133 – Supreme Puppet Master’s Stone

Concerning their life in the institute, Xiao Yan, Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun only came for Redsoul's lessons and for trading with his clones, Gu Bei or Li Xingyun.

They also attended to four weddings.

Huang Yan married to Li Feifei, Huang Ying and Yi Yun at the same time.

Long Yan married to Long Yuyin, Ying Yan to Ying Yueru and Gu Yan to Gu Lan.

Only Long Yan and Long Yuyin had a somewhat grand wedding.

The others did it with only their friends and their close family.

Still, they didn't hide it and everyone in the sect learned of the marriages.

It was quite a surprise to find that Huang Ying, Li Feifei, Yi Yun, Ying Yueru, Long Yuyin, Long Shuyun and Gu Lan all became pregnant around the same time.


Most of Xiao Yan's friends were now at the peak of 9-Axis Heavenly Axis and he already gave them all a Mutated God Level Growth Rate demon spirit with Ancient Bloodline suitable to their attribute to integrate with.

The exceptions were Gu Yan, Gu Lan, Long Yan and Huang Yan, who were at the peak of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Wang Yan, Wang Yi, Yun Yang, Yun Ling, Ying Yan and Ying Yueru were exploring the outside world and rarely came back to the sect.

It was now time for the Yearly Assemble of the six major sects.

Normally, just the Heavenly Note Sect and the Skyblaze Sect would come.

But the recent growth of the Divine Feathers Sect made the other three sects not willing to offend them anymore.

They also wanted to meet those people from the Tiny World to ask for a visit and help them in having thousands of Dao of Dragon Realm Experts as well.

To their dismay, the three they wanted to meet didn't come to the gathering.

The group who just entered were comprised of Xiao Yan, Xiao Ning'er, Ye Ziyun, Duan Jian, Du Ze, Lu Piao, Xiao Xue, Wei Nan, Zhu Xiangjun and Zhang Ming from the Tiny World.

Accompanying them were Li Xingyun and Gu Bei.

Long Yan, Gu Yan and Huang Yan preferred to spend time with their pregnant wives instead of talking to these strangers.

If they were trustworthy, the other clones in their own sect would've already helped them.


His clones were the first ones to come greeting Xiao Yan and his friends.

Just like with his clones within the Divine Feathers Sect, he gave each of them a storage ring containing one hundred thousand God Level Growth Rate demon spirits with Ancient Bloodline and one hundred Gold Spiritual Stone Essences.

He also proposed them the same deal as the others concerning Heavenly Note Dews, Spiritual Stone Essences and Gold Spiritual Stone Essences.

Xiao Yan understood that they didn't help anyone to breakthrough because they weren't strong enough to defend themselves in case someone tried to abuse of his power.

With this they should reach Stage-3 Martial Ancestor, enough to protect themselves.

He gave the ambassadors the demon spirits he promised back in the Tiny World.

That reminded him that he forgot Ming Fei, so he would soon find the latter thanks to his Nether Law.

Yan Yang of the Skyblaze Sect and Mingyue Wushuang of the Heavenly Note Sect came to respectfully present themselves, asking for a meeting with either Gu Yan, Huang Yan or Long Yan.

Since they were good people, he gave them a cultivation technique compiled by the LoHP and a powerful demon spirit, warning them to absolutely not step into the Deity Rank if they didn't want the experts of the Ancestral Demonic Saint Land annihilating their sect.

Concerning their meeting with the other three, Xiao Yan said that he would send someone else with the same medical skills to their sects, they just need to tell all of their peak Heavenly Axis Realm experts to issue the mission for helping them.

His clones would need to do the missions if they wanted to have enough resources to rapidly reach the peak of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Since the representatives of the other three sects didn't bother to present themselves, Xiao Yan didn't give them anything.


Gu Bei bought more than half of items from the auction.

They already planned on how to deal with Gu Heng.

The first step was to make people know that he was very rich.

And he really was. Earlier, Xiao Yan gave him one hundred million Spiritual Stones.

Since Xiao Yan already had the Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting, the final item changed to another treasure.

It was a stone with some kind of powerful aura surrounding it.

According to the LoHP, the stone was named "Supreme Puppet Master's Stone"

If fused with someone, he would be able to make ten clones of himself and fully control another one's body as his own.

Each clone had ten percent of the host's cultivation.

The host and the eleven other bodies would also be able to teleport to each other's location.

{The teleportation is pretty useless to me, but having weaker bodies than mine…}

Xiao Yan's eyes sparkled, wouldn't he be able to have much more fun if he had that stone?

To make people gossip even more about Gu Bei, he told him to directly bid one million Spiritual Stones.

This shocked the people who weren't at his table, such wealth were normally only held by the top-powers within the sects!

Some people thought that it was Hierarch Gu Lan who gave him so much money, and they felt jealous of him for having such a generous sister.

Nobody in the chamber could outbid him, so the treasure ended without surprise in Xiao Yan's hands.

The others thought that Gu Bei knew the secrets of the artifact for bidding that much in one go.

But since his sister was a Martial Ancestor, they didn't dare to have any thoughts on asking for answers.

Nothing special happened after that and the banquet ended in peace.

Gu Bei excitedly went back home.

Tomorrow he would humiliate Gu Heng in front of everyone!

He would finally start to take revenge for what that bastard did to his sister.

Gu Yan already took care of Gu Yu, now it was his turn to finish the job.