engagement, right?}

Soon, they were both kissing each other passionately, caressing and taking their clothes off at the same time.


While they were cuddling on the bed to enjoy the afterglow, Long Yuyin said, "Yan'er, I don't mind you having other women as long as you love me"

First surprised, he then nodded and started to get in the mood for another round before the class started.

There was no need to fear that it was a test, she was not the kind to scheme and would openly say her thoughts.