132 – A clone's life - 34 - Long Yan - 05

Their lesson over, Long Yuyin kissed Long Yan and said, "I'll start contacting the subordinates of my father, they will come once they learned that I'll fight for the leader position of the Dragonseal Family. I'll see you in three days"


One of the ten commanders of the Celestial Dragon Guards was waiting for him in front of his house.

He gave Long Yan a storage ring with five million Spiritual Stones, from the other underlings who made a breakthrough to the Dao of Dragon Realm.

Long Yan went proposing to all of his underlings the deal he just got from Xiao Yan.

He decided to take only ten percent of benefits from the trade.

One of the commanders would gather the Spiritual Stones from everyone and take their orders do deliver him just before Redsoul's next lesson.

Then he continued doing the missions of the cultivation hall until the third night.

He had decided to rest a little but he once again notice some of his house's inscription patterns being shattered.

Apparently, Long Shuyun was waiting for him in his bedroom.

Once he came in, she directly said, "Boy, I can see that you love Yin'er and she also loves you, so I won't separate you two. But let me warn you, if you ever dare to betray my Yin'er, I'll slowly torture you until you beg me to kill you. And don't talk to me about the sect's rules, I only care about my daughter's happiness"

He just chuckled at that and said, "There's no need for that Ma'am, I sincerely love her"

She nodded, "Good! I came here because I don't want my daughter's first time to be like mine. I don't want you to be an awkward virgin at your wedding night. I'll teach you how to please a woman. I don't need to tell you to forever keep your mouth shut about it right?"

He thought a little, {She just told me to not betray Yin'er, then she tells me to sleep with her? Is it a test? No… knowing her overprotective nature, I think that she really meant what she said…}

Long Yan tried his hardest to put on a straight face as he said, "I understand"

"Alright. Now, think of me as Yin'er and do what you would do to her at your wedding night"

And so he did.

He went all out and made it as though he only needed more experience to last longer.

By the look of satisfaction she had on her face when they finished, he understood that she was also happy to be the one training him.


During their night, Long Yan discovered that she had some internal injuries preventing her from having other children.

{That must be why she's so caring with Yin'er. To her, she's the only child she would ever have. The lost of her husband strengthened her motherly feelings even more}

Without her knowing, he started curing her during their trainings.

When he left his house, one of the commanders gave him a storage ring with tens of million Spiritual Stones and told him the amount of each product needed in exchange.

With his profits, Long Yan only bought Gold Spiritual Stone Essences.

Before the class, Long Yuyin happily jumped in his arms and told him what she did the previous days.

She created the "Profound Note League" and already had hundreds of members, dozens of whom were in the Heavenly Axis Realm.

A lot of elders of the Dragonseal Family also voiced their support to her.

He patted her head and said, "I'm proud of you", making her all bashful.

After the class, he gave a storage ring containing all of what his underlings bought to the commander who was still waiting.

Then, he had some fun with his fiancee for a few hours before she left to manage her new force.

He gave her a Gold Spiritual Stone Essence and told her to absolutely not step into the Dao of Dragon Realm.

When she left, he cultivated until Long Shuyun came for his night training.

Since he had an increase of cultivation, she was feeling even more pleasure than last night.


Two weeks later, Long Yan was a Stage-3 Martial Ancestor, enough to move within the sect without the old Martial Ancestors noticing.

He went looking for Long Tianming who was in closed door cultivation and knocked him out.

After putting a soul seal on him, Long Yan asked, "Who are the traitors within the Divine Feathers Sect?"

As he latter started listing the spies of the Demon God Sect, Long Yan became increasingly shocked.

There were dozens of elders, and they were not only from the Dragonseal family!

He quickly used the rest of the day to convert all of the traitors and their underlings.

In the end, this added another fifty thousand underlings.

He gave them new cultivation techniques and appointed Long Tianming as his right-hand.

Then, he told all of his underlings to stop bullying others and extended his previous deal to the new recruits.


The night before his wedding, Long Yan didn't stop his training with Long Shuyun until daybreak.

As they were both on the bed, enjoying the afterglow, she weakly said, "I think… that you are ready"

He caressed her cheek and said, "Before sleeping with you, Yin'er already gave me her consent to have other women. I told her about us and she doesn't mind. In fact, she would be happy to always be with the both of us"

She was too shocked that her daughter knew that she slept with her fiance to say anything.

Long Yan continued, "I swear that I'll forever take care of you too. With you and Yin'er, I would never need any other women"

Long Shuyun snorted, "How can you take care of me? I'm not a little girl you can bluff with words"

He released his cultivation, showing her that he was at least a Stage-5 Martial Ancestor.

While she had her eyes wide open, he started to kiss her passionately.

After a few minutes, he added, "Yun'er, I'm in love with you. Can you share me with Yin'er and live happily with just the three of us?

At that, she started to cry from happiness, but tried to act tough and she said between her sobs, "Don't you dare… to ever… forget… those words…"

She knew that she has already fallen for him and planned to bury her feelings for the sake of Long Yuyin.

If she could truly live with them, then she didn't mind giving it a try.


At his wedding, he made Long Tianming announce that he has taken Long Yan as a master and would support Long Yuyin to become the Matriarch, shocking everyone.

A few days later, the mother-daughter duo were both pregnant.